Dizzy, Out of energy, body breakdown feeling?

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Jan 4, 2010
Anybody felt this way? Today I skip breakfast. My stomach was going crazy.... I think it had to do with dinner at work. Some stuff I ate but only a little.

Only choice I had to eat was Pizza near my Job. I skip it because I felt my stomach......you know the feeling!
Ulcerative Colitis.

So 10minutes into work I felt slow, tired, no energy, dizzy, felt like I needed to go to the ER again. I was going to take a risk and risk getting fired for missing another day of work. Still on probation, 2 months in almost.

I ate lunch three hours later quickly and felt awful again in my stomach. Bathroom......lots of blood like always (meds aren't working to stop it).
Pentasa & Folic Acid....

Went back to work and around 30mins later felt better. Near the end of my shift....last two hours, I felt like me again. But now im home, I don't feel to well.

I so badly hate this disease.

I order a book online about a guy who suffer from colitis and was near death but got a good diet and all so im waiting for it in the mail.

I can't find much online when it comes to food.
I have money to buy whatever it takes from the supermarket but I can't find much but fruits and crap online.
So I rely on what my food cathering company offers for lunch and dinner...
And pizza for breakfast because there's nothing but crap here to eat at.
Cooking is not a option right now.
I so badly hate this. I can't lose my job neither. I'm surprise to be getting $100 more a week then I usually get from any other crappy jobs.

It sucks!!!!!!!!!!

What is a snack or tiny meal I can have pack in my backpack that will do a lot for me when I can't eat breakfast?
Hi Swirl,
I am sorry you are feeling so crappy.
I usually find toast is always a good option for me - that is if you have a toaster/oven at work. I will grab a slice, and throw a small amount of PB on it when I am light headed - it helps me at least. The only other thing I keep handy is a small single-serve apple sauce. I hope you find something quickly, and get better soon.

Good health and best of luck.
When I'm flaring:

I am prescribed a high energy drink / food substitute called fortijuice. Maybe you could ask your DR for something similar?

Other stuff that seems ok:

Soft white bread with a thin spread of marmite

Soup (you could take powdered soup to work & add boiling water from the kettle - assuming there's a kettle where you work??). Or you could take fresh soup if there's a microwave at work.

Porridge (I have a drizzle of maple syrup on mine)

Hope this helps.
Hi Swirl

sorry you're having a bad time, just wondering what meds you were on other than Pentasa and folic acid, have you tried Pred?
I used to feel like that every morning in work, and couldn't stomach breakfast, blood sugar hit the floor, I think that's what made me dizzy, with lots of D
drinking a lot of water helps now, I'm eating breakfast like a King, thanks to Pred, and absolutely no D!
Hope you get some relief soon, xxx
Hi Swirl...keep an eye on the blood! You could be getting dizzy because of blood loss. And I agree with the Ensure, or even Carnation instant breakfast. Easy and good nutrition for you...good luck!
my stomach cant handle Ensure... I try it and was going to the bathroom a bit... i love the taste... i dont know, i might give it a try again....
I started taking protein bar.... I've read how we need lots of protein to repair our bodies so I eat a 30g bar at night usually when I get home late.
That has peanut butter in it.

Fortijuice I wil ask my doc about.
I will see my new doc in GI first week of April. Only meds I've been given are those two because since January, the next visit to GI is this April. I couldn't go any sooner even through I been to the ER two or three times since.

I think I have a fair up. I keep going.... its only a little too but like 8 times or day or around.

Water I will try to drink more of too.

I've haven't gotten to the diet plan yet. I just stop eating and drinking stuff that aren't good for me or make me go.

This is crazy!!! Smh :)
I'm just trying to save my money now because it seems like one day I will have it so bad I will just quit my job one day and deal with this problem with lots of food testing....
Hi Swirl. I myself am on a really strict diet. No dairy, no wheat, no gluten, no raw fruits/vegetables, no fried food. You said cooking is not an option, does that mean you are too busy to cook? If you can find time, try cooking a large amount and portion it out so that you can carry it for lunch.
whysoserious said:
Hi Swirl. I myself am on a really strict diet. No dairy, no wheat, no gluten, no raw fruits/vegetables, no fried food. You said cooking is not an option, does that mean you are too busy to cook? If you can find time, try cooking a large amount and portion it out so that you can carry it for lunch.

Well I can have somebody cook it. But it'll sit in the fridge until I get home late at night.
Is fruits and veggies is best cook or boil for us? Ah...... I don't know how I'm going to do it.
Fried food we get a lot of at work, rice,meats and other stuff. I stay away from cold food there like salads.

I got the runs now but I will try to go to work....
Two more weeks until I go to the GI and i 'm just going to save my next three checks, this is to much. I hate that urge of having to really go when I get into the bathroom there... I was pretty lucky a few times you know....smh
When I feel bad, I can usually tolerate canned boneless/skinless sardines or mackerel in soy or olive oil. The oil removes most of the natural 'fishy' taste. They are high protein, low residue, and salty. I buy them online for around $1/can.

Have you thought about explaining your job problems and urgent need for relief to your GI? I don't know anything about your situation, but has he talked about the possibility of corticosteroids? Some docs don't consider that without a job and health insurance, our medical problems are likely to get much worse and this is a risk of conservative treatment. Also, there is no shortage of doctors here in NYC - surely he can see you sooner than 2 weeks?
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I only went to GI once and it was a quick visit in January. I have a second visit April 5th. ER doctor told me I will get help on diet and new meds

I will tell my doctor of my job conditions and what I've been going through.
One problem is that my job is in a freezing room and my body freeze a lot no mater how much layers of clothes I got on and the two coats and gloves they given us lol.
Hi swirl

have a look for the thread on low residue diet whilst your waiting for your diet to be delivered
its good and will help to slow down the diarrhea
When I have a lot of D. I only eat white food, part of the LRD eg chicken, white rice, plain fish, potatoes, white bread cheese etc
no coloured food at all, it works for me,
and as well, try to stay off red meat, a no no for a Crohnie!
you could pack some cooked chicken and rice in a tub and graze on it during work hours, and drink lots of water
good luck swirl
I found "Eating Right for a Bad Gut" very helpful. You can find it at any of the on-line bookstores.

I like peanut butter and crackers or rice cakes for an easy snack. Bananas are also good.

As for work, your employer needs to know what is going on. At least your supervisor and someone in HR. If you do need to sop working for a while, you may be able to go on disability. Your HR adviser can help you with that.

Good luck at the GI! It's worth a call to see if they can move up your appt, especially since you have been to the ER several times already.\

Please stop back and let us know how it goes. Take care of yourself! - Amy
Thanks astra101, I will look up that. I have Ulcerative Colitis through.
And thanks ameslouise, peanut butter doesn't do good for me, I'm allergic to tree nuts but wasn't with peanuts. But now I can't eat peanuts or peanut butter, makes my stomach upset.

I worked a new job for two months now. I won't be going into work tomorrow and will be quiting tomorrow or tuesday.

My stomach feels like I ate something bad and I have to go right away a dozen times a day for a few days now.
I'm also looking at this 'The Maker's Diet' book I got in the mail yestarday.
Hi Swirl - You sound very down and out! Is it necessary to quit your job? Can't you talk to someone and maybe take a leave of absence? With the right meds, hopefully you can be feeling better soon.

What meds are you on now?

Be careful with "The Maker's Diet" - you might want to check with your doc before starting such a serious change in diet.

- Amy
The makers diet..... I'm just trying some of the food tin there. I have second thoughts of that book.
I had the job for two months so no leave of absence for me.
Plus the room is below 10 degrees so I'm glad to be out of there not dealing with dust, running nose and people sneezing a lot.

I'm on Pentasa and folic acid. I wonder what folic acid because i ask the tech if i can get this one over the counter and he said no, that one is different.

I stop taking the meds. I felt like it was killing my body. I been taking it since the start of January. I still feel a little less like that.
If you ever felt so sleepy, like when you wake up with no energy, thats how I felt along with feeling like Iwas sea sick.

kind of like not eating all day and getting the shakes, i think I'm lacking something.

I just have to start doing things on my own because its nothing but a waiting game before I can talk to my doctor. I rather die trying to get better then wait for someone who reads off a book and isnt going through the same thing in a office.
I don't know who my new doctor is until next monday.

I mostly feel out of energy, going to the bathroom a lot with just blood coming out and sleepy.

Other then that I'm not dealing with much stress other then the thought of whats going on in my life. Playing videogames, watching movies and listening to a lot of music helps. Atleast I'm enjoying my life I would say.
Too much fruit and veggies................I cant stand them anymore:-(

Good luck to you crystal. This is hard to deal with. thankfully I'm not so outgoing.
[/QUOTE]What is a snack or tiny meal I can have pack in my backpack that will do a lot for me when I can't eat breakfast?[/QUOTE]

I can't eat bread anymore, and I always ate toast, so I now bring a Boost and a banana for breakfast. I have just recently discovered I can eat Rice Krispies and almond milk as breakfast or lunch. Another alternative is a muffin.

Good luck!

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