Detective work - anyone can help

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Mar 14, 2009
I have been on TPN now for about 2.5 weeks. i've gained nearly 6-8 pounds and feel great.

I am having one problem..
Every "night" (Though I am pretty dehydrated throughout the day...) I am spiking fevers from 99.8-103...

This is usually when I start my tpn.. Infusion reaction? dehydration? (the tpn will dehydrate you + my room is more humid then hell itself. No air conditioning on)
Bottom line is.. Im sick of all the benadryl and tylenol to "reduce" these fevers..

I had bloodwork done and my white count was only 11 which is awesome for me..and 5 day blood cultures came back NEGATIVE.. So its real confusing.. Can be the lipids.. maybe its something in my room causing it because its happened before. Without the tpn though.
hey kasper...did you ever figure this one out?

kasper87 said:
Every "night" (Though I am pretty dehydrated throughout the day...) I am spiking fevers from 99.8-103...

just my 2 c's, i used to spike fevers like that every night too (never been on tpn though). i think drew is right, if youre still flaring it could definitly be the cause. dr's always told me that a fever that high, like over 102, wasnt typical of a crohns fever and had to be indicating another problem. but everything always came back negative, so it really was just my body and the inflammation spiking it that high.

another thought...when do you usually have bm's? is it in the evening before you go to bed?
my high temps seemed to correlate to my bm's a lot, about 2-3 hours after a really awful bathroom episode with lots of cramping and pain, my fever would occur.

well, i hope my ramblings help somehow....:)

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