Different from one day to the next

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Hi there,
it is like that, isn't it? I think we sometimes push ourselves too much when we feel o.k. then suffer for it the next day. I now know to go and rest when I tire. In the past , I would go on , find my balance going and that has resulted in me having accidents and broken legs from falling!
So, listen to your body and slow down when you have to. Also, Crohns is a fickle illness which affects you in all ways. We are all individuals in our symptoms and response to treatment.
I hope you feel better soon. Let me know how you are doing. I am currently on Pentasa which is easing the sore tummy. As you know, I have to think about going back on infusions. Best wishes,
Hi there,
I was on that for about 5 months but it did not work well for me and left me feeling miserable and sick, with hair loss. I am glad it is o.k. for you. I love to go a long walk too especially out in the countryside, alongside a river, listening to the sounds. It is very therapeutic.
I had trouble with Remicade causing a lesion in my scalp. My dermatologist said she had one patient with Crohns Disease. Humira made their hair come out.
Hi there,
I ended up in hospital for three weeks with a lung infection because of it! They could not clear it with antibiotic drips, so I was taken into theatre for a scope. That is why I am so afraid to go back on it. I was on oxygen and in a lot of chest pain. Remicade does have strong side effects, even if it worked for me. I am still thinking about it.
Yes I know, that is the difficulty and uniquenesss of Crohn's treatment. Also, the severity of symptoms varies too!

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