Eating Wheat Grass???

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May 26, 2006
Has anyone heard or tried wheat grass??

A friend of mine found it on a website for CD.

They seem to have it in actual grass form, and a powder blend.

I use barley greens in powder form, but I was wondering if anyone has had any success with the wheat grass.
never tried it myself, let us know how it goes.

(tho i dont really eat much that didn't have parents)
i don't have an answer for you either, sorry.

but i do think that eating grass sounds simply scrumptious.
jed said:
never tried it myself, let us know how it goes.

(tho i dont really eat much that didn't have parents)

Jed, have you any Irish ancestors....???
I'm the same, my mantra usually is... "If it didn't have a heartbeat, don't put it on my plate...."
I haven't had wheat grass, but I've had wheat grass juice for the first time recently. The taste is "different" but I wouldn't describe it as bad. It's supposed to be very healthy (and, oddly enough, gluten free). It's very concentrated, so you get a shot of it instead of a whole glass. I've only had it a couple of times (including today at lunch), so it's too soon to tell as far as results or anything. I've seen the grass itself in the health food store, but I think you need a juicer to get the juice out, and a juicer isn't in my budget right now.
@ toosick- Please feel free to update with your results on here with the wheat grass, I am looking into it.

I found a Jack LaLane juicer in the classifieds for $50, keep your eyes open, they are wonderful!!
I've only had the wheat grass juice a couple of times now. I really do feel that it's healthy, based on what I've read about it. I just haven't had it enough to notice a difference yet.

I will definitely keep my eye out for a juicer, though! As soon as I can afford it, I'm getting one (that could be a while, lol). Then I can buy the little squares of wheat grass they sell in the health food stores and make my own wheat grass juice. :)
Hi Molly,
I used to drink the barley grass/green drinks quite often and it made a big difference in how I felt (perhaps I should start up again. I haven't used it since being diagnosed). I have even heard of people being treated for cancer in which the doctor prescribed green drinks. I think doctors suggest it because it causes an alkaline reaction balancing the pH in the body which maybe slows the growth of cancer (not really sure how it works).

If you are interested in this, you should look into some of the research on alkaline diets as a way to neutralize acids in the body and thus reduce inflamation in the body--which is obviously a huge part of our problem. From what I gather, acid equals inflammation. I have read several books about acid/alkaline balance diets you might want to look up. One is called Sick and Tired by Robert Young (he's also got another one out, I think) and a second called The Acid-Alkaline Diet by Chris Vasey. There are others but these are a couple I've read. The Robert Young books clearly promote the green drink mixes he markets (which are very expensive), but you can take the advice and get green drink mixes at GNC or online. You can also get a juicer, etc.

I know wheat grass or barley grass doesn't sound good but it isn't really bad tasting--kind of neutral. It does give you a boost of energy and long term, I think it is a healthy way to go. At least it isn't unhealthy.
i think there is something to the whole pH balance and our disease too.
a while ago i went to a chiropracter/wellness type doctor and he tested my acidity by putting one of those strips (forget the real name) in my mouth to test my saliva and i was wayy acidic. he then did one himself to show me and his was normal.
i believe a pH of 7 is normal? not sure, but i think theres something to it.

just thought id throw it out here!
I definitely agree about the pH balance. I'm reading Digestive Wellness by Elizabeth Lipski, Ph.D. right now (awesome book for any of us here, by the way) and I'm at the section about acid-alkaline balance. Apparently you can buy the pH strips and test your morning urine to see where you fall on the acid-alkaline scale. Kello, it sounds like you are in the optimal range, which is 6.5 to 7.5. The author also offers some dietary changes/additions to get in the optimal range if you're too acid or alkaline. Very interesting stuff. I'm going to get the strips and try it out!
toosick--i wasnt saying that MY own number was 7, i was thinking out loud that normal is a 7? i dont remember what my number was, just that it was way below normal lol!
hmm you can buy the strips? i figured they were special or something. i might have to get some...
lol no you can buy them pretty much anywhere, I have a electric ph tester but I use it for water testing not for spitting on :p lol
Ooops, sorry about that, Kello! I misread your post. :) :)

I saw that they sell the test strips on, but I'm sure you can get them other places too (I've just never looked for them before). (if anyone wants to get them from, I have a code you can use for $5 off your first order)

Anyway, I can't wait to get some and see what my result is!
I go to a naturalist who tests mine. I've learned when I cut out processed flour and sugars it brings my acid level way down and I feel much better.
Not an easy tasks to cut it out though!!

@hleeann, I do take barley greens....yuck.:eek:
But I've learned to mix it in grape/raspberry juice and it makes it easier to drink.
wheat grass does have a connection when it comes to treating CD and UC. I keep mentioning about Ayurveda but never really discussed the medicines used in treating CD in Ayurveda...let me say that now since the topic has croped up..wheat grass is one of the things used as a long term medicine for treating U/C (no one in India actually calls it CD, as its very rare out here). and yes also for iron deficiency and high BP.
I've been using organic powdered wheat grass for a few weeks now.I have it early morning mixed with fruit juice.It's very pleasant,and while I haven't noticed a massive improvement with my UC it's certainly not doing any harm.I also started juicing at the same time.I just want to do the best that I can for my health and will keep it up.It's a good habit to have.
I've been using organic powdered wheat grass for a few weeks now.I have it early morning mixed with fruit juice.It's very pleasant,and while I haven't noticed a massive improvement with my UC it's certainly not doing any harm.I also started juicing at the same time.I just want to do the best that I can for my health and will keep it up.It's a good habit to have.

thats the spirit ! you'll definitely get better soon. all d best.
My naturopath recently recommended wheatgrass. I bought them in dehydrated tablet form (go to Amazon or to look up the different varieties) and I take like 4/day so far. I've only been on them a few days so I have no effects to report. The tablets don't take like much and are much easier to obtain and much easier to swallow than getting the juice shots.

These little buddies are supposed to be nutrient powerhouses and, according to my naturopath, should do...something to normalize my stupidly-high ferritin levels. I'm hazy, but they're supposed to be good for blood in general.

Google "wheatgrass" to read the whole range of health claims--people basically think it will make angels descend from the heavens and envelop your body in a shimmering cloak of beauty. Yeah, yeah, whatever, Internet. But I'm down to try anything that's nontoxic and doesn't support Big Pharma. (I've funded too many Merck CEOs' BMWs and speed boats already, thanks.)
Eat wheatgrass? In powder form okay but in its fresh form do not. For the fresh form juice it first and start slow usually people that have acidic bodies feel sick the first acouple times taking it but I love the stuff nice and sweet. In powder form don't think you'll get sick the first acouple times if your acidic. I've tried both powder and fresh natural juice form, no issues. If you want to grow wheat grass its easy and cheap to grow and way more nutritious than any organic vegetable in the stores. Highly recommend it!
I have tried wheat grass juice on and off, but now I am going for a everyday long-term trial. I have a Omega juicer to make it on my own but after a few trials, having to wash my machine everyday for such a small amount, I decided to buy it already made frozen and individually pre-packed. I find it easier for compliance. I have seen the powder form, but never tried it.

It's been said:

to drink wheat grass juice on a empty stomach (ideally when waking up),

To keep the juice in mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing (increases saliva production as part of digestion),

and to wait for about 30 minutes before drinking or eating anything else for fullest anti-oxydant properties...

Heres a reasearch about wheat grass juice, Ulcerative colitis and positive results:

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