Farm girl feeling better

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Apr 28, 2012
Hi, just let me state that I'm thrilled about Grace feeling better.:emot-dance: It's nice to see a three year old acting like a three year old!:runaway:
So I guess that's my question..... Is it possible to have crohn's and go through periods of feeling great without medicine getting you their?

Grace has had at different time gone through periods for feeling good. One time it was for 3-4 months. No symptoms!:dance:
We assumed what ever was the ailing her was healed. HAPPY DAYS! But of course, when it came back it was worse then ever.
I think this is the hardest part. Seeing your baby well and thinking maybe it you making to much of it.

Well, what ever will be, will be. Right now I will enjoy her good health and get some chores done.

My 16 year old was dx with crohn's in January 2012. Early in her illness she had long period of feeling well. In early November 2011 she was swimming up to 10 times per week.

By December 2011 she was in pain every day.

Sarah had anemia caused by blood loss for 2 and 1/2 years prior to dx. The anemia or iron levels did not improve with iron tablets.

So yes she did get better for long period of time without any treatment. The time between periods of pain became short as time went on.

Do enjoy her good health but keep looking for the cause.
Glad your little one is feeling better. Yes they can go through periods where they are feeling fine. My son (before they knew what it was) would have a really sore tummy for a couple of weeks then fine for a few weeks (no symptoms at all). After his Modulen treatment last September he managed 3/4 months symptom free until his fistula/abcess. That's what always makes it hard for me to accept the meds as he is perfectly fine inbetween! However you run the risk of getting symptoms much worse if they do not have medications.
It sure is a rollercoaster!
Hey Farmwife,

It would seem that for many here this disease does ebb and flow until finally it comes and stays. My daughter was the same, short periods of illness followed by long periods of wellness. Then as time goes on the long periods become shorter and shorter. It only serves to make it all the more confusing, more difficult to join the dots and leaving you doubting yourself.

So fab to hear that Grace is feeling well though! Long may it last! :hug:

Dusty. xxx
I forgot to ask. When your kids are well or at least feeling better: do they eat you out of house and home? The last three days have been unbelievable for how much Grace is eating. :ywow:
I'm so use to saying, please try to eat. Now it's, I didn't make that much food. Here's a cookie!

Yes, I have found that the appetite returns with a vengeance! :lol:

Dusty. xxx

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