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Hey guys,

Well, my visit to the surgeon this morning proved interesting!

If you haven't seen my earlier post, I've been suffering from a condition called Achalasia, where the muscles in the throat don't work properly.

I was told this morning that I will definitely be getting the operation I need - it's called a Heller Myotomy, and it's where they rupture the ring of muscle that is too tight, allowing food to pass freely into my stomach instead of pooling in my gullet. I may have to wait 2 months of rthis op, but no more than that hopefully.

The big thing is though, that I may not be able to get this procedure done using Keyhole surgery, due to the scar tissue left behind by my bowel resection and my ileostomy. SO - instead of having Keyhole surgery ( overnight hospital stay, 1-2 week recovery time tops) I will need to be opened up from one side of the chest across, meaning a 2 week hospital stay and a THREE MONTH recovery time! AT HOME! My boss will hit the roof when she finds out!

I'm just glad that I'm getting to the end of this now.....................!

Thanx for listening guys

Thats great news that you can have the surgery, not sure if the bigger op is great news though, but hey, if it does the job. I'm sure your boss will come around when she realises the implications, not sure whether things are the same as here in Scotland but she won't have any choice anyway, she can't stop you from having sick time off. I'm not my bosses favourite person either as I have had a good 10 months off work now and am set to have quite a bit longer as I am now just waiting for a date for my reversal surgery. I have a rather different attitude in that my health comes before upsetting my boss, she's a pain in the backside anyway lol Not that your boss is lol

While it may not be the quick surgery and recovery you (or your boss) wanted, at least you can put this behind you and move on from it. Glad to see that this will be getting fixed!

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