Does anyone have pallor or pale complexion?

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Aug 28, 2011
I noticed that since I got these stomach problems, my face often doesn't have the normal shade of skin tone. I look kind of pale, like a vampire. This seems to get worse if I don't get enough sleep.
It could be anemia. A lot of people lose a fair bit of blood during flare-ups, myself included. I've been close to see through at times it seems :). Also if the bleeding is high in the digestive tract you might not even notice it in your BM's. A fecal matter test can be done to find out for sure. And a blood test to find out if your low in iron, b12 or hemoglobin.
goth goth goth

I noticed that since I got these stomach problems, my face often doesn't have the normal shade of skin tone. I look kind of pale, like a vampire. This seems to get worse if I don't get enough sleep.

yes... and big fricken bag under my eyes
Yes! When I flare up, the color all drains from my face and I look white as a ghost. My theory is that all the blood drains from my face to go down to my inflamed gut, but since I'm technically still undiagnosed that's only a guess.
I also believe it's the anemia. My natural skin-tone is a light gold/tan color (at least it was when I was young and the Crohn's hadn't yet manifested), and now I am very pale. The only good thing about it is that my lips and cheeks now appear more rosy pink in comparison.

However, I think the bags under your eyes may be due to exhaustion, lack of sleep and/or dehyrdration.
Yup, me too! I'd lean towards the anemia theory too 'cause even before my IBD I suffered with periods of anemia which left me looking drained. I have very pale skin anyway (mum's red hair/pale skin genes) but I do notice times where I look more vampire than human :p x
My dad said that only for the color of my hair I would disappear against the magnolia wall, anemia the cause with me but I have stayed pale since I had my children and the lovely dark circles under my eyes, I don't need make up for my Halloween outfit!
Yeah i've been pale all my life.. I have really bad anemia because i'm allergic to iron :( And i lost a lot of blood during my flare up so that didn't help.. Had to have quite a few blood transfusions :p Luckily now i'm on the mend after some major operations and the colour is coming back... I think it's usually just during flare ups. Don't worry about it, makes you an individual ;)
Like Aaron, I have always been fair-skinned, but go ghostly white during flare ups. I was borderline anemic during my most recent flare, so I agree that it has a lot to do with it.
My dad said that only for the color of my hair I would disappear against the magnolia wall, anemia the cause with me but I have stayed pale since I had my children and the lovely dark circles under my eyes, I don't need make up for my Halloween outfit!

yes... and big fricken bag under my eyes
I just mentioned this in another thread but thought I'd link it here as well. Dark bags/circles under your eyes can also be a symptom of iron deficiency which would go along with everyone's theory that it's the iron deficiency causing the pale skin.
I come from a family of red-heads and Cherokees, so half my family is pale, and the other half have beautiful dark skin. We're a strange brew. But I also agree with David. Iron doesn't like to stay with me.
It can also be caused by just being ill. I have been having terrible pallor for the last several months and my doctor and I discussed it. I made him check for pernicious anemia because my grandmother had it. My B12 is low, but I do not produce the antibodies. He said that pain and just not feeling well for a while can cause a pallor. However, we have never checked my iron levels, so it could be that. I know that when I am in pain, I get a white ring around my mouth. It is weird looking, but it is how I know when my pain is for sure bad, and not just me feeling wimpy at the moment!
Until about 6 months ago, I was known as Casper to many of my family. This year for whatever reason, I can finally hold blood and iron. I was taking iron infusions every three months for the last three years, and now I seem to be actually aborbing again. I think a return to regular sleep is the most likely reason. I feel human again, and my GP, who has only seen my since the year I was diagnosed, couldn't recognizer me due the fact that I again have colour and a reasonable body mass.
My anaemia is under control but I'm still pale. So pale that you can see all my veins! It's gross. I did manage to get a bit of a tan on holiday though, although all my freckles came out with it too!
I always have what little color I have drain completely out of my face when I flare-I think its from pain and nausea. I go from my normally Scandanavian-pale to vampire/transparent looking-it's a little disturbing!
yes, people often tell me if i'm white or even yellow. i have always gone through phases of being white or yellow and never done anything about it. it comes and goes. but i rarely notice it myself, but judging by the responses of others i do get a bit worried. the world looks at us and we look out into the world. peeps do notice and i even feel guilty for being out and amongst them when they tell me of my health, cos they sure get worried. then it worries me!
I always have what little color I have drain completely out of my face when I flare-I think its from pain and nausea. I go from my normally Scandanavian-pale to vampire/transparent looking-it's a little disturbing!

whoop whoop Scandanavians represent!!!! :emot-dance: we know how to roll.....

i have always been on the pale side. it took me a long time to finally settle with a makeup foundation. and i still feel that it's not quite light enough for i don't think it has anything to do with my Crohns/deficiency in any vitamins. my chest is where my pale-ness is really obvious, very transparent and's really bad in my ****s/nipples. hahaha.

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