Fat Face Prednisone

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Oct 3, 2012
Just curious when my fat face would start to go away? It just appeared this morning. I did 40 mg for 7 days and have done 35 for 4...I will continue decreasing by 5 mgs every 5 days until done (or until the pain comes back!)

I don't care too much about the puffiness--more curious how long it will last. I also have felt very bloated/uncomfortable today.

The only other side effect I noticed about 3 days in was blurry vision. The doc said increased pressure on my eyeballs is caused by the prednisone and is common. Anyone else deal with this? At what mg did you notice it start to get better?

Thank you!!
Also I can't stop peeing!! What is going on here? I haven't been drinking much. Anyone else experience too?
i also couldnt stop peeing! one thing that pred makes you do is retain water, so as you taper down, ive thought maybe its your body getting rid of all the excess water you have been retaining. just a thought!
in regards to the puffy face, mine turned up once i had started coming down on the pred and started to go once i was on lower than 15mg. in the past it has taken a couple of weeks after i have completely stopped pred, for it to completely disappear.
cutting back on your salt intake and drinking lots of water will help with the moon face and puffyness!
hope that helps :)
Thanks! I was worried that drinking more water might make it worse? It's weird that the peeing and puffy face are happening at the same time, but does make sense to get rid of excess water as I taper down. I would think the puffy face would have started before the peeing. Glad I'm not crazy!!
yeh i agree, i have been on pred before and had a puffy face nearly straight away and peeing started when i tapered off.
but this time round it all seemed to happen at the same time. as with some of my other symptoms! its all a muddle but i spoke to my Dr who said that its very common for symptoms to appear or get worse as you come off the stuff. strange!
but no, you arent going crazy :)
Thanks! Sounds like I'm just looking forward to 15 mgs...April 16 better hurry up! Thank you for responding!

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