Drew and Humira

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Nov 15, 2007
So far so good. I have finished my first 6 loading doses, 6 pens in total.

I am starting to actually feel better. Pain is subsiding, energy levels are up, and food wise I'm able to eat more and more without issues.

My stools are finally becoming a little more formed but still .. I don't know how to put this, wet I guess?

I am still dealing with what I think is some constipation but it seems to be slowly getting better.

This is the best I have felt in a year, since my initial treatment with steroids.

I am holding out the hope that this continues and doesn't peter out on me. I feel like I'm finally on the road to recovery. Something is finally working, after trying just about everything but Metho, Remi and Cimzia.

I won't be going anywhere soon though, I love you guys and gals too much and I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.

I discussed it with my family and I'm going to give myself until the end of the year with treatment and as long as things continue to improve then I'm going to make a really hard search for work and get back on my feet FINALLY. I have only worked about 2 or 3 months since June of 2007.

I feel like this disease has stolen the last almost 2 years from me, while I can't get it back I can look forward now thank goodness, thanks in large part to all of you.
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drew_wymore said:
My stools are finally becoming a little more formed but still .. I don't know how to put this, wet I guess?
Jesus that's sexy!!!

(Got you back - you BRAT!!)
Drew, that is awesome! Hope you continue to feel well!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Drew, that's great...it sounds like we're both about in the same place with our Humira treatments. I have my first "regular" dose (one pen) today. I've been feeling really good since starting the Humira...like I don't even have Crohn's. It's definitely the best I've felt since getting sick and being diagnosed. I'm almost done with the prednisone, down to 5mg and finishing on Saturday.

Let's hope it keeps working well for both of us!
Pen said:
Gotta like that eh?:ycool:

Oh yes! I was getting to the point where I thought I'd never feel normal again. Humira is like a miracle drug, at least so far. Now all I have to do is get rid of the pred side effects (puffy face, acne, etc.) in time for my high school reunion (in two weeks)!
Drewsauce and Buttsauce, the primordial goo in which life begins (*end British accent doing a BBC special on the Big Bang*)
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Awww, poor Drew got his Humira thread hijacked...
shouldn't have opened his mouth about the Drewsauce maybe?
My Butt Hurts said:
Awww, poor Drew got his Humira thread hijacked...
shouldn't have opened his mouth about the Drewsauce maybe?

And you shouldn't have opened yours for it. Errr, that came out wrong.
YAY!! As SOON as I wrote that I said to myself "OOO!! I hope Benson reads that! He's gonna want to reply a certain something, but he won't be able to cuz it should be in the LOUNGE!"
But you took your chances, didn't you??
You're gonna get yourself in trouble! I'm tellin Ding!

Good one, B...good one!
Eh I'm ok. Not great but not bad. I still have noticed more energy since I started the Humira but the other symptoms have come back as I started advancing my diet again from liquids. It seems no matter what I eat that my bowels don't want to cooperate. I know it'll take some time.

I went to urgent care the other night cause I started getting a nasty wheezy cough and cold that wouldn't go away ... have had it for a week, the doctor put me on avelox and now the cold stuff is going away.
Hey man sorry I didn't see this thread sooner. I hope you continue down this road of recovery. It will take a while but hopefully with Humira you'll be able to get back on track.
I swear Drew, I'm gonna end up GETTING some illness in those Urgent care waiting rooms, I have to tell the nurse to hurry it up, because every time I go, I get around 3-5 people in a 20 foot vicinity that are coughing and NOT covering their mouths, and I have a crushed immune system as it is. They even had to put out a sign (probably not just for me) that said cover your mouth if you're coughing. I had to sit next to one teen who was holding a vomit bowl in her lap 5 feet away 2 months ago, and I went up and requested to wait elsewhere, it's very awful in those Urgent care wait areas for all my blood tests (the only reason I go).

I wish Cimzia gave me energy (Humira's younger brother), glad you're picked up, the fatigue is horrid to deal with.
Nobody was there when I went so it was nice but the desk lady was a ******, she was like uh why do you need to be seen? I bust out the whole I gotta cold and I'm on an immune suppressant and she was like oh well sign right on in!
Jeff D. said:
Hey man sorry I didn't see this thread sooner. I hope you continue down this road of recovery. It will take a while but hopefully with Humira you'll be able to get back on track.

I'm a jerk I forgot to say THANK YOU Jeff =)
I hope the treatments keep working for you.
Normal, eh? What the heck is that?...LoL
You'll never know either with MBH as you right hand girl.....just kidding
Yum on the dinners with drew/buttsauce;)
ah its so nice to hear a story in which someone is feeling better!
hope it keeps up for ya drew:)

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