num1habsfan said:
Yes, actually that would be nice to know how to help them!. There are some that I've seen/had 3 or 4 times identically. Then its clearly they must be caused by being glutened and only that. *hates Celiac for nightmares*.
~ Lisa ~
i didnt know about the 'glutened' effect, and that celiac can cause bad dreams
but on the recurring nightmares.. this is one thing that often helps people, but it can only work if you actually remember the nightmare...
write it down, every last detail you can remember, and draw pictures of scenes from it. also write down bullet points about how certain parts of the nightmare made you feel, what they made you think. try & do it over a full day, so you can keep adding to it as you remember things. then read it through a few times.
then, before you go to sleep, get yourself really relaxed (you can add things here like lavendar oil near your pillow etc) and have a good long think about the nightmare itself, about the things you've written and drawn, and try and picture it as a film you've seen - get into it.. and then change the ending in your mind. make the nightmare flow into a positive ending where you are in control and everything is ok. if you're not too tired, sit up, and write the ending after your description of the nightmare.
i suppose its kinda like aversion therapy, facing it head on in your waking hours, but we do have the ability to control dreams to a certain extent, by what we do with those images and thoughts when we're awake. there is a thought that recurring nightmares reflect a particular worry of ours, which we dont address, dont allow ourselves to really look at and think about, so the symptom (the nightmare) keeps coming back. if we face the symptom, and take away its control, it often stops the repetition.
if you try it, let me know how you get on.