I!m awaiting cam capsule for small bowel following negative gastrocope and virtual colonosxopy. My symptoms have been worse since March with low iron feritin but normal hemoglobin. No inflammation seen in blood. Nausea and small bowel is bloated. I have to drink and eat less. Urine output less which seems to point to partial bowel blockage, though impassing relatively normal shapd stools but with a bad odour/darker colour. No diarrhea. Nausea, some belly cramp. I don't really understand why fluid is not being absorbed or passing into large bowel. Im utterly fatigued too. Nowsinus mucous which I never had before.
I male, 56. Obviously concerned about tumors which are rare. I would be keen to hear from others with similar dilemma,,,,,, thanks
I male, 56. Obviously concerned about tumors which are rare. I would be keen to hear from others with similar dilemma,,,,,, thanks