I understand what you are saying, but HIV is Not easy to catch at all. In fact you have a better chance of getting Ebola. HIV is ONLY spread through blood, period. Malaria is also Not contagious. You have to be bit by an infected mosquito to get it. There is a lot "they" do not know about this Ebola over here. Ebola has been in Africa for a long time now. We just did not hear about it because there was never such an outbreak like there is now. This is a very very nasty evolved strain of this disease and it is more virulent, and this is why so many are coming down with it over there. This form of Ebola is also a very deadly form. Yes, some people are going to survive, it all depends on the person and their immune system when it comes down to that. But with this form of Ebola, more die than live when infected with it sadly.
I just think it would be safer to stop all the air travel in and out of Africa just until this things runs it's course. This is indeed how things spread. For instance with Ebola it takes 18 to 21 days to start showing symptoms. Yes, most people are not very contagious until they start showing symptoms, but where will that person be when they start showing symptoms? On an airplane, a bus, at home, maybe in a store, maybe visiting friends, who knows. Person starts feeling sick and has to vomit of has a bout of the runs. Well that sets the stage for transmission. I know what you are thinking, and yes, most decent people who know they have been exposed to someone with Ebola would never take a chance of spreading it, but unfortunately not everyone is that decent. I mean just look at the man who brought Ebola to Dallas! He knew he was near a person infected, yet he still got on a plane and went there. Did he tell the ER staff when he got to hospital immediately that there was chance he had Ebola? Also, the idiots at the hospital discharged him knowing he was sick! Did they know he was just in Afrcia and exposed to an Ebola patient?
So my point being is that yes, if everyone was decent and honest and cautious, then this thing likely would not spread. But that is not the case in this world. People have jobs, they have kids, hell most people do not even wash their hands which is why the regular Flu and Gut flu's always spread like wildfire. This is why I believe the government should err on the side of caution with this deadly illness. And you are right, eventually we will have an illness here that will take people out like flies too. It will happen again, I mean look at the plague, the Spanish flu, Hong Kong Flu, all these illnesses killed lots and lots of people who got infected. This will eventually happen again due to viruses and bacteria evolving into stronger and nastier bugs, it is inevitable. But why bring something here knowingly like the Ebola? It makes no sense at all...
In that case all air travel forever should be stopped, as HIV, malaria, the flu, drug trafficking, human trafficking (all conducted/transmitted via air travel) etc. are tens of thousands of times more deadly in terms of statistics.
Ebola ONLY spreads by contact with bodily fluids once the person in question is already very sick. It does not spread from someone who doesn't show any symptoms or doesn't know he is infected to others and it cannot by airborne or be transmitted like the flu or the common cold. Just as HIV doesn't just mutate and is suddenly transmitted via coughs of people around you.
I am pretty appalled that the media is apparently spreading horror stories that even normal, sensible people believe in them.
Hospitals are much more likely to be caught by surprise a freak thunderstorm or an amok shooter. Hospitals need to concentrate on ACTUAL threads and care, instead of focusing on hypothetical situations.
Yes, some stuff might be spreading this way, but definitely not Ebola.
Ebola kills 70%... in Africa, because they don't have the treatment developed in the West and administered to Europeans and Americans where the percentage of dead per infected is not 70%, but much lower.
If they would do that, I will stop believing in common sense by any government out there and thinking we are in some kind of weird parallel universe.