Does everyone have trigger foods, or if its a bad day its simply a bad day?

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Mar 6, 2011
Hello everyone
I am just wondering if everyone has trigger foods ( I know everyone is different and unique) or if they just find themselves with good days and bad days regardless of what they eat?
I haven't found any founds that make my symptoms worse... or better for that matter. It just seems if its a bad day the only things that I can tolerate are bananas, jello, ensure and clear liquids.

Just a little info-I have not been diagnosed with IBD, but have now been told by two family doctors they think I may have UC, I meet with a GI Specialist in 2 weeks, so I am just trying to hang in there in the meantime. I have been reading post on here the last couple weeks and have to say you guys and gals are an amazing group of individuals. I love the support, information and advise you give to one another!!!

Take care
As you said, everyone is different so I suppose its possible to not have any trigger foods. There are some days where my trigger foods don't bother me at all. I suppose this is because there is little to no inflammation during that time (or maybe it has to do with the amount taken in). There are foods out there that no one can digest (such as corn or at least the outer kernel) but that doesn't mean it will cause any noticeable symptoms for everyone like pain, gas, diarrhea etc.

During a flare we can have good days but when its bad, just keep up the fluid intake and keep a log of your symptoms so you can give them to your new specialist. I hope you get a diagnosis soon so you can get the treatment you deserve.
I don't seem to have specific trigger foods...which is quite frustrating. I have kept food diaries and close observation of what I eat and how I feel but nothing seems consistent. We are all different though so some people do have violent trigger foods. Heather Van Vorous has two books "The First Year" and "Eating For IBS" that have been helpful for me despite the fact that I have more than just IBS. Theyre a great guide for people with digestive systems like us and she is a fellow sufferer so she knows what she is talking about. It's good if you can find some "safe" foods to resort to when nothing seems to go through well! Good luck!
This disease is confusing because it has a mind of it's

I have had two flares in the past 4 years (It was the 2nd flare that got me diagnosed). I do feel that these two flares were all triggered by stress. I lost 15-20 lbs with both flares, it was the second one that almost had me bleeding to death though. The first flare occurred when I had my ex-hubby restrained from me for a month as a result of DV. This last one was a result of job stress and ex-hubby stress--I have to still deal w/his crap because we have a child together. It just might be a coincidence--stress as a trigger--who knows.

Looking back on both flares, everything I ate during the flare except for simple carbs (white bread, plain pasta, canned carrots) went right through me. I do feel that there are foods that exacerbate the flare like nuts, salad, carbonated beverages, etc.

The one food that I know goes right through me are mussels, but I heart those bottom feeders so much:eek:
Thats a good question - I struggle with this all the time as I have so many people telling me "oh, you just need to eat more fibre..." or " you need to eat healthier"...etc..etc... I use to eat very healthy... now I am confused as to what to eat... or where to begin to find out what foods are a trigger or if it is just a bad day ...
I have been scheduled to see a dietician.. perhaps you could start there. At least you can figure things out in a healthy way (with the aid of a dietician).... not even sure where to begin to be honest...
I currently have strictures of the small bowel and acsending colon, although the crohn's markers in my bloods are largely neg - doc's trying azathioprine to treat.

Over the last year i've found that starchy foods cause most of my blockages, particularly potatoes - i thought it was maybe the toxins in spuds that caused it, but now rice and pasta have the same effect so im thinking maybe its the starch - im also thinkin maybe i have an intolerance/allergy but the NHS doesnt test for it - im ok with bread so thats my only carb atm

in the past week i stayed off of regular milk to see if thats what was messing my tummy up. on sunday i decided to try it out and see what will happen by monday.. lets just say i learn my lesson and buying lactose milk or some other kind of milk that i can use in subsitute of regular milk.. i know i have to stay away from nuts or seeds. im not to sure about carbohydrates, but i do eat paste but the wheat one with omega 3 in it, it also is the pasta without the gluteen in it.. so im trying everything to find out what i can eat and not eat..
i cant touch cheese or im straight to the loo but can have butter and milk so im confused and anything to spicy or brown bread which is a killer to so no nuts or corn or mushrooms too,oh what id give for a big greasy double whopper wth cheese or chicken and mushroom pizza lol oh well better make do with my fish n noodles :)
Missing peanuts so much:)

Peanuts seem to be a trigger for me too. I ate peanuts everyday for years until Feb 7, 2011. The topic of this thread gave me the idea to try peanuts again. I went out and bought some Planters Five Alarm Chili Dry Roasted Peanuts:oops:
Anyhow I put about a teaspoon of peanuts in my mouth and chewed them up really well in my car outside of the grocery store. It took me 15 mins to get home from the grocery store. Twenty mins after I left the grocery store I was on the pot:eek:
Mustard kills my stomach. I also have trouble with corn, dairy (just found that out), and I'm trying to avoid gluten to see if that works.
Thanks for all the info everyone! It's so sad all the yummy food is a "no-go" for many! I think you guys should get a free pass for at least once a month!
I used to eat just about anything. These are the foods that will send me through the roof in pain: raw vegetables (especially broccoli and cauliflower), popcorn, corn cooked any way, grapes, peppers, onions, and pork.
I'm still working with my diet to see what my trigger foods are, but one I found out definitely was salmon, it doubles me over. I even tried it a second time because I love Salmon and thought maybe it wasnt really the salmon the first time, but it definetly was! I have not had a remission yet but perhaps when/if I do go into remission I will give it another try.
I definitely have trigger foods... any kind of vegetable will do me in, even cooked. But there are also days where I just drink Ensures and rice and applesauce, and still have problems. It's almost easier not to eat. If only that were an option.
Hey , Dairy gives me quite bad pain , and poultry too which my dietition thought was weird as thats one of the things they recommend on low residue diet. Mayonaise is a deffo no in agony if have even a small amount, I seem to be ok with wheat but im still in a flare (on/off for the last 5 months) so may be able to eat more once im in remission :)
cheese and mayonaise are a trigger...but not all the time. i tend to get ill when im stressed.

when i do become ill the only thing i can eat are my safe foods like mashed potato, grilled chicken if i can eat normal food. or if im feeling sick its an oxo cube in water or a cuppa soup x
Stress and sometimes a bad day, is a bad day.....
Wait.... There are triggers I guess. Corn, and raw veggies.
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I stay away from raw veggies except for Carots and Cucombers.

But rthe real trigger for me is Stress. Once the stress triggers the falre almost everything hurts me.

The only things that really goes through is Pasta and eggs. SO when I hurt I just eat lots of white pasta.

Stress stress stress... big trigger!
As far as D goes, it's really hit or miss. I can eat the same thing every day and my symptoms will vary wildly. The exceptions are popcorn and lettuce. Those will almost always cause problems.

Broccoli gives me pain.
Hamburger in any way, shape or form kills my gut. I can eat a good steak with no problems ( strange but true). Stress makes all foods bad for me!
The only food i have problems eating are apples. Apart from that i havent found anything that makes it worse, apart from stress as the posts above mentioned
I can eat something one day and be fine the next time I eat the same thing and get a trigger very annoying. Stress is the worst problem for me. I have to avoid milk (lactose free is fine) and some dairy. I can eat certain cheese's in small amounts but others set me off straight away. Cucumber is a big no no.
Interesting thread.

I do not have a diagnosis but my symptoms seem to be related to my diet. I have not however been able to find a definite trigger.

When my symptoms worsen, I cannot tolerate soy, lactose, coffee, gluten, or anything oily.
I think the group of foods that help surpress Crohn's are bigger than the group that would cause an inflamation. I always focused on foods that could cause a flare up, but not on the foods that would prevent one. I'm now doing the reverse, my main priority is getting foods that would prevent flare ups.
I too have noticed that i can eat something one day and im fine, and eat the same thing another time and it gives me grief. I have definite no-nos lettuce, pork, mince (luv lasagne too but cant go there). My biggest problem is the lack of appetite. I feel its even more of a struggle trying to prepare meals for the family when the thought of food is the last thing on your mind. I dont like preparing food, thinking about food and then at other times im famished and could eat everything. Is this the same for anyone else?
At this point I have no idea. If I eat a normal diet I'm on the can, if I eat healthy I'm on the can, if I eat anything solid I'm on the can with pain, discomfort, burning lava, u-name it. However, if I stay with ensure, gatorade, and a general liquid diet I'm totally okay. Still have to go to the can once or twice but don't have the pain, discomfort, or the lava poops; go figure. I hate to think I turned into a liquid science experiment.
My triggers are MSG (even when I'm not in a flare it kills me), Dairy, and Chocolate. The last 2 are really hard for me to stay away from because I love cheese and chocolate.

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