Disappearing ****s :(

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Not really. We contend with muscle loss much more prevalently (VERY difficult thing to contend with, believe me), you gals deal with bosom reduction (in some cases, others they drop some size but the torso shrinking helps negate the appearance of any effect sometimes)....Maybe that's a tradeoff, maybe not. But IMO, when I coach or help women to lose "weight" they often don't have to worry about as much muscle loss because the "new them" carries the new weight better. A guy who loses "weight" the wrong way will look wrong, it won't appear healthy or athletic, they'll just appear stick-like with tubes for arms and no v-shape in the torso when done wrong. Guys have to consider muscle retention very strongly, because of gender-make-up and the results...In that, I envy women, they have minimal muscle, if any, to worry about (have to worry some, as it'll help the metabolism and keep fat off) but guys have 2 masses to work at, not 1...makes me jealous...sorry...

I don't have any belly now, but when I was chubbier in high school, I never had a beer belly. Not all guys get that, depends on the guy (and the girl, I've seen a beer belly on a girl, it's worse then...goes back to the apple and pear thing, the shape, Dr. Phil talked about it I hear)...

Anyways, the penis isn't "gaining" length, per se, the fat around the pelvic area is shrinking, revealing more of the base...kind of the same "effect" but not in reality what's happening...Without delegating this to the lounge, I'd imagine women can allow "deeper interaction" when they lose weight, so I'm sure the effect carries over, I guess??
You know I can actually see Shaz's point with respect to how you feel about yourself. It took me quite a while but when I think about the muscle loss and diminishing of physical presence that I went through it really damaged my self image. Am I working out regularly just for my health or trying to re-establish that physical presence?

The goal I set was to be bigger muscularly than I ever was before.(which is not saying all that much :p) But Is that so much different than girls thinking about their ****s? I am not really sure it is necessary or even a good idea. But I am in my early 40's and what the heck, I'm entitled. I can just right it off as a midlife thing and go with it :D
Fog Ducker said:
Its true though, a buddy I play hockey with is very overweight, and it looks like a button on a wool sweater!
:ylol2: OMG that is so wrong and so hilarious at the same time! Thanks Fog for the good laugh-today I increased the Methotrexate dose and feel like death warmed over.
Oh Shazzy Pie :(

I'm tellin ya..... they seem to get smaller every day, don't they? And it's just more and more depressing.....

I haven't been out to get new bras, and I know I need them. But it just makes me sad to give in.
kenny said:
You know I can actually see Shaz's point with respect to how you feel about yourself. It took me quite a while but when I think about the muscle loss and diminishing of physical presence that I went through it really damaged my self image. Am I working out regularly just for my health or trying to re-establish that physical presence?

The goal I set was to be bigger muscularly than I ever was before.(which is not saying all that much :p) But Is that so much different than girls thinking about their ****s? I am not really sure it is necessary or even a good idea. But I am in my early 40's and what the heck, I'm entitled. I can just right it off as a midlife thing and go with it :D

Amen to that point, Ken...I totally agree. Good point, I kind of considered that that's what it's like, to feel the loss of something that made you outwardly who you were before. But I'm not a woman so I can't say that's how that feels, but, maybe it is?
I think we all resent the changes Crohn's causes, whether it's disappearing ****s or the prednisone moon face/acne, weight gain or the weight loss/muscle loss-it's just another physical manifestation of our suffering. But for us girls, the **** loss feels deeply personal, like it's taking away part of you as a woman. Just my 2 cents...
Have we got any before and after pics so us lads understand your problems ...please :p

As mountaingem said its most prob the change your hating, im sure they still look great and you lot would be happy with them if you had them that size all your life. I know my ex hated her B cups cos they werent as big as her mates but personally I loved them that size, they suited her frame
Along rygon's theory

atleast the not growing an hangin round your knees

I notice some of you mention extra facial hair
sounds like the meds screwing with ya hormone levels etc hence also a drop in the bust area
prob already hav, but hav you spoken too ya gp about a hormone level test or something? Mite be what ya need???
Not just the change I'm hating ~ I want my ****age back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going from a 36D to... well... this HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can understand a little bit what you girls are saying, I used to have a good 15+lbs of muscle before losing it in my bad flair 2 years ago, although I try not to worry about it, I do wish I had it back.
Let me put it in a language that guys can maybe understand a little better:

Many guys get confidence from the size of their... um... ::checks to see if in The Lounge.... crap, nope::... penises (acceptable?).

A lot of girls get confidence from the size of their breasts.

Now guys, imagine Lorena only went 1/2-Bobbit. How high would your confidence be? Like you had lost ************? Like you weren't a "real" man?

I've lost about 1/2 of my chest size at least. I used to have more confidence with them. I know it may sound stupid and some people may not understand or agree.

Just how it has made me feel.
I understand where your comin from

hell who likes a change of body apperance (unless for the better)

but hav you talked too ya gp? Is there anything that can be done too assist/ slow/ reverse the changes?
I hear some women get hormone replacement medication too help with certain things maybe yours are now umballanced due too your medication etc
I have been battling this my entire life!!!!!!!!! All of those ads in magazines for herbal pills that boost your bust, and work outs that put the weight on the chest area! BOLOGNA!!! All of it! lol...The only solution is a painful one, a **** job!! I've saved for one so many times but ended up spending the money on things that are far more fun for me (perhaps not for the hubby :) You are a lucky woman, to be a C cup in a petite body! My dream!! But I do empathize as I know it's always a hard reality when your appearance changes in a way that you don't favour. I am sure you won't lose any more in that region, but if you do, and you are self conscious, they have tons of jelly ****ie fillers that you cup into your bra. Also, getting pregnant sure helped me! Good luck with the ****s, flaunt em if you got em!!! :)
Yup, I expect mine is a lot to do with weight loss, but I think also the pred because I've been this weight before and still had my ****s! I wobder if the hormone thing is also a cause of extra fatigue? I shall add this to the list when i next wee the doctor as may be hormone-deficient :(
ha ha Kecey, just read your post. Unfortunately gettinbg pregnant isn't an option for me as I have noone to do that with!

It could definately be worse as i still just fill a C cup and am probably in proportion, but along with the pimples and hairy face and my lucious locks completely losing their oomph, I feel pretty revolting these days :(
aww Shaz, I know how you feel about feeling "revolting" I hate it!! I hate what this disease does to your self image. Like all the other crap isn't enough.
Stupid Crohns!! I want a make over! lol
shazamataz said:
but along with the pimples and hairy face and my lucious locks completely losing their oomph, I feel pretty revolting these days :(

For what its worth, if you still resemble your avatar, you look pretty dam good! :)

You just need to stop trying for the real old guys!! :p
Agree with foggy

look fine in ya pic Hun

besides looks aren't everything ya know
an from what ive read u seem too have a decent personality - that's prob one of the biggest attractions too a female
Hey you guys quite hitting on Shaz. The two of us are running away together along with my parrot and getting married on my ship.

Tell'em Shaz! lol

My problem when I go into a flare and lose weight is that I look rather Ethiopian.
I lose a lot of muscle mass in my legs and ass and chest but my gut is slower to go away.
Self image is very important.
I just wish you ladies could see yourself from my point of view. You'd either blush or gloat.

Just my 2 cents.
LOL Ris, Mine feel little more than peas too!

You guys are all very sweet. I'm being hit on all over the place! :)

Hee hee ;)

it's possibly how ya portray yaself
not jus how u look
prissy stuck up chicks aren't very attractive in my books
open-easy goin is where it's at
So ya should shazza

it's not jus about the ****s
but the woman that weilds them hehe

hmmm the lounge think good idea me in there? Lmao
Well, I suppose the closest I can relate to is that losing 45 pounds of muscle and being the same weight as my fiancee or most other women, and having girl arms and losing my butt muscle and thigh muscle, the V taper on my back, the whole thing, makes me (and probably Fog, Pirate, any other guys) feel less manly.

It's not identical, but it's a hit to "manliness" in many of our eyes, so maybe we're not so far off in understanding. As far as "size" issues down below, for any guys who have that problem, I suppose it's hidden and secretive, where you women have the loss up front and center. Having no mass or shape to arms, no more butt, no more nice quads or calves, no traps etc...is visible too, and often a signifier of masculinity to many...I guess that's a better comparison (IMO) than member size? I don't know, but I can relate to the loss of something that was a pride factor, something very visible, and every time I get it back, it hasn't stayed long.

I guess if Lorena cut off half AND I lost all my muscle, yeah, I'd be VERY upset...Though only one of those is outwardly known in size to the public. :)
Thanks, Benson. Very good example! Couldn't have said it better myself, especially where you explained that it's a "hit to manliness." It's definitely been a hit to Shaz's womanliness (word?) and I can feel her pain.

It's ok, Shazzy - now when we meet, we can hug without our huge jugs getting in the way! LMAO!!!! :ylol:
Okay..Now realisticly, I've always been small. All over. 5'2" barely 110 pds right now. Small on top doesn't bother me. Small all over does. :( My 9 year old is just about my size. Its not what You have...Its what you DO with what you have:) Sue
I used to be able to smother w/these bad girls. Now they're back to being mosquito bites, like they used to be. AND that's what my nickname used to be in summer camp - Mosquito Bites :(
Santos61198 said:
Thanks, Benson. Very good example! Couldn't have said it better myself, especially where you explained that it's a "hit to manliness." It's definitely been a hit to Shaz's womanliness (word?) and I can feel her pain.

It's ok, Shazzy - now when we meet, we can hug without our huge jugs getting in the way! LMAO!!!! :ylol:

LOL! :ylol2:
Rob said:
Awww hugs Ris

hopefully somethin wil change for the better for u

Thanks for starting Shaz's and RiS' ****/Real Implant Funds, Rob!

Rob said that he will start the cookie jars off at $1,000 and will match every donation 100%.....

..... that's what you meant, right, Rob?


Where did Rob go?
Looking for my monopoly money lol

lmao I got crohns hunny don't think I got money do you? Lol
I can see things flying at me now .. maybe we need pics to ensure that there is really a need before donating :ytongue:
*going to take a pic right now* lol

I'm 5'10" and have never been this small in my life. I was gaining a bit of weight after the surgery, but seem to have stalled at 135lbs - and I eat like a pig! Maybe I need to find me a sugar daddy who'll pay for my **** job....lol
Fog Ducker said:
Well girls one thing you can be thankful for is with less
****age, there is less droopage when you get old!

Oh goody! So instead of them looking like deflated windsocks, they'll look like baby socks.
LOL! Just age I think. They are not bad yet. I will start to complain when they hang below my belly button!

WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!!!!! Hang on a sec... Did someone say they were starting a fund...Great idea, count me in! I'd like a **** job too please...
I will start a club for natural breast affinity...Most guys here will probably join.

Doesn't matter on present size: Natural trumps artificial when it comes to bodies on women IMO (and most guys' opinions from my dealings)...You saw the thread earlier, and the other comments verify this. :)

Say NO to the jobs. Say yes to loving what you have because it's natural (therefore better). :)
Well if these ladies are bound determined to have fake ****s than I want a penile implant.

If fake is where its at than its good enough for us guys, too. Right guys?
I would think a penile implant would hurt like hell! And how does it work? Do you have a permanent erection? Mind you, that might not be a bad thing....lol
Nyx said:
I would think a penile implant would hurt like hell! And how does it work? Do you have a permanent erection? Mind you, that might not be a bad thing....lol

I don't know if it hurts or not, I haven't gotten it yet. Still waiting for some of the other guys to jump on board so we can get the group discount. :ylol2:

As far as a bad thing, my parrot would love it!!!( I mean my wife, right Pen):tongue:
I just want to know who wants to be the first victim....Wait a minute I think it was done for a man who had penile cancer....I must Google to confirm!.....
Count me out lmao

I'll stick with what I got thanks, gets me in enuff trouble as it is lmfao
My parrot just said that I had better not get the implant. Apparently she doesn't want to take any chances at a surgical slip. lol
What man would give up theirs for a transplant, then they would have no brains left!!!! LMAO I am in sooooooo much trouble !:eek:utahere:
Someone can have some of mine! Mine are like a E/F cup which is way too big for my 5'1 frame :(

So I quite like it when they disappear a little. Although then they aren't as firm! There's just no winning, huh?
Wow girl how to you walk? LOL... kidding. My mom is bigger and she looks so young and I think it is cause the ****s are like anchors pulling out the wrinkles!!!

I hate them they are back breakers... so becareful what you wish for?
People ask me the same thing because I have no bum and stick legs. Apparently I look like I'm about to topple over lol.

At least they take the attention away from my bloated stomach?! lol
LOL Misty, I was like that before Crohn's. Not as big as you buy D-DD ****s on a small frame with no butt/legs. I am in proportion now but I still wish they'd grow back!!
They are literally the only thing that grew after my diagnosis! Well, apart from my stomach haha. The rest of my body is the same as it was when I was 8/9. Thank goodness I was tall for my age at the time or I would literally be a midget with massive ****s. :/
Jettalady said:
Wow girl how to you walk? LOL... kidding. My mom is bigger and she looks so young and I think it is cause the ****s are like anchors pulling out the wrinkles!!!

I hate them they are back breakers... so becareful what you wish for?

Thanks a lot, Pen. Janis and I both just about choked on our food reading this one. lmao Janis says her's aren't anchors enough to pull out her wrinkles.
Pirate said:
Thanks a lot, Pen. Janis and I both just about choked on our food reading this one. lmao Janis says her's aren't anchors enough to pull out her wrinkles.

Haha, I thought you might of caught it,,, funny!
OMG, the replies on this thread are hilarious, for a serious topic, that is. Thanks, Shaz, for putting this out there. Every day I come on this forum and find a new Pred side effect I didn't know existed but am experiencing first hand. I thought my ****ie loss was just from weight loss, but now I think the pred may have a hand in it.

My sweet hubber got me a Vicky Secret gift card for V day, so I can buy new bras since mine are all "hollow" - my ****s don't fill them up any more!

(He also got me new pajamas, "In dark colors, so it doesn't show when you sh*t yourself." Awww! How sweet!)

I hope we can all learn to live with however much ends up in our cups!

- Amy
ameslouise said:
My sweet hubber got me a Vicky Secret gift card for V day, so I can buy new bras since mine are all "hollow" - my ****s don't fill them up any more!

(He also got me new pajamas, "In dark colors, so it doesn't show when you sh*t yourself." Awww! How sweet!)

He's a keeper :D
Sorry to hear you are having the same thing Amy - good news is, if it is the Pred, they will eventually grow back!!! Well, hopefully!
ameslouise said:
OMG, the replies on this thread are hilarious, for a serious topic, that is. Thanks, Shaz, for putting this out there. Every day I come on this forum and find a new Pred side effect I didn't know existed but am experiencing first hand. I thought my ****ie loss was just from weight loss, but now I think the pred may have a hand in it.

My sweet hubber got me a Vicky Secret gift card for V day, so I can buy new bras since mine are all "hollow" - my ****s don't fill them up any more!

(He also got me new pajamas, "In dark colors, so it doesn't show when you sh*t yourself." Awww! How sweet!)

I hope we can all learn to live with however much ends up in our cups!

- Amy
That's so sweet and funny at the same time! You should add that to the thread "You might have Crohn's If..." You husband buys you dark colored P.J.'s so it doesn't show when you sh*t yourself." Loves it!:ylol2:

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