Hello all. I have been reading your posts and find them all very interesting. I have not been on here in quite a while and I am new to this group. I would like to ask your thoughts on my situation. I was diagnosed with Crohn's January 2011, right before my 50th birthday, actually got out of the hospital the day before turning 50!! Since then I have been on Remicade, which caused drug induced liver damage (had liver biopsy), had a small bowel resection, 6mp only lasting 3 days because of severe side effects, Methotrexate weekly injections for 4 months when it stopped working, then on to Humira, weekly injections, which worked for about 6 months, kept having flare up so they added Methotrexate back in with the Humira. That lasted about 4 months then I had severe side effects from the Methotrexate and stopped that and was only on Humira which was good for about a year. In March 2014, my blood count dropped, April 1, 2014 had colonoscopy and they found inflammation again. So now I am of off Humira and was suppose to go into clinical trial, but did not meet the protocol. I was put on Entocort and Pentasa for a few weeks to treat the symptoms and would have been part of the trial but CRP levels drop and not enough inflammation, so doctors took me off those to see if I would have a flare up so they could get me into the study, after being on no medication for 3 weeks it did not happen . So they put me back on Entocort and Pentasa and now after being back on them for about 2 weeks I am feeling bad again. I contacted my doctor because I thought I was having side effects of medication, but doctors always say it the Crohn's. They did blood test said my CRP levels not high, so they said it must not be the Crohn's and thats that. No other comment on what it could be.
Sorry this is so long, just want to get all in. So at this point I am very frustrated with doctors, I have been to two "best in their field experts" and seem to end up back at my regular GI doc. My problem is I keep feeling bad, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, diahhrea, pain in my right side, now I am having flushing. I got thrush in my mouth and am on meds for that. So now I am back off the Pentasa and Entocort to see if I was right and it was side effects. I also go to an internal medicine doctor and she is monitoring all the other things. Does anyone else ever feel like once you have been diagnosed with Crohn's you are labled as a Crohn's person and anything and everything that is wrong must be from the Crohn's? Maybe my feeling bad is from something entirely not related to the Crohn's, but once a doctor knows you have Crohn's it is always the Crohn's and that is what they focus on.
Thanks in advance for any input.