Draven's problems....could it be Crohns?

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May 25, 2011
My little man is 21 months and has had developmental delays all of his life. He didn't sit unaided until 11 months, didn't walk until 4 weeks ago. He has hypermobile joints so the delayed development was attributed partly to that, they eventually did blood tests looking to rule out autism and as part of his blood count they discovered some aspect of his count was low and the results were suggestive of iron deficiency anaemia. He started taking iron medication and within a few days was sleeping constantly, lethargic, refusing all food and then all fluid and ended up in hospital with dehydration, abdominal pain and constipation. He had bloods and it was discovered then that he is not absorbing vitamin D and has early stages of rickets. He was discharged after 3 days and that was 2 weeks ago. Since then he has had periods of hours where he does nothing but scream in what appears to be pain, and is a lot more lethargic than I would expect. His stools are loose and black due to iron medication and I am lost as to what is wrong with him. It sounds like on many levels he has symptoms of Crohns.
Hi Draven's Mummy and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear about your little one. :(.

Unfortunately, iron supplements can, in children, cause many of the symptoms you are describing so I don't know if this is clouding what is going on or not.

It sounds like the symptoms started when he commenced taking the iron, is that right?

Has he had bloods done to see what his iron levels are since commencing the supplements?

What are the follow up plans now he is discharged?

Have the docs suggested a reason as to why he is having absorption problems?

Sorry for all the questions Mum! :eek2:

What a difficult time for you watching your little boy go through all this, my heart goes out to you hun. I hope you get some answers soon and Draven can find some much needed relief. Good luck and keep us posted on how he is going.

Thinking of you, :hug:
Dusty. xxx
Thank you for the reply :). The follow up plan is iron 3 times daily and vitamin D once a day and both absorbption issues will be dealt with after 3 months at separate clinics with different paediatricians. They have offered me no idea as to why he isn't absorbing, just a referral to a dietitian to help with controlling the rickets. I expected the diarrhea and maybe some lethargy with the iron medication, but it is the screaming in pain that is most concerning for me particularly coupled with the malabsorption issues. Do you think it sounds like just a reaction to the iron? His symptoms started maybe 12 hours before he begun his iron meds so hard to separate the two
I assume he is taking the iron orally. Iron isn't a very nice med for a child but of course if he needs it then he must take it. Many of the symptoms you describe could be a side effect of the iron, it is hard to say...lethargy, diarrhoea/constipation, stomach upset. The pain is concerning and I don't know if this is related to any cramping or upset the iron could be causing.

I can understand the docs wanting to wait and see regarding the absorption of the iron and vit D but in view of the pain that your son experiencing 3 months is too long to wait in my opinion and I if it were me I would also like to have his iron checked a couple of times before the 3 monthly review.

I think it would be a good idea to start keeping a diary if you don't already have one. Here is a link to one we have here...


You know your son better than anyone so follow your instincts. If the symptoms your son has don't sit well with you then get him back to the doctor.

Dusty. :hug:
Thanks Dusty, I am getting him seen by the Doc this afternoon. Fingers crossed they will send him for repeat bloods and find out what is causing the pain.
Thanks Dusty, I am getting him seen by the Doc this afternoon. Fingers crossed they will send him for repeat bloods and find out what is causing the pain.
I have everything crossed for you and Draven! Good luck and let us know how you get on...:hug:


Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxx

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