Does this sound like IBD?

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Jan 27, 2013
Hello everyone, for the past couple of years I've had problems with my bowels. The previous insurance company I had at my last job didn't want to pay for colonscopy because they said I was too young for anything serious. Damn HMO's but finally getting scoped this thursday since I'm on a new insurance plan. A little scared to know whats wrong with me but happy in general that to getting diagnosed (I hope).

Here are my symptoms, what do you guys think? Is this IBD?

- Very frequent colon noises (gurgling noises)
- Very frequent intestinal gas, sometimes gas like every 15 - 20 minutes.
- Very frequent bowl movements (every 2 hours)
- Stools ranging from soft to hard (when there is constipation)
- Abdominal pain that range from dull to stabbing pain
- Episodes that go for a few weeks, disappear and then come back
- No weight loss, no diarrhea
- Sometimes nausea

It seems to get better with probiotics, the stools get better and the pain too but its still there.

What do you think? Anxious to get scoped. Finally will get some answers :)
You symptoms sound like they could be IBD...You will know more after your scope. I know you are anxious about the colonoscopy. There is a ton of information here on the forum about various tests. The prep is unpleasant-we all hate it-but you will get through it! If I can do it, you can do it!!

Once you have had the scope you and your doctor can start to work on how best to treat your symptoms. A good working relationship with your doctor is key. Make sure you are honest about how you are feeling so that you get the right treatment.

Keep us posted about your results.
hi truet00th and welcome to the club!
i am so glad that you got another insurance plan,, you definitely need to have the scope!

like lisa says above - try not to be too anxious about the colonoscopy - ive had 3, and im a massive wimp. so if can do, im sure you can ;)

please keep us updated xx
Hi and welcome to the forum. The advice given above is good - the only thing I can really add is, make sure they take lots of biopsies during your scope! Things may look fine on the scope but there are some things that can only be seen on biopsy (such as microscopic colitis). Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes, and of course feel free to ask any questions. As the others have said, the prep is the worst part, the rest should be smooth sailing. Good luck!
Hi truet00th. :)

While you're seeing your GI talk to them about having a breath test done to see if you have SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) since your symptoms seem to improve with probiotics.

Keep us posted on the scope results. :)
Your symptoms can also be triggered by food allergies. Just something to think about. Try keeping a food journal, or see if you are eating the same thing every day. I know sometimes lactose intolerance can show up as constipation. Or it could just be IBS, which is often trigger with stress, food allergies, and so many other factors. Don't do what I've been doing and assuming the worst. I've been narrowing down on my stomach troubles and so far it's starting to point towards certain types of foods. Some not-so-literal food for thought :).

Also, if the probiotics are helping... I definitely agree with the potentiality of SIBO. Have you been tested for C. Diff? I think it typically causes diarrhea, I'm not a hundred percent sure. But it's worth ruling out if you haven't done that yet.

For the mean time, try finding foods that do agree with you. I have friends that rave about Paleo and SCD diets.
Its hard to tell but the scope and a few other test together would give u a good answer. I was given an xray where I drank nasty chalky liquid, crp blood test, egd/ scope with biopsy. I have crohns and in the beginning I had diarrhea and constipation that would rotate and disappear. Stomach cramping ensued a few years later and progressively got worse. My abdomen is very sore during a flare too. If I lay on my back and push were my ileum is it feels like I'm internally bruised. My scope showed disease. Even if they don't see it biopsies can show inflammation. Hope you get lucky and don't have ibd

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