Delayed reaction?

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Jul 2, 2013
What are the symptoms of a delayed reaction to Remicade?

M has been complaining of an itchy throat today. Not sore at all, just itchy and it was red when I looked at it. Could that be a symptom of a delayed reaction? She had an infusion two weeks ago. She hasn't had seasonal allergies in the past.

This is her third (!!) time on Remicade and I'm a little bit paranoid!
I got a delayed reaction to Remicade, usually about a week or so after infusion. For me it manifested as skin conditions. I would develop eczema, psoriasis, and hives. I would wake up in my sleep itching sometimes. What you're describing on her neck sounds like what I would get.

Try asking for pre-meds like Benadryl and steroids when she gets her next infusion. It may even help to take the Benadryl now, as well.

It may also be worth it to ask for an antibody test.
I would call the Gi and ask.
Typically delayed reactions are more skin involved .
An itchy throat should be something that would happen within two hours of the infusion ( not a delayed reaction. And not something that is a week away .
Another thing to keep in mind during any changes puberty menopause etc...
You can develop allergies to environmental stuff or food .
Was it within two hours of eating ??
Most rxns to food occur with in 30 minutes but can happen up to two hours later .

Either way let her ped and gi know
Sounds like a cold or virus to me. Itchy/red throat usually means the sinuses are draining. This has been happening to A a lot lately and she doesn't have allergies either.
I would have her checked for strep, doesn't sound like a reaction directly related to the Remicade...
She hasn't been exposed to anyone with strep or a virus.

I have no idea what it was but she says her throat isn't bothering her today, so I guess I won't worry.
If it isn't a cold/virus it could also be reflux. We are still trying to determine what the itchy/sore throat is caused by in A's case. She is spitting up more so reflux is a possibility. These kids always keep us guessing! lol
Definitely could be reflux - M is always complaining about heartburn! Thanks, I hadn't thought of that.
Her older sister has allergies around this time of year so it's possible M's developing them too.
wouldn't it be GREAT if something could be simple?!?!?!? I hope she's feeling better by the minute!


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