Does Anyone Else Get This Pain Too?

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Jan 18, 2018
i was diagnosed in April 2017 with Crohn's after I was brought to the hospital for loss of blood and fluids. I went into remission and on Nov 26th I relapsed. I am currently suffering from a flare-up, I got my Remicade infusion a week ago, and I think it is helping, but I have these horrible pains anytime I go to the bathroom.

I am wondering if anyone else experiences the same thing, or if I should really go see my doctor. I have been in contact with them and they seem to think it's not a big deal, but the pain is honestly unbearable at points.

The pains are as follows - feels like anytime you go to the bathroom you are pushing shards of glass out. You never reach an end point of going to the bathroom, like you're pushing out stool, but it never lets you push it all out. The horrific pain mostly only happens when I am going to the bathroom, the rest of the time it feels like there is a small shard of glass, or a scab in my anus area that rips open. I also get random spasms in my anus area.

Is this common, does this mean I have a fissure or fistula or abscess? SHould I be worried if my doctor doesn't seem to be? I just can't get the pain to subside, and I can't stop going to the bathroom which ends up irritating it more. Ice has been helping and so have sitz baths, but they only help so much.

Any advice?
That sounds like a fissure. Or at least, that is how my daughter described the pain from fissures. Her fissures were initially bad enough that they were dripping blood every time she went to the bathroom.

Her GI put her on hydrocortisone suppositories to heal them. She hated them, but they worked well. They were painful to insert though, especially at first. But within a few days to a week, she stopped bleeding. And sooner after, the pain got better.

We also tried nitroglycerin ointment which is supposed to increase blood flow to the area and help with healing. It didn't do anything except give her a bad headache.

Good luck!
Yes, I agree with Maya that it sounds like fissures. That shard of glass thing is very telling.

I don't seem to be able to get rid of them, once the D, and especially windyness, subsides they improve but they always come back.

The best cream I've found is with lidocaine, it dulls the pain somewhat.

Drs are generally not worried about them, but it would be a good idea to have them checked out to be sure of what is causing the pain. Good luck!
Fissure. Try the suppositories. See if they help. If not they can do a little clip of the affected muscle and pain stops instantly. Husband had one after he had appendix rupture and then got c diff from the numerous post op infections. He tore up inside. He dealt with it for a year before he had the procedure done. Sphincterectomy? He told me in post op it was GONE. So hoping you can be treated with meds.
afoxscreamitout :)
Fissures and ulceration can be 'like glass painful', but from my personal experience, not always constantly extremely excruciating each time we have a bm. SO PLEASE make an appointment and ensure the Dr actually takes a close LOOK no matter how embarrassing. A good Dr will insist on taking a look.
I've been taking entocort and in past had RX for Proctol for fissures, which worked great. Now I take 1 coconut oil capsule orally daily that helps me tremendously, plus it has other benefits. I stick to natural remedies whenever possible because it makes sense. :)
Thanks everyone. I met with my doctor and he did indeed say I have a fissure. I appreciate all your replies to my inquiry! My fissure is on the mend, but of course now I have a c. diff infection that I have to fight off.