If I recall, I was diagnosed last year with Crohn's based on the sole results from a colonoscopy. Other tests that I had been given failed to show whatever diagnostic evidence the GI team had been looking for. I can tell you that when I saw the pics of my colon I was mortified. I could understand how and why the team would deduce what they had. The GI specialist explained to me that it was Colitis, but specifically Crohn's Colitis because of how it had traveled. What I found interesting is that I was told that the GI department didn't give colonoscopies to follow up and watch if there would be any improvement after the diagnosis had been given and the Rx meds prescribed. They said that as long as the Rx was taking care of the symptoms they can safely assume that I am in remission. This might be all well and good, however, someone like myself would want to track my condition and see if my colon had begun healing, so I really wasn't thrilled that they don't track as such. Ironically, free colonoscopies were offered to me by a local woman's health center, so I can track my condition on my own. My interest is in healing and restoring my colon to its original state, not just preventing flare-ups and putting the CD into remission. The only way to really tell if the colon is healing is through the pics that a colonoscopy would provide, so at least I have that option. Of course, we all know how much "fun" they are though, especially the prep,LOL.