CRP count while flaring?

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Dec 14, 2011
I've been having some symptoms recently that include being VERY tired pretty much constantly, abdominal pain (predominantly upper; as opposed to lower, where I usually have my problems) and having BM's a bit more often (3-4 times a day on a bad day, so nothing TOO drastic for now). This led me to believe that I may be having a bit of a flare, however my most recent blood results apparently show my CRPs to lie within the normal range. The symptoms I'm experiencing obviously feel similar to Crohn's but there are a few differences that are putting doubts in my mind, mainly the sudden onset (one week I felt fine, the next I felt bad, this was around 4 or 5 weeks ago) and I feel TOO tired compared to the other symptoms I'm experiencing, and also that I seem to be predominantly getting upper abdominal pain.

I'm also being tested for H. pylori which I don't know much about, but read that apparently it can cause symptoms similar to Crohns?

So long post short, my main 2 questions are:

1. Is it possible to be flaring but still have a normal CRP count?
2. Can H. Pylori cause Crohn's like symptoms, anyone have any personal experience here?

For some people the CRP doesn't quite show what's happening and you can have a low to normal CRP during a flare. What you could do is request to have the Fecal Calprotectin test done (fecal test for inflammation in the intestines). I'd also test all of your vitamin levels to try and see if the fatigue is related to being low or deficient in one or more (like B12, Iron, vit D, C, magnesium, potassium etc).

H. pylori is an infection in your stomach from Helicobacter pylori bacteria. It tends to cause stomach ulcers (peptic ulcers). Here's the list of symptoms: If you test positive then they can treat it with antibiotics. Yes the symptoms are very similar to Crohn's but keep in mind that your symptoms may be from Crohn's as many people with H. Pylori don't have any symptoms. So even if you test positive for H. Pylori and you're treated but your symptoms don't go away, it may be a Crohn's flare.
it is definately possible to have normal blood tests during a mild flare, this happened to me very often.
Also the disease could be at a different spot now than experienced before. I once had a flare of Crohn's in the terminal ileon and symptoms were different then when I usually have a flare in the colon.
It is possible to have a flare without elevated CRP. For some reason, however, GIs don't seem to realize this. And MRI might be helpful to see if there is any blatantly obvious inflammation.
During my last flare my CRP was around 2mg/L. That's the only time i've ever had my levels checked and it was the week before a colonscopy. My disease was definitely active at the time even with CRP levels that low.
The highest my CRP ever got was 12 when I first got diagnosed. Ever since then it's been 4 even though I have been in a continuous flare.
Really isn't an effective measure. I was in a severe flare and hospitalised. . Crp was 26. Colonoscopy was the inly true measure of what was going on.
So glad to hear that as I've just had a flare.was recently told my crohns has returned in the area by my uterus and diaphragm was started on Inflixamab which worked for 2months until last week I had a real ache (not a pain ) in upper part of tummy and back my gi said this is not Crohn's as it's not a cramping pain and also because I responded to Inflixamab I couldn't have a flare so soon. He's taken blood and started me on prednisone again even tho he's said my crohns will be normal???I believe it is my crohns but I may get my gallbladder checked out along with some other bits as this has worried me. I'm confused :(

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