Thanks, it's good to find a community when you're not sure which way is up.
If you sense a flare coming, is there anything you can do to avoid it? I really don't want to hit the hospital again. My husband is in early stage Alzheimer's and really shouldn't be left alone. I think I get some blockages, as I start feeling full a lot and then comes the severely distended tummy, pain, diarrhea and if I can just throw up, all begins to be better. The pain is awful and usually my potassium goes through the floor and I wind up on that awful tasting Flagyl. Talk about an appetite killer!
I had my first obstruction on my 52nd birthday! What a shock! I had been healthy all my life. Doctors called it a fluke. Three years later, I had 5 obstructions in less than a year and I was sent to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. They finally diagnosed me with Crohn's and told me it was "bimodal" - occurring in the early 20's and later in the +50's. My older sister suffered for many years with Crohn's and passed away at age 44 from sepsis due to a bowel perforation. Needless to say, I was/am not thrilled with the diagnosis. I've been on Pentasa, Prednisone, Entocort, and now Humira. GI would like me to start Remicade infusions, but I am frightened. Anyone with advice for me?
Very happy I found this group. I was diagnosed at 77 and my doc said I was the biggest surprise of his career. Not very pleasant for me as he is a gasto prof at the university, had me feeling very odd.
I am very active, always have been and I will deal with this one way or another. Have had lots to deal with before and I don't plan to let this get me cornered.
Thank you for your nice response. If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me why you couldn't continue the Remicade. I have heard of so many problems. My veins are small and they "roll" or so I've been told. right now, I'm going on Day 21 with a pillcam stuck in my small intestine. My GI ordered another colonoscopy prep for tonight, but as it is after 8PM right now and I have to be up at 5AM, I'm putting it off until tomorrow. This will be the 4th prep I've had since all of this started. I've got such anxiety�� thank you for your kindness.
Welcome to the forum Terri.
I like your attitude.go girl !!! :dance::dance::dance:
Hi people, very new to this so any advice gratefully received , was diagnosed 6 months ago with crohns and recto vaginal fistula. Bad reactions d and v , to 6 mp and azathiripine,prednisolone hospitalised for a month. started on infliximab and had anaphylaxis after 4th infusion , never had any improvement in symptoms and now running fever as well. Doc wants me on anti biotics and steroids again , despite previous reactions to prednisolone , :blush: spent many years with what I thought was ibs . Just had 52nd birthday and wondering if I will ever feel normal again :sign0085: