Flu shots

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Sep 19, 2010
I know most of us on here have probably already had our kids vaccinated with flu shots. I will be honest that I am anti vaccine normally due to my kids and self having had some very serious vaccine reactions. ( I am now one of eight people documented to have gotten fibromyalgia from the measles mumps rubella vaccine as an adult). This season however is one of the worst outbreaks of flu seen in years. ( they are saying worse then Swine flu) so I want to remind everyone if your child has not yet had a flu shot get them one. It takes two weeks to be fully effective but even if you get the flu it will reduce the severity of it.
If someone you know has the flu disinfect with bleach! Make sure people wash their hands extra well.
This flu has a lingering cough.
According to the CDC website the flu is contagious one day prior to onset of symptoms and for at least 7 days after, with children able to spread it for a longer amount of time.
Symptoms start 1-4 days after exposure.
Encourage people to cough into the crook of their arm and not their hands as it is spread less that way.
Can I also say that you should get the jab rather than the nasal spray as the jab contains dead viruses , which although may cause flu like symptoms, will not cause flu to a person with a lower immune system
And if you know you have been exposed you can take Tamiflu within the first 48 hours of symptoms to help lessen the severity.

Also, as Rygon said, do not get the mist if you are immune compromised. The mist contains the live virus. The Dr. wouldn't let my daughter get the mist either because she could expose my son.

I haven't had the vaccination either Kimmidwife. I got Transverse Myelitis after a tetanus shot 2 years ago. They don't know if they are related but I am not taking any chances. But my kiddos are safe :)
Kimmidwife, I'm not a fan of the flu vaccine, C had reactions to them the two times we got them when he was younger but we opted for it this year, just a couple of weeks ago. I was feeling all empowered and successful until my daughter(non IBDer) called today from college with fever, sore throat, coughing, body aches...ughhh she is at urgent care right now. She said strep and flu were going around up there. UGhhhhh! Felt so good about getting the shot for my IBDer and competely forgot my other child:ybatty::ybatty::ybatty:
Gabrielle got hers today! :)

And ill reiterate - get the shot (dead virus) and not the midst (live virus) !!
We have not had the flu shot in years, but Devynn and I both got ours when she went to the ped at the beginning of Oct. I am SO happy we did. My three older kids all got the flu just after Christmas, and they were SO so sick. My son (18) slept for 25 hours. He only woke long enough to take tylenol and drink some water. It took a good week for him to feel back to nornmal. My daughters (22 and 23) were sick for a week and my 22 year old turned into bronchitis which has now turned to pneumonia. Devynn and I both got a headache and a few hours of fever.
I got my flu shot back in November...Tori (DD) hasn't and was sick the week before Christmas with something that I'm not 100% sure was the flu (no real throwing up, but ran fever)....I was fine, husband has been fine so far. I did ask today at the pediatricians office but they are out of the 'regular' flu shots - they ahve the public ones (for those with no insurance) but don't have any of the 'private' ones.....I didn't know until today there was such a thing! I am on a list to get a call when they get them though....
We're all shot up around here. :)

Johnny'smom - I don't blame you a bit but did want to tell you Claires had a TM episode while on Enbrel but has done fine with flu shots. :)

Earlier this year my gastro suggested I skip the shot, and I was pleased because it seems to make me sick for 3 days after getting it (body aches). I don't get why it would make me feel sick if it is a dead virus or is it some kind of reaction I have to the vaccine? Does that make sense to anyone? However, I admit I'm nervous about the flu this year and will revisit the topic at my follow-up appointment on Monday. I'm calling to see if I can get them for the kids tomorrow. My oldest is going on a vacation with her best friend and family in a couple week (flying) hopefully she will be protected in time - and stay healthy until then :)
I am selective about vaccintions. even the cdc admits
" A person may be exposed to an influenza virus that is not included in the seasonal flu vaccine. There are many different influenza viruses that circulate every year. The flu shot protects against the 3 viruses that research suggests will be most common.IN OTHER WORDS, THEY ARE MAKING AN EDUCATED GUESS
Unfortunately, some people can get infected with an influenza vaccine virus despite getting vaccinated. Protection provided by influenza vaccination can vary widely, based in part on health and age factors of the person getting vaccinated. In general, the flu vaccine works best among young healthy adults and older children. Some older people and people with certain chronic illnesses may develop less immunity after vaccination. However, even among people who tend to respond less well to vaccination, the flu vaccine can still help prevent influenza.
I think that we over vaccinate our children. confirmed cases of v the flu were record breaking in my county this winter. I work at a hospital and 95 percent of my patients are er patients...I did not get the flu and haven't been vaccinated. many of my patients did get the shot and ended up with the flu.
I understand the importance of protecting our immunocompromise kids...but izzi hasnt been a ny sicker since being on these drugs (touch wood). I understand protecting against tetanus and pertussis, but I have a hard time with chicken pox and the flu.
I also get the body aches from the vaccine. it is dead virus but your body does make antibodies from it so it is a reaction people get. Angie
like I said earlier I am also very careful about vaccines and do not do fly shots every year but this year it is an especially virulent strain. A healthy 17year old from Texas dies from it a few days ago. the vaccine does not 100% prevent you from getting the flu. what it does is cause the body to start producing antibodies to it so if you come down with it your body has a head start in fighting it and so you don't get as sick and recover faster.
After much study, we decided not to vaccinate until our children were older. 4-5 yrs of age.
Like izzi'smom we also pick and choose vaccines. Tetanus makes sense. We live on an old farm with cow manure everywhere.

We were told about a homeopathic flu pills from our old GP and even the nurses and staff were saying how they all take it and it works. We've taken them for years and no flu.....:shifty:yet. I'm not against flu shots! :kiss:
This is just my humble view.

Do what works for you guys and your little ones. You know what's best for your family!

BTW Angie, sometimes I think Grace is the healthiest of us all!:rof:
We were told about a homeopathic flu pills from our old GP and even the nurses and staff were saying how they all take it and it works. We've taken them for years and no flu.....:shifty:yet. I'm not against flu shots! :kiss:
This is just my humble view.

I would love to know more about these and where you get them!
I had the flu shot in October.
I have been quite ill with flu for two and a half weeks now, and currently enduring productive cough and sinus symptoms, lots of nasal mucus and some body aches .
I last had Asian flu twelve years ago and this is what it feels like.
My initial Remicade infusion is to be rescheduled for next week depending on my recovery.
I tried a homeopathic med---did not work! Neither did large doses of Vit C.
Tylenol and lots of hot lemon plus resting have been helping though.
Just have to endure it till it goes.
Farmwife...funny you should say that about Grace. We say the same about Ryan being super healthy when it comes to virus/allergies/etc....now. Hubs and I get some kind of crud every year. Ryan hasn't had anything for a while KNOCK ON WOOD!

Yes, we did get the shots. I hate doing it because of the stuff in the shots. But there is such a risk of getting sick and aren't we all so used to the choices of one risk or the other by now?

Here in the South, the flu goes around for 6 months. We had a school close down early before Christmas and cancel finals due to flu (not Ryan's school). And flu will keep going around for months still. My neighbor is a pharmacist and she tells me when its starting and how bad it's getting. We are pretty antisocial during winter!
We're all shot up around here. :)

Johnny'smom - I don't blame you a bit but did want to tell you Claires had a TM episode while on Enbrel but has done fine with flu shots. :)


That's good to know Julie! I felt a little guilty being the only one not getting one. But my neurologist doesn't give me much info about what to expect with TM so I stay on the cautious side. I will see a new neurologist here in Cincinnati in March so maybe I will get a little more info then.

Thanks for the tip!
Shots all around here as well end of Sept .
But for asthma not Ibd.
Both kids had the flu twice .
Before I knew WHAT flu can do to an asthmatic
And when they didn't have h1n1 vaccines here yet.

Breathing was a real issue for them prednisolone shot plus oral was needed , ER and rounds and rounds of albuterol .
Watching a two year old struggle to breathe from the flu and then shake uncontrollable from the meds( albuterol) - makes us glad to be able to get the flu shot every year.
We were very lucky with both of them .
I had the flu shot in October.
I have been quite ill with flu for two and a half weeks now, and currently enduring productive cough and sinus symptoms, lots of nasal mucus and some body aches .
I last had Asian flu twelve years ago and this is what it feels like.
My initial Remicade infusion is to be rescheduled for next week depending on my recovery.
I tried a homeopathic med---did not work! Neither did large doses of Vit C.
Tylenol and lots of hot lemon plus resting have been helping though.
Just have to endure it till it goes.

Hope you are feeling better soon!
The CDC estimates that shot can prevent the flu in 50-70-% of cases. Not terribly good odds, if you ask me. Just wish there was a better option for those that are immunosupressed. :)
Naturally the flu season is over here but it was a bad one this time. Loads of it and it lingered, plus plenty of relapses.

Mr Kat has the vaccine due to Asthma and I always have it as I work with vulnerable populations. Matt and Sarah both had the vaccine. The only one that came down with anything was hubby...manflu. :lol:

On a personal note I do believe in vaccination as a form of prevention, as a way of lessening impact of disease on the individual and as a way protecting populations. But I also acknowledge that it is a very personal matter. The most important aspect to me is that people know, understand and accept the risks and responsibilities regardless of the which choice they make.

Dusty. xxx
Big article in the paper this morning about hospitalizations due to flu this year already at 1600 people. Last year total number of people hospitalized was 89 in Cincinnati due to flu.

So the flu is either more severe or more widespread. Either way I am glad I got my kids vaccinated.
Joint pain and other flu like symptoms from any vaccination are not abnormal. The mechanism of the adjuvants "such as aluminum salts" are designed to inflame the immune system to get it to respond to the dead pathogen in the shot.

Granted it was late fall when EJ was first dxed but we were told to immediately get the whole family vacc'ed. We do every year now.

Dan^^^glad to see you're still around!!
Rowan being in the hospital now really stinks too bc there is a ton of droplet precaution kids with the flu or even worse things lingering in the air. Both my kids got the shot me and my DH did not. Not bc we didn't want it but lack of time to go get sticked. I will probably go today to the corner store and get one. I hate how bad my arm hurts afterwards. Rowan had been in the bubble bc of the false positive c.diff test so we don't go out much, I tend to be somewhat of a hermit in the winter months. We have been doing the flu shot in our house for a long time now and the only time we got it was the year we didn't get them. Idk could be coincidence. Just trying to wash my hands and staying away from people. Granted in the hospital it can prove to be difficult as Rowan nurse was sent home two days ago bc she was vomiting from unknown origin she has not been back since.
Hi Guys

Not to scare anyone.

There are reports on Australia News Services, that the State of New York has declared a State of Emergency due to the flu, which has been linked to 23 deaths of children.
“We’ve got lots of flu, it’s mainly type AH3N2, which tends to be a little more severe. Our message for any people who are listening to this is it’s still not too late to get your flu shot.”

The vaccine used this year prevents flu in only 62 percent of cases, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is likely to be less effective in those already weakened by other conditions.

Widespread flu has been reported in 47 US states.

Boston declared a state of emergency on Wednesday, following 18 flu-related deaths in Massachusetts.

Nonetheless, health experts hope that the worst may be over, after statistics fort he last two weeks showed the number of positive flu tests going down for the first time since the start of the season.

I have read stats from the CDC citing effectiveness from 50-70%. If it is only 50% effective in my immunosuppressed daughter, and she gets a fever, runny nose, and cough when she gets a shot, I am GUARANTEEING she gets at least a little bit sick for a 50/50% chance she will not get the flu.

I wish that none of you get the flu, vaccinated or not, but we are declining.
We all get the shot at our home; have for the past three or four years. I did feel flu-ish for a few days - achy body, slight fever, chills, cough but it only lasted 2-3 days. Husband's going through the same now and his also seems to be abating after 2-3 days. Little worried that Stephen JUST stopped by to tell me he's not feeling very well and his eyes looked 'glassy'... hope he's not coming down with it! :eek:

Does anyone use Cold-FX? I take it at the first sign of a cold/flu, usually for two days and it seems to work for me over and over again! But, I'm afraid to give it to Stephen as it's an immune booster??? Has anyone heard of this or have any thoughts on it?

The immune booster worries me too Tess. It makes sense that you wouldn't want to boost his immune system. But our GI had me hold Johnny's medication when he had a high fever so maybe it would help?? My guess is by your symptoms and the shorten duration that you might have gotten just a touch of the flu because you were immunized.

Tamiflu is an antiviral medication you can get by prescription. You have to use it within 48 hours of symptoms. I read it is very effective on this years strains of flu. Our DR offered to call in a script when Johnny was sick.

Hope Stephen feels better very soon. :)

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