Daily Mail - Doctors were certain I was anorexic.

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Brill! Good luck Bobby xx

So is the fecal protectin test all we need to diagnose IBD, I wonder?
According to Wikipaedia, It's not available everywhere, but it can show up normal if it's IBS and not IBD.
I was just discussing this over in the wiki. As of 2010 (the latest article I found) it had NOT been tested as an actual diagnostic tool. Only in patients who have been diagnosed- who may differ from the undiagnosed population in various ways.
I recall seeing that piece the other day. Interesting article! Enjoyed reading it. And best to luck with the paper.
My son had the fecal protectin test and it was positive. That is why the colonoscopy was ordered. They told us even before the colonoscopy they knew there was inflammation present because of the results. Our pediatric endocrinologist ordered it before he referred us to G.I. It also got us into the G.I. more quickly so I feel it was very helpful.
Awesome article!! Already posted it on my Facebook if that is ok. I would love for an article to be written about my journey over the last 6 months. Anyone know a good reporter?
I had the fecal calprotectin test, have had a CD diagnosis for 10 years and they said it was 'positive' but they didn't really seem to take it as reliable . . .
I'm in the UK and they did one for me... They don't seem to put too much reliance on the results... Probably because they work on an evidence based practice and theres not loads of evidence for it yet...
That poor woman.

I expect their are many on this forum who could tell similar stories.

I found it really interesting that she won an out of court settlement against the Dr who let her down so badly.Good for her.

I had a Dr tell me a blatant lie and i'm still considering taking some form of legal action against him.Due to my intolerance of the drugs he gave me (Azathioprine) he decided to tell me i had been given the wrong information and told me just to stay on 5ASA drugs(which were hopeless).

He had prescribed for over a year the maximum dose of this potent drugs.
His arrogance was vile.He decided to give me Amitryptiline (IBS anti depressant).He moved me from potent chemotherapy for Crohns to a drug for IBS,which i've never had.You won't be suprised to read the IBS treatment did nothing at all to help.(JUst made me so sleepy).My GP was baffled by what this so called top consultant was telling me.
I thought i would get the best advice available to me after my GP sent me to him at a specialist hospital.How wrong i was.
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