Feeling left behind

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Mar 11, 2011
feeling left behind

I don't know how much longer I can do this for. In high school it wasn't as big of a deal if I just sat around home and just tried to get better but now that I have graduated it does. I cant find a job the allows me to leave when ever I want to use the washroom, school falls into the same category as work, and as for a personal life, its hard to find some one in my age group who is understanding. I just feel like the worlds biggest looser and I am just pissed of that people who are absolute scum get to lead good lives while I am still having trouble starting mine. It has come to the point where I don't like hanging around my friends cause I get so angry and jealous and it makes me feel like and even bigger looser. Thanks for reading, stay strong, god speed and all that.
Ah, Eric, it sucks, doesn't it? Sorry to hear you feeling so down and I think we all have days and times like that. I wonder if there are any support groups in your area? Given that the disease tends to hit people in their late teens and twenties, there must be lots of others out there. Or you could start your own group? It really helps to have people who can empathise.
Keep your chin up and hope you'll feel better soon.
I am so sorry Eric that you are feeling so down all of the time. It sure is horrible how we have to live our lives not knowing how we are going to feel from one day to the next. You are so right about people not understanding, that is why I am so glad that I have found this forum for the support that I need.

Hang in there and be strong as hard as it is.
Hey Eric, hopefully you can get the right med for yourself and as for the D, ask your doctor for Questran. I know how you feel, I wasnt as young as you when I was Dx but I was very ill with a 4 year old. She was my strength. I too felt like who wants a sick person whose life is limited. Well I fought my way but those other people who are scum, they really dont lead a better life and they get theirs in the end. I believe having a disease makes you a better person, more compassionate. My journey was a rocky road but there are good times, you just have to believe in yourself. :hang: it will get better!
Hi Eric - My heart breaks for you! This disease can be so lonely. You have made a good first step in reaching out to us - we have all been there at some point in our lives.

Is it possible for you to volunteer someplace a couple hours a week? You can pick and choose your hours and no one is going to fire you if you need to take ten bathroom breaks! This would put you around other people and give you a useful purpose. Just a thought.

Is there a local Crohn's support group you can reach out to? Or maybe a teen support group at the local hospital? It would help to connect with others that are feeling the same way, even if they don't have the same disease.

Hang in there and feel free to post/vent as much as you want. We understand! Really, we do!

- Amy
Dear eric i know exactly how your feeling i ve been avoiding my friends recently because its so hard for them to understand this is so much more than just an upset stomach or "something like IBS " . It can be so frustrating seeing everyone around you seemingly getting on with their lives while your stuck in limbo .Even just trying to find someone you can talk and relate to will really help volunteering could be brilliant anything except moping around it can be so hard to get out of that down in the dumps feeling ..this forum s been amazing to have so far. Keep your chin up ...things will get better ...stick with the forum we re all here for you and know how hard it is Sunshine xx
Oh Eric, I know just how you feel :(

I log onto facebook and see comments like my lovely boyfriend, or party pics, or baby pics, and it's just so hard. I think why do they get everything and I nothing?

I know how alone you feel but honestly you're not! Feel free to pm me anytime ok?

I volunteer with a local animal charity, doing admin work from home, and a few meetings outside a year, it's really given me a big boost in confidence and I actually feel useful!
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