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Feb 16, 2010
Diagnosed 1966 with Crohns after 5 years of Doctors telling me it was all in my head, psychosomatic, stress related. Taught high school for 7 years while on tranquilizers and while going to the bathroom 25-40 times a day ,always exhausted (but you already knew that). Thought I was dying from cancer as revealed to me by commanding officer at induction physical for the Armed services. Diagnosis finally came after being hospitalized for having intestines(perforate) fall apart, 106 fever, last rights. Regimen of Azulfidine, Prednisone. Prednisone for 30 years. Doctors tried to get me off prednisone in one month, after 30 years of use, severe depression, almost committed suicide. Re-sectioned twice 21 yrs of age, & 53 yrs of age. Rectal Abscess for 15 years, plenty of embarrassing moments and days, pain, pus, seepage and blood. 12 separate operations to repair and try to close abscess, no luck. Remicade miracle. (I'll fill you in on this drug in a separate post). Passed 84 kidney stones related to the disease, 1 removed by surgery. Looking for bathrooms forever. Gas, discomfort accompanied me all the time. Sleep became my close friend. Reaction to foods lifelong battle, but what foods? (Another Post). Interest in nutrition, natural remedies fostered by my mother, who had her own medical problems. Perceived pattern of culprit foods(This is key and I'll return to it in another post) but better than that found formula that brings me relief and comfort most of the time and has immensely improved everyday coping. Not bitter, but rather hopeful and very sympathetic to others going through this , particularly young people. God has been good and blessed me abundantly. I want to help you , I can help you.:)
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:welcome: TCapp....Remicade rocks in my opinion!! Are you still on it?....I am glad you are hopeful and optimistic.
:welcome: Welcome TCapp , What an amazing story, All you have been through I'm lost for words. I''m looking forward to the rest. I don't know how you could have done it without Gods help. What is this formula ? Glad to here things are going better now for you.
Welcome to the forum. :)

It sounds like you have been through a lot but are staying strong. Looking forward to your future posts.
Hi TCapp
Gosh wot a story, poor you
I too am very intrigued!
1966? I thought us crohnies were new? lol

shazamataz said:
Welcome to the forum. You've had quite a ride!
We've all had quiet a ride. And yes I do agree Farting is good particularly when it's accompanied by "Ah!!! that's better" and thank you Lord".

imisspopcorn said:
:welcome: TCapp....Remicade rocks in my opinion!! Are you still on it?....I am glad you are hopeful and optimistic.
I'm not on it. It had only one purpose for me and that was enough. I'll be glad to answer any questions and hope the answers bring you comfort and useful information. What's your story? Try and be hopeful yourself. Without being able to laugh and have some joy would mean Crohn's has won. You can and should live a long and relatively comfortable life. :ylol2: I'm hoping that I will be able to share with you some stuff that will bring you greater freedom and lessen anxiety. I feel bad for you and I don't even know you, yet I know you well enough.
[. What's your story? Try and be hopeful yourself. Without being able to laugh and have some joy would mean Crohn's has won. You can and should live a long and relatively comfortable life. :ylol2: I'm hoping that I will be able to share with you some stuff that will bring you greater freedom and lessen anxiety. I feel bad for you and I don't even know you, yet I know you well enough.[/QUOTE]

Who is B U ?
TCapp said:
I'm not on it. It had only one purpose for me and that was enough. I'll be glad to answer any questions and hope the answers bring you comfort and useful information. What's your story? Try and be hopeful yourself. Without being able to laugh and have some joy would mean Crohn's has won. You can and should live a long and relatively comfortable life. :ylol2: I'm hoping that I will be able to share with you some stuff that will bring you greater freedom and lessen anxiety. I feel bad for you and I don't even know you, yet I know you well enough.

I have no anxiety....About living with Crohn's or dying from Crohn's. I have plenty of joy too.
imisspopcorn said:
I have no anxiety....About living with Crohn's or dying from Crohn's. I have plenty of joy too.

I'm relieved to hear that. Still offer help if you want it.
:ybatty: This is a wierd thread, I'm a bit confussed Not sure who BU is and it feels like info is being dangled, like I have info ,do you want it and than yes and than no info. is it me or am I reading into something wrong.
Hmm, yes...I got a funny vibe as well, lol. Either that, or english is a second language??
hi Tcapp and welcome to our forum :) i'm glad you found us, and i hope you will stick around, share your experiences, and learn from our wonderful community too.

just to clarify a couple of points raised in this thread, the b.u. issue - this is indeed part of the code for bold and underline, sometimes in error the whole code isn't complete and the effect chosen doesn't appear, just part of the coding. (goes back to DOS days when we had to manually type Ctrl B etc..)

Tcapp appears to be a genuine Crohn's sufferer, not a spammer, so please welcome him as such... he has a lot of experience and years behind him - and therefore deserves our respect and welcome. thanks.
:welcome: TCapp...well your story sure has been inspiring so far, with lots of trials and tribulations....what is this formula you talk of? you certainly have overcome alot with your faith and other remedies....

...its intersting to see what works for different people... and the fact that the majority of people on this forum have accepted their disease and remain positive and supportive to others.

be good to hear your input x
Erazer said:
Who is B U ?

I think B U is the code for : bold and underlined.....he he he ....

Actually "Raptured Ileum" BU stands for have a good time at my expense. I don't mind being the "BUTT" ,no pun intended, of your innocuous jokes. I will continue to post in my style and hope that I am able to help as many as is possible. I don't profess to know it all but I have 44 years of experience. My research on Crohns is based on basic physiology , translation= means it applies to all Human Beings. So while we are certainly different in our disease stage and reaction to meds we are NOT different in our Basic Physiological Makeup. My suggestions will be just that ,suggestions. You can do with them what you wish. But please understand that I genuinely wish to help. I read many posts and brief histories and it saddens me to find so much suffering. This forum recalls when things were really bad for me and I had much the same feeling that many of you are experiencing. A couple of treads seem to be fairly common in many stories, 1. You don't trust your doctor 2. And others act as though your doctors are some kind of gods. 3. Most don't seem to know a great deal about the diseases that are robbing them of life. 4. Many don't know they should be in control, not their doctor, and certainly not their disease.

Finally you are correct "B U" is HTML for "BOLD" and "UNDERLINED" HE HE
Tcapp.... please calm down. Erazer was just kidding.

A lot of us learned that we needed to loosen up around here. It calms the nerves and is better for our stress levels. And, of course, that is better for Crohn's, as I'm sure you know.

Please try not to take anything around here personally. No one is trying to put you down.
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pain in the butt said:
:ybatty: This is a wierd thread, I'm a bit confussed Not sure who BU is and it feels like info is being dangled, like I have info ,do you want it and than yes and than no info. is it me or am I reading into something wrong.

Not only are you reading into something wrong but you can't write either.Wierd is a graphical, stack-based esoteric programming language. Weird ,the correct spelling, means Strange , seemingly out of the ordinary. It's Then , not Than . Confused has one "s" and what's with the suspicion? Are we feeling threatened or insecure? Can't we all just get along? HE HE
Hey TCapp....I think we kinda got sidetracked for some reason? Maybe it is your writing style or something, I don't know. Periodically we get people that come on and in their first few posts they will promise information for a "cure" to Crohn's (which we all know there isn't) or something else - that ends up being a spammer. I'm not sure if this was something people thought they were picking up in your writing or what as your style is just a bit different, that's all.

Hopefully everyone can pull it back together and be more cordial? IDK - just a suggestion.....
Whoa slow ya roll matey

not gonna make any friends that way

I think everyone needs jus back up a tad an start ova again
I guess tcapp is feelin like ppl are attacking him etc
bur also not a good idea too hav a go at peoples spelling either as were all guilty
someone may attack you on ya grammer etc then things jus get childish

so I say welcome an in ya own Time feel free too diverse in your knowledge
Tcapp, we've had so many people join here purely to promote something or other, if you read the Welcome Spammers threads you'll see just a small percentage of what i'm talking about... sometimes they seem to have a similar style of posting, and i guess our members here are simply wondering if you were going to suddenly bring advertising for some wonder product into your posts.

however, sharing your experiences and your findings regarding something which has helped your symptoms is a completely different ball game, and we welcome that.

can i just say that a lot of us here type quickly, some of us don't always spell check nor read back to check grammer... and that's ok. we don't mind - we'd rather have people feeling comfortable than having to concentrate on their typing.

so.... peace, please :)
:sorry: :oops: :bigwave: :bigwave: :bigwave: First of all I would like to THANK Peaches,Popcorn, Shazamataz, Jettalady,Pirate, Fog Duker,Nyx,Ashley, Tamesis,Lishyloo,Rob,Farm,Samantha,Fenway1971,Sue,Lilninja,Mountaingem,Hana,Becky,Tan, Vshirey,Raw,Crohnhobo,pb4, My december, Erazer,Kenny,Dingbat,RachLG,Astra101, KIwiJo,gibby, Santos ,OH Brother I know I forgot someone . Just wanted to make it personal because I'm so greatful for all my answers I received with all my threads I've posted. Sorry If I forgot someone and I know I did :) Anyhow Thank you all for the help and support . I will be forever greatful. And I will keep you all in my Prayers! I am also greatful for not being judged! and you guys keep up the awesome work and support with each other.I quess I'm not cut out for all this and its a bit stressful, I never did do well with certain kind of people. Not you guys.Hopefully the admin. can fix all my threads I think I was able to delete them all still trying, Just a bit embarrassing NOW for what I shared! Sorry Sorry and thank you all from the bottom of my heart! P.S. Think I need to go back to school :)
Erazer said:
You are most welcome! Do not feel you need to delete your posts!! Why!!! You have not written anything that you should be ashamed of! That is not what this forum is about...........there is NO shame here........maybe a twinge of guilt now and then....but so what!!

You are going thru such a hard is only natural that you are going to very emotional!!

IT"S ALL GOOD far as I am concerned! oxoxoxoxo

Pain, just wanted to let you know I really appreciate your posts and I really would hate to see you delete them.
I second everything Erazer says-there's no room for judging each other. All of us just need support-that's what makes this a great place to be.

This is a support network,not a spelling test-so everybody,type what you want, how you want, just be yourself! Don't be stressed Sweetie!:)
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this thread is now closed for posting, and will be deleted in 24 hours.

despite reminders in staff announcements that we expect to see harmony and good nature on the board, and numerous requests for members to pm us if they see a post they don't feel is appropriate, here again we have a negative thread building up....

Pain in the Butt.. i am sending you a private message.
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