Does the summer heat affect your Crohns?

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May 16, 2014
Just temperature changes affect your stomach/intestines? It seems that I have a more difficult time during the warmer months. Was doing pretty well lately, but today it was much more difficult between my intestines and my diabetes.
I don't get too much internally as a result, but there are a couple issues I have because of the amount of bowel I have had removed.

To try to keep hydrated, I have to drink extra water and keep it really under control. For me, if I slightly overdo my water intake I start to flush it out of my bowels instead of absorbing it and then actually accelerate dehydration by drinking. On a tip from a urologist, I have started putting slight traces of salt into my water to assist in absorption. The dehydration in the past has caused several kidney stones to form.

I also find I get a lot of itching anally on warm days. I have gone to more frequent changes of underwear to alleviate this somewhat.

That's about it for me. I am sure others will identify other issues. Hope you have a great summer!
Yes for me! Heat and humidity make me cramp up terribly. The first summer that I was ill, we didn't have air conditioning in our house. It was so miserable and my guts were so unhappy! After that, we spent way too much money and got central air installed, and now summers are much more tolerable particularly guts-wise. But if I have to spend a lot of time outside in the summer and get even the slightest bit dehydrated, I still definitely pay for it. Last summer I had to help out at a work event that was outdoors on a hot humid day and we didn't bring enough bottled waters for everyone. I was so ill afterwards and all the next day too. Heat and humidity just kill me!

Of course, winter is no picnic either. Snow and bitter cold makes my arthritis (hips) ache. So no matter what the season, something is always acting up. :p Oh well!
I can't stay in the sun too long because of my medications-almost all of them come with warning about the sun and heat.

For me, the cold effects me more though. I can never seem to get warm and am always blue and shivering.
Interesting question. I don't know if the heat makes me extra tired/sick, of if it's just that tiredness is harder to deal with when it's hot.
Always feel better in the heat than the cold. I have trouble maintaining body temperature and I struggle to get enough calories as is, I have none to burn for heating.
If you do find a difference, do you think it may be because you eat and drink differently in different seasons?

I've never noticed any difference in my digestive problems. But I can't regulate my body temperature and feel both heat and cold, but I much prefer the cold. Which doctors find strange, because I'm thin they seem to think I'd like the heat. But I'm very thin but still get very hot! I live in the UK though so neither the heat or the cold are ever that extreme.
If you do find a difference, do you think it may be because you eat and drink differently in different seasons?

I've never noticed any difference in my digestive problems. But I can't regulate my body temperature and feel both heat and cold, but I much prefer the cold. Which doctors find strange, because I'm thin they seem to think I'd like the heat. But I'm very thin but still get very hot! I live in the UK though so neither the heat or the cold are ever that extreme.

This was the same for me back when I could eat whatever and digest it well. I think it's because some peoples' metabolisms are higher and burn way more energy in the form of heat, I was always super skinny even when I was healthy. I'd get up for school in the morning, 0* weather, take a cup of coffee and walk outside in a light jacket feeling fine.

Now that I can't digest well it's bad because I'm probably wasting what little I have on unnecessary body heat. When I was really sick a few summers ago I'd turn off all the air conditioners and use a blanket in the summer. I used to go for walks during the hottest part of the day, as long as I had water that was the best I would feel all year.

I feel bad for making fun of girls that were always cold all year round because now I understand it's a body heat thing and not in your head.
I guess I should have explained my answer; I have autonomic problems due to another medical condition, so I can't cool down because I can't sweat much at all and my blood vessels don't dilate properly. And I can't adapt to cold temperatures either. I don't know why I feel the heat worse than the cold though.

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