Curse the Immunomodulation

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oh great!!

how do you catch it?
it BETTER not be by eating bacon! i need my fix, i might go into withdrawal
By staying away from Pirates who shout "Yee Blithering Son of a Swine!!"


Help me oh all-knowing government...what color is it today???!!! :(

Its already jumped from 11 people yesterday in the US, to now at 20 reported, and it's not the "feeble-bodied" like the elderly and infants, it's college students and all, so it's obviously a potent SOB....and it's been found in NY as well as CA, so it's completely covered the territory here....3000 miles of flu-infestation....I'm not sure what my 250 mg of Immuran and post pred body will do if encountered...


edit, from Yahoo just now:
The new virus is called a swine flu, though it contains genetic segments from humans and birds viruses as well as from pigs from North America, Europe and Asia. Health officials had seen combinations of bird, pig and human virus before — but never such an intercontinental mix, including more than one pig virus.

More disturbing, this virus seems to spread among people more easily than past swine flus that have sometimes jumped from pigs to people.

if you thought you just read about dangerous jumping pigs, you read too fast like I did...
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Sorry just had to put that out there. Don't stop eating bacon. Pigs will be sad.

This germ looks like a nasty SOB but I really wouldn't worry about it. I know we all have to be careful with our immunosuppresed bodies but just don't go to mexico or hang around school kids and you should be fine I would think.
i guess i should be safe. im holed up here in my house, no contact with other kids my age, not taking any immunosuppresants, eating bacon. FACT
drew_wymore said:
just don't go to mexico or hang around school kids and you should be fine I would think.

There's an awesome joke here but I'm not sure it'd translate well online via text.

I see the Irish Government has asked people not to travel to Mexico.
A couple on the front page of the paper said they coudn't fly out today for their Honeymoon.

I think 2 people in Scotland have contacted it over the weekend.
this was what I was wondering - If I should be extra careful. I have two school age sons, so I have to be around children. I told my husband if the kids or me get sick he's moving to a friend's house so he won't catch it (and miss work.)
From what I heard, not many people are actually dying from it. I could be wrong though, I've only been following the story in passing. But I mean, if there's gonna be a pandemic or something, it could be worse things, right?

I've been reading The Stand though. Captain Trips. :eek2: But seriously, now that I'm thinking about it, it almost does sound man-made. Since when do bird flus, pig flus, and human flus get together and have parties? <_<
As I understand it, all flu (or maybe most flu) comes from birds to pigs (or similar animals) to humans. That's why we have so many forms of "asian flu", or flu coming from that part of the world. Chinese farmers, for example, often keep ducks and pigs (and themselves) in fairly close proximity. All the viruses get mixed together and mutate, and sometimes they cross the species barrier.
I'm not so focused on the death toll yet (although it's present in Mexico, where it's more severe)...but more on how it would react to a body with 250 mg of Imuran and only off Prednisone for 24 hours (finally tapered)...I'm not your standard statistical victim should this flu take hold in my body.
yeah bens, i feel like that would be pretty scary.
slightly realtive to that--has anyone else noticed that their crohns gets worse when they get sick as in a cold, flu, etc.? im pretty sure it does for me. i thought about it and maybe because as the immune system is heightend to fight the virus, its attacks on the intestines are also heightened??........(assuming that the current theory on the cause of intestinal inflammation is correct)
the thing that makes me think of it is that is that as bens pointed out the immunosppresants make us more susceptible, but also in my opinion the toll that the virus itself takes on the immune system can send us into a flare.
we have a double whammy when it comes to germs and what not
Oddly enough, I tend to skip flu while all my family and colleagues at work get hit all the time.

150mg of Azathioprine and 20mg pred at. We've had a suspected case 30 mins down the road. Turned out to be 'Just flu'.
From what I've read is that it is a mix of swine flu + avian flu and it's bounced to humans now. It's something that's brand new and hasn't been seen before. Tamiflu supposedly is effective against it though if you're treated within 48 hours. It's the same strain in the US as it is in Mexico but it's not hitting the folks in the US as severely, I can only assume maybe because we have better access to healthcare then those in Mexico?
drew_wymore said:
From what I've read is that it is a mix of swine flu + avian flu and it's bounced to humans now. It's something that's brand new and hasn't been seen before. Tamiflu supposedly is effective against it though if you're treated within 48 hours. It's the same strain in the US as it is in Mexico but it's not hitting the folks in the US as severely, I can only assume maybe because we have better access to healthcare then those in Mexico?
No avian part to it. It's pure piggy/human (H1N1)

BBC said:
The strain of bird flu which has caused scores of human deaths in South East Asia in recent years is a different strain to that responsible for the current outbreak of swine flu.
The latest form of swine flu is a new type of the H1N1 strain, while bird, or avian flu, is H5N1.
Experts fear H5N1 hold the potential to trigger a pandemic because of its ability to mutate rapidly.
However, up until now it has remained very much a disease of birds.
Those humans who have been infected have, without exception, worked closely with birds, and cases of human-to-human transmission are extremely rare - there is no suggestion that H5N1 has gained the ability to pass easily from person to person.
BWS1982 said:
I'm not so focused on the death toll yet (although it's present in Mexico, where it's more severe)...but more on how it would react to a body with 250 mg of Imuran and only off Prednisone for 24 hours (finally tapered)...I'm not your standard statistical victim should this flu take hold in my body.

I'm hear you. I also just got off pred and I'm going to be starting Cimzia soon. Hopefully we'll get lucky though. I wish there was some kind of karmic balance. Here we are, all suffering already. We don't need swine flu on top of it.

slightly realtive to that--has anyone else noticed that their crohns gets worse when they get sick as in a cold, flu, etc.?

Yes. Every time I get even the littlest thing, I hear it from my intestines. What you said about the double whammy thing is the truth, in my experience.
I have it on the authority of an immunology professor: if your immune system is depressed (like from prednisone) you actually have a GREATER chance of surviving a flu if you happen to catch it. something about how the flu causes an immune response... but it won't be as bad if your immune system doesn't do a great job at responding to diseases in the first place. the whole reason people die of the flu is because the immune response to the virus overloads their body. people basically drown in their own mucous. but if your immune system doesn't fight off disease because of the drugs you're on, you won't have such a strong immune reaction to the virus, and therefore won't be as ill.

this is not a free ticket to go snuggle with piggies, but hopefully is a little bit reassuring.
whoa seriously??
that is so upside down from how ive always thought.

but wait, being immunosuppresed still increases our chance of CATCHING the virus right? it just decreases our chance of dying from it?

wow thats messed up. (thats an office space wuote btw :D)
I was under the impression immuran suppressed the immune system different than prednisone, but it was still "suppressed", maybe I'm not remembering right.

Kello asks a good question, is there relation between disease resistance in terms of catching it, and dying from it?
Of course, there's also that theory that Crohn's actually means your immune system is TOO active, which would mean we'd be even more screwed by this flu.

Can't be too sure about anything with Crohn's!
4 suspected cases here in Ireland today, probably just FLU though, hopefully.

I'm the same as you Creepy, everyone else get colds and flu's, but I seem to be immune to them. Weird.
What I read/heard

"The H1N1 swine flu virus has already been identified as a new virus, with genes from human and avian flus as well as the swine variety. And since it is apparently causing large-scale outbreaks in Mexico, along with separate confirmed cases in the U.S. and Canada and suspected cases in other countries, it would seem that we've already met the criteria for phase 4. But though an emergency committee met on April 25 to evaluate the situation, the WHO hasn't made the pandemic declaration yet. Keiji Fukuda, the WHO's interim assistant director-general for health, security and environment, said on Sunday that its experts "would like a little bit more information and a little bit more time to consider this." The committee is set to meet again by April 28 at the latest."
I was listening to CNN tonight and they asked the question "what causes death from swine flu?" and Dr Mehmet Oz responded that it's not the virus itself but our bodies immune response to it. As has been pointed out earlier you basically end up drowning from fluid build up in the lungs, quite like what can happen with pneumonia.
LMAO Danman.
I wish it said "but we still love to eat your bacon" in small print at the bottom.

My husband is all freaking out cuz my inlaws just got back from Cancun. I told him that SO many people die from the flu each year. Not sure how different this strain is though. I read that it isn't new. There were 12 USA cases between 2005 and now without any deaths, and 200 cases in 1976 with one death.

I guess now that we are looking for it, if we get flu symptoms we would be sooner to call the doctor rather than just sit around and wait for it to go away.

I remember the big freakout 4 years ago when there wasn't enough flu vaccine to go around, and we waited in line outside the health department for a few hours to get my son vaccinated. I can imagine if this gets bad we would run out of Tamiflu or whatever else they suggest.

I also remember the big panic about West Nile Virus. I think people just panic when they hear something "new".

Of course, one level below pandemic must mean SOMEthing...
I also remember the big panic about West Nile Virus. I think people just panic when they hear something "new".

This is true. There's always something that people are panicking about. Remember the SARS and MRSA scares too? Also, I remember lots of talk about preparing for an Avian flu pandemic. I guess they forgot to think about the piggy flu though. =X
That's not exactly what I've been reading, they said they've seen pig flu, bird flu, and human flu strains, but this current "combination" is unprecedented, at least that's what the articles I've seen are stating.
This is quite possibly the sickest thing I've heard in a while (yes, animal lover and proud of it):

....after Egypt began slaughtering thousands of pigs in a misguided effort to prevent swine flu.............even though experts said swine flu is not linked to pigs and not spread by eating pork.

I can't even think straight, the ignorance and pretentious mindset required for such a heinous and useless act pisses me off beyond any further words!!
crisis makes people do really stupid things.

there are now 6 confirmed cases in WA. must go buy surgical mask...
I've heard a lot about this lately, who hasn't, duh!
As far as I know there is only one fatality in the USA, a 22 or 23 month old in Texas.
It has to be terrible if your lungs fill up like pneumonia, though.
There have been more than 50 cases in New York...better get out the hand sanitizer MBH!!!
ah i guess i should too! my next appt is on may 8th.
medical establishments in the city are probably not the coolest place to be right now.....
I know, I went in for my CBC blood draw at the ambutul yesterday, and I actually heard my E. Coli shout out to the Swine Virus "Get in Line" when I touched the counter.
BWS1982 said:
I know, I went in for my CBC blood draw at the ambutul yesterday, and I actually heard my E. Coli shout out to the Swine Virus "Get in Line" when I touched the counter.

:ylol2: :ylol2:
bens i read that seriously 8 times and i dont understand.
"my e coli?" why is it yours?

unh. i hate it when i dont get ittttt.....
It was a weirdo remark about my intestinal flora and pathogens having a dominance in my body already, and the Swine virus was attempting to infect me (as I touched the counter) know when you hear those jokes in situations where "everyone wants a piece" if someone has a hit out on someone, but there's already 3 people trying to kill them as well in an action movie, they tell the new assassin "You want my head, get in line!" in movies, etc.... Thank you, now it's even cheesier Kelly. :tongue:

HAHA lmao!! well yeah that was my goal. i just wanted to make it even cheesier. yup. that was all. mhmm. yeppp.
There have been confirmed cases of swine flu in my school district. New rule - anyone with a fever can't return for 7 days. The kindergarten teacher is about to miss her kids "graduating" cuz she had a one day fever. The nurse made one teacher wear a surgical mask all day, yet she didn't get sent home.
Is this silly, or no?
Anybody else having issues in their area?
I'm secretly hoping for a 1 day fever, I only have 7 more days until summer vacay!!