Fistula? Please help

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May 27, 2012
So I have never had an fistula before. I noticed several days of yeast infections which is not normal for me and then recital pain I had some stool that I had "missed"? Which is also not like me because I am very clean person. I was wiping and saw blood and decided to get a look. Between the vag and the rectum is the hole and slit if I had to draw a visual for u sorta remind me of a clit on a women lol . Anyway I could get part of my finger in there and a q-tip in there. I know not the safest or healthiest thing to do but wanted to see if it was really a hole. I was able to get the one part of q-tip head in but stopped because it hurt so damn bad. It had blood and pus and some stool. I had more stool on my finger vs the q-tip.

I have a bad odor coming from that hole.

I called on call doc he thinks it sounds likes a fistula and of course no doc on during weekend and says just go to er. I don't want to go to er. I go there enough. Can this wait to Monday ?? If it was you?

Thanks for your input and opinions
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If it is an perianal abscess and you feel a strong pain, then go to emergency department immediately since you need an urgent surgery to drain the abscess.
If you already observe a hole near the anal, it is a fistula now. No need to go ed and you need an elective surgery, which means you can choose what is the best time for you and the doctor.
If it is an perianal abscess and you feel a strong pain, then go to emergency department immediately since you need an urgent surgery to drain the abscess.
If you already observe a hole near the anal, it is a fistula now. No need to go ed and you need an elective surgery, which means you can choose what is the best time for you and the doctor.

I was able to get a pic for a better "picture" it's more towards the anal area it's all red sorta purple. And a thick slit that can be opened and is a hole. It burn when I go to bathroom and wipe. And I noticed lots of little fissures next to it also.
If we could post pic I so would it would be easier eh

I am not a doctor and just advice based on my personal fistula exps. The safest way is to go to ed. It depends on how painful you are:)
Since you are still replied to the thread, I guess you are not awefully painful? Can you still walk?
There is no harm to go to er except for your time.
I wasn't in a lot of pain but it's staring to get bad and now my normal temp of 96.9 is now up to 99.5 so I for see myself in the ER TONIGHT :( thanks everyone

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