Don't know if this is normal or not...

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Jan 10, 2013
So it's going on 2 weeks now since my first laparascopic resection. And for the most part the pain has been really rare and barely there! So i was very happy about that of course. Until today when i woke up and about right in the middle of my abs and incision it was a really sharp pain! And its still there. My dad thinks that it is just the healing process but in the middle of the scar its a lot softer than the outsides of the scar and it really hurts to do anything that requires the use of my lower abdominal muscles. So anyone know if it is normal that this is happening? I'm a little bit of a hypochondriac when it comes to this kind of stuff. :eek2: I don't know if it's normal for the pain to come back after it had barely been there for so long/if the middle of the incision being softer than the rest of it is normal? Any help/suggestion would be much appreciated.
Pain after surgery is normal. Did they give you anything for pain management?
I used a little pillow to put pressure on the incision when I had to cough or laugh and move around. It helped me out for the first couple days. Reduces that "I'm tearing in half" feeling.
Obviously don't put enough pressure on it to the point where it's hurting you.
it's just so strange because there was very little pain for almost a week and now its hurting worse :p but they did give me oxycodone. which helps a somewhat but still super uncomfortable. I do also to the pillow thing though! It helps so much.
idk i dont like taking them that much because the doctor told me to take them only when i need them :p but the pain just kind came suddenly :/