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May 1, 2011

Had ct scan revealed abscess’s in hospital for five days on iv antibiotics, sent home on cipro and fluconazole along with asacol, went back for another ct scan after being home for two weeks. Crohn’s and infection are worse so went back in for six days, GI Dr says surgery, surgeon says not bad enough for surgery try more antibiotics and when infection is gone go on different crohn’s medication to close fistula’s. So now sitting here scared waiting until June 23 for another ct scan, hoping infection reacts to the antibiotics and i don't have to have surgery.

diagnosed 1991
Current medication
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I'm sorry, that sounds really frustrating yet in a way its good because you don't really want the surgery. I've never had a fistula before but I know there are many on the forum who have and might have more insight than I do. Welcome to the forum though! :D
Hi Joan and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear you are going through all this. There are many here that have dealt with fistula's...

Where is your fistula located?

The treatment will vary depending on it's location. Both of my children had intra-abdominal fistula's located at the terminal ileum. These type of fistula's are only able to be treated by surgical removal. There are other types though that do respond well to treatment with medication.

I hope you don't require surgery too! Keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck and keep us posted!

Take care, :hug:
Dusty. xxx
thank you
this is awful but i do not remember what exact they said i will find out. i do know lower right start of something, to deep to go in with needle to drain
Hi Joan Marie :)

I found out I had Crohn's after they found an abdominal abscess on my right side near my terminal ileum. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks on IV antibiotics. They were able to drain my abscess, thankfully, so that helped with the healing process. The drain was able to be removed before I left the hospital. They sent me home with cipro and flagyl and Entocort, which I took for about a month before I was able to arrange seeing a GI (a different one than I saw in the hospital due to insurance policies). I was on a purely liquid diet for about a full month before the surgeon would even clear me to eat soft foods.

I had a situation similar to yours where the GI and surgeon did not agree what the best approach was. The GI team wanted me to do a colonoscopy and my surgeon basically forbid that from happening because I had so mmuch inflammation my intestines were narrowed to a pea-size opening. He was afraid a colonoscopy would perforate my bowel. He certainly didn't want to entertain the idea of having surgery when my body had an infection inside of it. He didn't want sepsis to happen.

So, I was very thankful that they were able to drain the fluid and heal the abscess pocket. Would it be possible to get a 2nd opinion from another surgeon about if drainage is possible? Mine was on the lower right side and they were able to reach it. They gave me twilight sedation for the procedure, but I do remember it being painful at the time with them pushing down on my abdomen. I remember asking the doc if I could see what the fluid looked like, hahaha.

I hope the antibiotics start working for you, but if not, don't worry too much about surgery. There have been stories where people actually do experience perforation and they recovery well. At the very least, hopefully the antibiotics will help the abscess shrink a little so there won't be as much to remove.

Hang in there! Keep us updated :)
Hi Joan Marie. Ugh...the waiting game is awful. I am so sorry you are going through this. I know it is easier said than done, but try your best to relax and place your attention elsewhere. Stressing out about it will not help you heal. I sure hope this round of antibiotics do the trick. Please keep us posted!
well i had ct scan yesterday, tomorrow i find out if the antibiotics are working. i hope they did there job i don't have the pain now but i am still really tired.
well good news infection is shrinking so antibiotics are working put me on another 2 weeks of all of them. i go back for another ct scan in a couple of weeks. i will be glad to be able to get on good medication to treat the crohn's i don't think asacol is working to well i would even be happy to take steroids i am tired of being so tired. it could be worse so i am happy.
Hi Joan! :welcome:

I like knowing there are surgeons out there who say.... wait a minute. Glad to hear things are getting better. The surgery should be the last thing.