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Jul 20, 2010
I have noticed with the 2 types of cancer, 2 neck fusions, several surgeries on my hands and wrists, and elbow that my problems have become something my family is tired of hearing about. Now with the IBS going into Crohns, it seems like it's a repeated nightmare. At times I think they must feel as if I like being in pain and telling them...but quite the opposite.
I am a happy, outgoing, popular person. But since all these issues in the past 2-3 years, I am changing. The pain from all the surgeries I needed kept me in immense pain. Even doctors thought I was putting on until they started doing all the tests. I put off the IBS cuz I had it for more than 20 years and thought...oh it can wait. I got more serious problems. Now I regret it. The CT Scan last week basically left me so sick I thought I was dying. I had a round of cancer tests recently and they thought another form of cancer had came back other than the two I already had to fight. Turns out it may be the symptoms of the Crohns instead...thank you GOD! But they made another appt for Monday just to make sure. so I have an appt on Mon, Tues, & Thurs. of next week!
Now, with all the surgeries but one (other elbow) behind me, this Crohns is a raging bull! I suffer everyday. I stay fatigued. Pain is back fulltime. I stay inside 99% of the day, cuz of gas (smells), and incontinence.
Often I wonder if I've done something in my life to cause this kind of negativity in my life. BUT...I know better. I am a very giving, thoughtful, caring, and loving person. I give instead of take and would give the shirt off my back if someone needed it.
What's got to go on inside your head to stay sane? I took depression meds for 2 years because of pain and saw a shrink. I dont wanna do that no more. No pity party here. Just wondering how you all stay confident, happy, and smiling??
I use to say I am not normal nor do I want to I'm rethinking that statement! LOL! I said it because normal didn't sound fun. Normal was boring.
I'm so glad I found this place. In the two-three days since I've been posting...I've had so many nice people say such good things. Family may be pushing me away but you guys are pulling me in for a big group hug. I am thankful I have this place. For one, to know whats coming, and maybe I can make someone else feel better too.
So essentially I am saying that who ever started this site, is a wonderful person. All the people who come here to support and lift up...are awesome. Keep up the great work, and fantastic site. Most of all, thank GOD for you wonderful new friends.
Hey Vigi,

Sending you heaps and heaps of cyber hugs, hope you catch real soon -


Take care,
Hi Vigi - don't ever feel alone, you have just inherited a very large worldwide family who will always be here for you. This forum is awesome and will always lift your spirits because we all know what it's like in one form or another. As for your family and friends we've found sometimes the "distance" game is played out by them because they sometimes can't get to grips with a disease that seems never ending and many feel useless that they can't help take the pain away and make you feel better.

Take it one day at a time, always shout out if you need anything.

All the best,

The Girls
(Colette & Stephie)
Just wondering how you all stay confident, happy, and smiling??

well, personally, i don't - not all the time. i've hit massive dips in my life, many through ill health and all the ramifications it brings - but somehow i manage to keep the thought that things have to get better, they WILL get better - all i need to do is try my best, explore all options i can think of, and not give up.

don't ever knock yourself for not feeling confident 24/7, be gentle on yourself - living with an illness like this is by it's nature going to bring us down when it rears its' ugly head and interferes with how we want to live our lives, so you don't need the added stress of putting guilt on yourself for not having a smile on your face constantly.
well, personally, i don't - not all the time. i've hit massive dips in my life, many through ill health and all the ramifications it brings - but somehow i manage to keep the thought that things have to get better, they WILL get better - all i need to do is try my best, explore all options i can think of, and not give up.

don't ever knock yourself for not feeling confident 24/7, be gentle on yourself - living with an illness like this is by it's nature going to bring us down when it rears its' ugly head and interferes with how we want to live our lives, so you don't need the added stress of putting guilt on yourself for not having a smile on your face constantly.

Hear hear Ding!

We all just get through each day as best we can, sometimes there are ups and sometimes there are downs, the great part about this forum is we're not all always having a bad patch or a good patch. So when someone is down another will lift them up. I'm really glad you've found so much support here, keep on trucking! Sending you lots of :hug:
Hi Vigi,

I'm 39, had crohn's for 15 years and found out last year I had cancer. The same stuff went thru my head, why is all this happening to me? I had a good friend and also a sister to lean on that made me see it in a positive light. If it wasn't for the crohn's keeping me on the slender side, I wouldn't have found the lump in my abdomen until it was too late.
A year later I am able to put the chemo and cancer behind me and am left to tackle the stupid crohn's. I have my down moments still, but force myself to find the positive in everything.
Keep your chin up and keep up the fight, this storm shall pass too!

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