Does Crohn's Disease cause you to smell like poo?

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Feb 24, 2015
I am 16 years old. I am believed to have Crohn's Disease, and the symptons have only just came on in the past year. I have had persistent heartburn, stomache cramps, yellowish possibly mucus on stools(not a lot), itching in anus and dark urine.

I have always smelled good, my friends have always commented on my level of hygiene and friendly scent. At school I'm not popular, but well-liked. Only recently, in the past month, things have changed. People sitting nearby me, or standing nearby comment on something that smells like poo. I tried to ignore these comments, but the more and more that have built up leads me to conclude that there's no denying, something is wrong. Smelling bad is one of the worst things that can happen to me, this is completely destroying my self confidence and self esteem. It's constantly on my mind, and having a big year ahead of me; It's distracting from my studies. I've been to the doctor, and awaiting further action.

Having read about other people experiencing these difficulties and finding no cure; no relief; it has really worried me. I can't go on like this.

I thought it was down to the foods I've been eating, so I have changed my diet. I only drink water now, I only eat healthy food, nothing spicy or in the hazard list of things not to eat. Yet this smell is relentless. It won't budge. The embarrassment is soul destroying.

Does anyone else experience the same things? It makes me want to just drop out of school, I don't want to sit around people. My anxiety is skyrocketing and if this continues I don't know what to do with myself.

Is there a reason why this could possibly happen to me, is there anyway I can find some relief from this? I've heard of cleaning out your colon or something? I don't know, I'm clueless and drastically uneducated about this.

I am an overly hygienic person. I take baths every night, I clean everywhere, I wash my hair constantly, I whipe endlessly, I use anti-perspirant, deodrant, aftershave; nothing relieves my problems.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any help and advice is warranted and appreciated.
I've heard of people smelling like poop (or worse) even when they don't have Crohn's. I think there could be a variety of causes, so please tell your doctor. Also, feces odor won't come off with normal soap. I saw a special soap at the GI's office once, but I don't remember the name of it.

I am so sorry you have to deal with this at 16! :(
Hello , so sorry you are going through this , bad at any age let alone at school.
Is it possible that the people you have noticed talking could have heard about your problems and are actually trying to wind you up or something. From (very distant) recollection of it , school kids can be pretty cruel.

If it is an actual smell then I wonder if you are actually passing gas, if you are clean then it wont be coming from the outside but maybe in.
Eating healthy is great but sometimes with crohns, normally healthy foods can cause us problems. Too much leafy greens and fiber could be causing you problems (have a little look at low residue diets - I found this good for reducing gas and cramping).

Please hang in there and don't quit school, what ever is happening is not your fault and you will find a way to deal with it given time and help from the doctor.

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