Excess gas

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 4, 2014
I'm an 18 year old with ibs and LPR (reflux). I also have a hiatal hernia. Recently ivd noticed I've been having problems with my stomach more than usual. I've been having an upset stomach with gas. Particularly after I eat. A couple days a go I noticed my stool was green and it stayed like that for 24 hours. I can't think of anything I'm doing differently. What could this be?
Thank you
Hi there alybaly402,

A few questions:

What are your typical IBS symptoms?
What medications (OTC and prescription) are you currently taking?
Also, what does your diet look like?
Hi there alybaly402,

A few questions:

What are your typical IBS symptoms?
What medications (OTC and prescription) are you currently taking?
Also, what does your diet look like?

My typical ibs symptoms are usually constipation, and sometimes a weak stomach. I'm on dexilant (Lpr) karafate (lpr) and escitalipram (anxiety).
My stomach has a also been making funny sounds all day.
I dont wanna be the boy who cried wolf- so I don't wanna call my dr unless I absolutely must.
I understand what you mean about being the boy (in my case girl) who cried wolf as I too used to suffer from severe anxiety issues that put me in the doctors office a lot for little to no reason.

That being said, I have to ask if you've been under a great deal of stress lately? How else are you managing your anxiety symptoms? Do you go to therapy or practice any yoga or mindfulness or have any other coping skills? Stress can trigger a lot of symptoms both real and unreal. I know we don't always like to hear it or want to believe that it's true but trying to find ways to relax can help to determine if it is truly a symptom or if it is just stress-related.

My anxiety episodes used to cause severe diarrhea and upset stomach/stomach cramps. I also couldn't hold down food or simply had a loss of appetite in general. It's very common for anxiety and stress to trigger digestive issues.

I also know how mysterious having IBS can be even moreso than a firm diagnosis of IBD. So if you really feel stress isn't the case in this situation then for peace of mind you could call the doctor.
Have you tried simethiocone for the gas? It's an over the counter pill. You may also benefit from taking a digestive enzyme with your food.
Oh! Also consider looking into a probiotic. Something to talk about with your GI. That's what my GI just recommended to me this week for my gas. Maybe it can help balance the bacteria in your gut.

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