Cynical and Dark

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 15, 2011
Hello Fellow Crohn's Survivors

My name is Lisa. I'm 37 years old, I have two sons, one is 18 and the other is 15. They are my world. My partner, I met almost two years ago and has been the most supportive human being in my life. I live in the boonies with my amazing boys and chocolate lab that pesters the heck out of me. Why? Because I'm sicker than I have ever been in the last 7 years.

My last ostomy surgery was in 2005. After having a reversal done I ended up with a recto=vaginal fistulae. This compromised the j=pouch and had to have yet another stoma for the j=pouch to heal. After one year, I was taken down again and given an ileostomy on the left side. This is my 4th stoma.

The last 6 years have been testy, on and off with pain. I have limitations on what I can eat, but now, I can't eat anything without getting great distention and cramps. I normally have diarhea but it's been greatly increased the last month and half and I've lost nearly 20 lbs in the last month as well. I am scheduled to see my colorectal surgeon on the 22nd in MOntreal. I can't wait at this point.
Ever go in the hospital in cruciating pain and get told to go home with a shot of demerol and there isn't anything they can do?
THis has been my situation the last 4 years chronically. Enough is enough I see my colorectal surgeon. That is, before I wither away or I eat my arm.

Now, I've had a hysterectomy when I was 24. The gyne left an ovary in for hormones, pffft, the thing has been giving me problems since the last bowel surgery. Because of all the scar tissue in that area (rectum) I have serious pain when it does ovulate. I have been on Lupron to suppress ovary function so I won't have any pain from that area, but it hasn't worked for me. I've begged, pleaded specialists to remove that ovary in hopes that I can have some type of quality of life. I feel like a freak, because no one wants to touch me. Too much risk they say, the ovary is apparently attached to the underside of my vagina and embedded in scar tissue adjacent to my bladder. Sex can be painful at times, but tolerable with pain medication. Lately, life has been "tolerable" with the pain medication but it does not allow me to be me.

I'm extremely tired at this point, hungry, dehydrated and slowly goin insane. I really hope my colorectal surgeon can help me. I want my life back.

During the last 6 years I was able to complete two years of college studies and now in my 4th year University studying a double degree in Sociology and Gender Equality and Social Justice, I have had to take the last two months off and then some because I am too sick to go anywhere. I also own my own business selling Partylite and have to put it on hiatus because I can't do my shows. I feel useless, cynical and dark but I do really love life.

Please tell me I am not alone........:sign0085:
Oh my goodness... I had to read this post a few times to make sure someone was not telling MY story!!

The similarities: I am your age (give or take a year); I live in the boonies (go to the map of Alberta, look at the northern part and before you hit the Territories border you will find where I live); sicker this year than I have been in the past 10; trying to earn my Masters in Nursing on line, but had to put it on hold as just couldn't concentrate; sell partylite on the side, but not very active as takes too much time and energy to go out to 'do parties'; EXTREMELY loving, supporting husband....

The differences: I was diagnosed as a child, so when I met my hubby 14 years ago, he knew (kind of) what he was getting into - granted neither of us new HOW bad, but he has stuck by me and supported and pushed doctors to do something every step of the way. We have not been able to have children - yet in a small way that is a blessing, as I would feel so bad for not having the energy to attend to them. Plus my regular job as a nurse in public health puts me in contact with lots of children, and they all become 'mine' in a special way.

Although I have had three resections in the past, January was the first time I had an ostomy done. And up until November it was one of the owrst decisions I made - constant issues with leaking and skin deterioration/abscesses around the stoma site. However, since I was put on prednisone in November, it seems to have healed itself and is now acting somewhat normally (although it is a sigmoid colostomy, I don't have much colon left to work with, so it acts like an ascending colostomy or ileostomy - very liquid output).

I had my ostomy done laproscopically, and at that point the gynea had tried to do some work on my ovaries/uterus as well. However, apparently I was so full of scar tissue and adhesions nothing in that aspect could be visualised. I hear you on the ovualtion thing though, and I sometimes wonder if that might not be half my problem - that and all the adhesions. I have vaginal and perianal abscesses/fissures/holes/ick and yuck from belly button to tail bone, and although some of the problems are now getting better (mostly since adding the prednisone again) I still often wonder if I don't just have a mess of small fistulas all over the place in there - not even necessarily from the bowel itself (which is what the ostomy was supposed to be for in the first place) but bowel/vagina/uterus/etc, as I too definitely feel worse and have more CD pain and symptoms when I am ovulating - although there is still theories out there that ovulation itself can lead to a CD flare... so who knows........

Sorry this is such a long answer to your post - and I am not even really sure I actually ANSWERED anything - but I understand how you are feeling - and I am here to listen if you need a vent.

And hopefully the 22nd will come soon with a bit of light.....

Squishy and supportive hugs from The Moon

Hi Lisa and welcome. I am sorry you are not doing well and that life is only "tolerable" with pain medication. I really hope your appointment on the 22nd with the colorectal surgeon is successful and some plan of attack is drawn up.

Crossing my fingers that relief is around the corner. Hang in there, Lisa!
Hello and welcome to the forum, Lisa. I understand how it feels to lose 20 pounds in a month. I was so weak. Somehow, I always had the energy to RUN to the toilet every 10 minutes. :hang:

I really hope that you and your surgeon come up with a plan that helps you get back on your feet. :hug: We have a subforum in the Treatment section for Surgery here. Have a look.

Also, you may find it handy to read and meet people in the Stoma subforum here.

Stick around. I'm happy you joined us. :hug:
Hi Lisa and welcome. Ugh, you poor thing, nobody should have to go through what you have and continue to. I'm so sorry :(

I have no good advice but wanted to welcome you. I pray that your meeting with your surgeon is a good one. I wish you nothing but the best.

Thank you Moon, David, Jessi and Jill. I appreciate you welcoming me and offering support. The last couple of days have been painful and frustrating, each day I'm holding on to hope. Sure would be nice to sit down and pig out on some real food and not feel like the holocaust is brewing in my gut.
Do you ever get tired of answering friends and families concerns? I get this everyday= How are you today? How are you feeling? I get so annoyed by it, and try to be patient.
Yesterday I tried vacuuming and cleaning my house, slowly. Took me an entire day. Everyone tells me to sit down and stop but I am going crazy just in fetal position and watching movies till I fall over.
I was pretty frustrated yesterday, got upset at my dog (just raised my voice at him), Buddy-he's a chocolate lab and I got really mad at my vacuum (verbally abused my vacuum). I am usually very easy going but lately, every little thing is driving me mad.

How do we cope when we are holding on to our last thread? I know things will get better but wish it would happen overnight, ya, I know, wishful thinking.......

Also, every hear of bowel transplant? Is it possible? Just curious......
If you want to add me to facebook just private message me. I keep updates on there and have shared a few funny pics....looking forward to connecting to you and sharing experiences.....xo
Hi Lisa,

I haven't heard of any successful bowel transplants, but stem cell transplants are an exciting treatment option than some here have had great success with.

I understand your being tired of family asking you about your illness. I think family can't catch a break. We get mad if they don't show concern and we get mad if they do show concern. They have to learn to walk the fine line but it's up to us to communicate with them so they know where that line is. :)
Tiberianfire I think I understand a small part of how you feel. I'm only a 2 year veteran of Crohn's and I'm a guy but I've felt some of the same things you've described. I want you to know no you're not crazy! You are a completely normal person who's been dealt a rough hand in life and you're a strong person for dealing with all of this physical and mental pain for as long as you have.
Well, after a lengthy drive to Montreal (9hours from my place), I arrive to get a consul on what was going on with me. He ordered a CT scan and some blood work. Good news, no crohn's (yet) but bad news it's possibly gynecological issue! He tells me to go back to my family doc (thank God I have one) and get reassesed. From all the pain symptoms and areas that are causing me pain it could be gastrointestinal endometriosis.....
I've never heard of it, but eventhough I've had a hysterectomy (aside from one ovary left for hormones) I've always thought that endometriosis is "uterus" related....

Any links or information right now would be so helpful....still suffering and losing 20 lbs ........................
What's next beside pain medication?

Any alternatives?
(have a look around these subforums)

Oh bless, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this! I've had horrible endometriosis myself. And a fistula through my left fallopian tube to add to it!

I would suggest that your Dr refer you if necessary to an OB/Gyn surgeon who can remove scar tissue laposcipally. It worked for me all those years ago.

The endo can make the crohns worse, and the crohns can make the endo worse....ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Yup, thats what its like isnt it?
Also, every hear of bowel transplant? Is it possible? Just curious......

It's funny you bring this up. A few weeks ago, I saw an article in Parade (magazine in the US Sunday paper) of a little girl who successfully had a small & large bowel transplant for her rare condition (not IBD). For more info on her story: I wondered if this procedure could benefit those with IBD. We'll have to wait and see, I guess.
My hypothesis on bowel transplants....

Since our bodies are seeing our bowels as foreign organs already, and our immune systems are attacking the "foreign organ," a transplant would probably justify to our bodies that the bowel is foreign. It would continue to be under attack.

It's just my theory. I would like to see what really would happen, though. I'd be curious to find out if it could do the trick for us. :)