Does it ever go away

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May 29, 2007
Man after one of your many trips to the bathroom the cramping and all thats in volved with that it just feels like someone has a lawnmowe in my belly. This happens pretty quickly after I eat. It also seems like the longer I have to hold it the more pain and the longer pain lasts. Is this just me?
Thanks again
No, shoeless, you aren't alone. holding it in for me is a definite no no. The pains get worse... which makes sense. Holding it in simply puts more strain on the old GI tract. Now, maybe i'm crazy (ok, no maybe about it) but in order for me to try to put what's going on inside me into perspective... so I can understand it, relate to it, (WARNING.. REALLY GROSS DESCRIPTION TO FOLLOW) I visualize or picture in my mind.. that one of my arms is severely sun burnt... all red, full of oversized blisters... you know, raw, painfull, really gross!
I then imagine that it represents a portion of my colon, only inside out. then I picture what it would feel like if anyone, anything touched my arm. then it is an easy transition to imagine the skin on my arm as the inside of my colon with all the food being squeezed thru it... that explains to my simple mind the pains, and the reason not to try to hold things in, or not to eat things that I shouldn't

Yeah, I know it's gross to imagine, to visualize that, but it works for me to keep things in perspective, to understand the pain, to know why I should follow my diet... all of that. And if I get tempted to take chances, to let things slide, etc.. Then I just picture my arm cut off at the elbow. Talk about a wake up call!!!!
It hits me bad right after i eat, when i'm driving home i almost have to find a place to stop it gets so bad, what makes that happen so quickly?
Depending on what I eat, I usually have about an hour before it goes downhill. But it varies a lot, sometimes its two hours or more. And sometimes it's just a little bit, and I think, that's a relief, now I can go about my business only to get hit with explosive purging maybe only a half hour later. Before my surgery it was painful to hold it in, now its just uncomfortable.
really depends on who you are but eating does trigger peristalsis. usually anything in the lower colon will be dumped into the rectum after this starts to happen meaning it is food you have already eaten that has been digested and is now ready to get out.

it also could be just a classic IBS symptom. some foods/drinks trigger this in people with IBS and this could be your problem as well. you would have to eliminate the trigger food for it to go away.
I know that post stomach surgery, there is a prevalent condition referred to as 'dumping syndrome'... essentially the stomach empties all its contents into the GI tract all at once. Think knowledge of this issue came about as a result of followup post surgery. they say it is commonly worsened/triggered by certain foods. I don't think i'd be surprised if a similiar situation occured within us w/o the surgery thing. They may have a different name for it, or they may not even recognize it... doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. I know that somewhere on the web you can probably find a list of foods known to cause dumping sydrome
Be curious to see if someone with IBD suffering similiar symptoms notice theres a correlation between their diet and the diet triggers of D.S. Anyone want to look at this? I don't have this issue, otherwise I'd be happy to check into it...
I can't ever hold it, either. It always has to be like RIGHT NOW. When I get my flareups there are times when I almost don't make it to the washroom even when i'm only 10 feet away!! Even just a 'normal' day, I have to go at least 6 times a day, sometimes that's closer to 10 and its always very urgent.

~ Lisa ~

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