First Period after depo

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Jun 7, 2012
So, all growing up, my periods were regular, never had any cramping or things like that.
I have been on depoprovera for probably about a hear and half. I missed a dose and then forgot and since I'm not really having sex at the moment anyway, I decided to hold off on birth control for a bit. My last dose was due right before thanksgiving, I heard it takes some girls a year or more to get their period back. I guess with me it only took a month. The last coupe nights I have been getting cramping feelings and a lot of nausea, and now I am getting pretty bad joint pain. I know most of you are laughing because this is all normal, but it isn't for me. My question is, is this a side effect of stopping my birth control or is my body just changing?
Just sharing some of the info I found. Never took that myself but so far it sounds like your symptoms are common when coming off it.

"...went off it for eight months and was overwhelmed with severe symptoms: nausea, breast tenderness and fatigue."

"Once you stop taking the injections, side effects can still occur or can result specifically from stopping the medication."
its interesting that there are withdrawl symptoms coming off this drug. I don't think I am going to go back on it, it also causes bone density issues, not something I want to deal with. Thanks for the info Crabby
You're bodies just adapting to a change in hormones I did the same I came off the injection for about a year and when u first stopped it my periods were a nightmare I had to go straight back on to an oral contraceptive because they were just so painful and heavy. I am now back on the depo and am doing fine... I would give it some time and if it doesn't get better call your nurse and discuss it with her :)
my period only lasted about 2 days and it was super light. I never reallly had super heavy periods anyway but they were always regular. I am woried about my cycle getting ittself back on track or if my body will start to handle them differently than I have done in the past. I am a little bit upset with my doctor for not telling me about any of the side effects, I know as a patient its my responsibility but a good doctor goes above and beyond.
Novice, my sister asked her gyno about the shot, and she said its not recommended for woman who have not had kids yet. Have you heard this?
Nope never heard this!!! I've not had children so I hope it's not true...
I was actually recommended it by a nurse because of my crohns medication messed up my oral contraceptive...
So strange the different opinions we eat given rather than the facts!

I wouldn't worry too much my periods were worse I think mainly cos of a flare they're always more painful then! How long have you been off it now? They say it takes up to 6 months to stop your periods it wouldn't surprise me if I takes that long for your body to adjust back to normal
I guess I have been off of it for a month or so, my last dose was 4 months ago. Like I said, I had been feeling sick for a few days before I started my period and then my whole body was hurting really bad and then I got my period. I have never felt like that from my period and I hope that its not going to continue to be like that. I need to go to my gyno and discuss it, but I think I want to switch doctors first

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