I think dealing with any kind of diagnosis, especially when you are aware that there is no known cure, is very difficult. I had to have 14 inches of my intestines taken out a little over a year ago and my colon resectioned in 2 places because fissures had grown through the wall of my intestines and attached themselves to my colon. I was terrified of having to have a colostomy bag. Thankfully, my surgeon was able to put m back together again. Those 14 days in the hospital were the worst time of my life. I cried and prayed a LOT. I got an infection in my PIK line and had to be packed in ice. I was all alone. It was a feeling of total desperation. But I made it through and have since found out that they missed a spot and I will have to have another section of my smaill intestine taken out. Every time I have a flair up, that terrifying feeling of being out of control washes over me again. Just take deep breaths and try to concentrate on the positives in your life and let go of the negatives. I know that's easier said than done sometimes. I take Celexa which helps even out my mood and anxiety level. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that. I have a huge bag of pills that I have to take every day just to stay out of the hospital but I try to remember that life is a gift and I am very thankful that at this point in life, there are medicatins that can help control my disease, even if it is depressing having to take them. I have so much living left to do at 43 years old and I will not let this disease control or dictate my life and the steps I take. I will live every moment to its fullest!! You'll be ok, sweetie. I hope your outlook brightens with each passing day. HUGS