Fecal Seepage

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Jun 1, 2009
Hello Everyone!

I found out i had Crohns last year after i got an anal abcess and tests were performed i was put on azathioprine, things have been going ok, till recently iv been having a small problem with fecal seepage its only happened a couple of times but im getting worried :(

anyone else had this problem?

its usually happens about a couple of hours after i go to the toilet it feels like i havent wiped properly and i have to go and clean again, im not losing control of my bowels or anything

any ideas or help would be much appreciated.

thanks :)
Hi Mick,

Do you know if you have a fistula? If you have had an abcess in the past, it could be a fistula, which is an basically an abnormal tunnel between the bowel and another part of the body, often the surface of the skin. The often go hand in hand with abcesses, and a lot of people get them on the butt. Do you have any abnormal passage of gas...like it's not coming out in the right spot? I was just thinking that you might have a perianal fistula up inside of your bum crack...

I think you should talk to your doc about it.
Shadycat said:
Hi Mick,

Do you know if you have a fistula? If you have had an abcess in the past, it could be a fistula, which is an basically an abnormal tunnel between the bowel and another part of the body, often the surface of the skin. The often go hand in hand with abcesses, and a lot of people get them on the butt. Do you have any abnormal passage of gas...like it's not coming out in the right spot? I was just thinking that you might have a perianal fistula up inside of your bum crack...

I think you should talk to your doc about it.

Hi Shadycat

I dont think its a fistula as i recently thought i had another abcess and went to get check out but tho the doctor could feel something he didnt think it was an abcess he thinks my original wound might be becoming a cyst, if this persists i will go get checked out again.

this has only happened like a handful of times, and i did have a heavy weekend of drinking (not my smartest hour) i hope im just being paranoid
hey mick
yeah unfortunately i can commiserate with you on this.
i had the seepage problem, i referred to my butt as leaky, as well as an increasing incontinence problem.
the only thing i heard about that might help is to do rectal kegels? you know where you squeeze your schpincter muscles and then release, repeat, release, etc? supposedly this helps make them stronger and makes the seal of your butt tighter lol. i never really tried this too much so im not sure how well it works, but it might be worth a shot! you can work out your butt muscles almost anytime you want, no one can notice!
for the seepage i would keep a small gauze square tucked in my cheeks and wear panty liners all the time. it doesnt sound like yours is quite that bad, but yes even guys wear panty liners for stuff like this when they have too (im assuming your a guy?) its a lot better then stained pants! and the gauze is nice cause when you feel it wet you can just go in the bathroom, throw it away, take a new one out of your pocket and tuck it in there. a lot easier as the mess gets absorbed right in.
well i hope that this problem is temporary of just cause of too much drinking, like you said :) it really is one of the most life interrupting parts of the disease im my opinion.
good luck!
I also had some problems with leakage, but they pretty much stopped when I stopped eating grits. I think it was mainly because I have such a hard time with grits -- they make my poo really watery, so some would just leak out before I got to the throne.

Hopefully it was just from the drinking, and it won't continue!
I can commiserate as well. I had this issue for years before I ever got really really sick too and I never understood what the heck was going on. I seriously thought maybe I wasn't cleaning properly which never made sense to me since I'm a super clean person.

I can understand how you feel, I to have this problem, most days, but not all the time. It feels like you been to the loo and not known about it, but once i've sorted myself out I'm ok, but its not nice. I have like wet wipes with me in convenient pack so I can take them to the loo and I feel fresher too after using them and then normal tissue. There certainly is a great deal of us like it so you are'nt alone.

Regards Karisue