Dont know what to do..

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Apr 15, 2013
So I didn't really know how to title this, so please just read and see if you can help me :) thanks.

So last time I went to see my doctor I told her I was starting to get the occasional symptom but nothing major, she said according to blood tests im in remission so I shouldn't worry.. I recently went on holiday to butlins with my nan and some of my friends, it was great but even though im in remission I felt so angry at my disease. Every time someone saw a motorized scooter or a wheelchair they would joke and say I should steel it from them, and we were queing to do bungee trampolining when my nan realised it says not to try if you have medical problems, and she was worried it would hurt my joints, so I waited for an hour to watch my friend have fun on it. We went out for lunch once and my order came with salad, I had one piece of cucumber and an hour later my stomach hurt and going to the loo wasn't fun...

We have been trying to contact my doctor since the start of the summer break but everytime she is on holiday. She isn't a very good doctor and she doesn't even know most things, she told me my shaking hands were nothing to do with my medication when it is listed in the side affects and she always tells me that im either not trying to build muscle or im pushing myself too far when I know what im doing.

Im sorry this is so long but im crying myself to sleep some nights and to make it all worse im choosing my options in feb and getting really stressed and well im a mess and don't know what to do :(
Hello , would you mind if I inboxed you? I wondered if you might find this easier to talk about more privately? Its totally up to you :).
Nothings really changed to be honest but ate a cake got terrible stomach pains and realized it was out of date... Such fun.
I would say if I was you to get a different doctor. Look for a new one or ask if you can see someone else. Im having a similar problem with my current doctor and thankfully I will be getting a new one soon. Hoping that they will actually listen to me and not get all their answers off a computer but from actual knowledge. My current doctor called me to discuss medication and hadnt even checked my records and kept telling me I need to see a rhemotologist then hes like wait what do you have wrong with you again? Seriously your a doctor!!!
yeah I really dont know how she is a doctor.. She tells me you dont get dizzy with aneamia, you do. She tells me my shaking hands aren't to do with steroids, it literally says it in the side affects.. Idiot!!! Eurgh she annoys me!
Anemia sucks and defo causes dizzines. I havw serve fatigue and have been telling my doctor for ages and they never have listened! Finally they tested me and found I have pernicious anemia not sure if I spelt that right. I feel like they could of found it amd treated it before it starts to ruin me internally! I really do wonder how some people become doctors. I used to have an amazing one but I moved and have to leave that one. It definately sounds like you need a new one before you run into an issue with your medications or something else. Have you been on steriods long?
I also think it's time for you to get a new doctor! I know how it feels being left out of all the fun stuff because of being ill - I was on holiday when I was flaring and it was awful because I couldn't even leave the house. Anyway, if you're really unhappy with your doctor, just go to your GP! You've got a right to choose a doctor that works well with you.

Also - don't worry about your options. I know everyone says it but once you choose then everything starts to calm down for a while. I'm about to go into year 11 and I've got all my exams in summer, but I was terrified when the time came for me to choose my options! It sucks because we've got enough on our plate without worrying about school as well!

Anyway, I hope things start to improve for you soon and that you can get seen by a doctor that knows what they're doing!!
New doctor one with information on Crohns and one going to do best for and show you supoort. Good luck with everything. Let us know how you get on with things that mean school and health.
I had a similar time with my old doctor. I just switched this month, but am already getting more answers and my new doctor is actually listening to me. With my old doc, I felt so alone and hopeless because he said I was fine and wouldn't do anything with me, when I am not "fine". Now my new doc has actually addressed my issues and is trying to solve them. Just remember that you do not have to suffer alone, we are all here to support you!