Flu Shots

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Oct 11, 2013
I was diagnosed with crohn's disease in October of this year. During a checkup today, my doctor recommended that I get a flu shot. I'm terrified of needles, and im not sure if I should get this shot or not. What are your guys views on the flu shot and why? Do you think it would be a smarter idea for me to get one?
First of all, with crohn's you will likely be getting used to needles. I am split on the idea of the flu shot. I have had good years with it, and I have had years where I seem to get sick right away. Even though I am on remicade and imuran now, I still actually tend not to go for the shot. Most doctors do recommend the shot if you are immune compromised.
I think you should get it, it's really not as bad as a bloodtest and it feels kinda cool when you feel the med getting into the skin. (Sorry I'm kinda weird) It's a 2 second pain kinda thing, and it might help you on the long run, since crohnies has a pretty weak immune system, so getting it might help preventing you from getting sick?
I'd get it if I were you. A little prick is a lot easier to deal with than the flu! It's unfortunate that you have issues with needles. :( Like Shamrock said, you might have to see a good bit of them in the future. But, if it helps, I used to have a similar problem. I have no issues at all with needles now. It didn't take much for me to get used to them. :)
Thank you for all of your answers so far! I'm not 100% sure on what I will do yet, but you guys are helping. :p Yeah, my GI gave me quite the scare. He asks if I got a flu shot, when I say no he immediately tells me that I could be killed if I get the flu...very blunt indeed XD

People are divided on this, and some people think that it is not necessary. I gladly take it, as I would not like to get the flu in addition to everything else that is bothering me. But the decision should ultimately be yours. But if you are so immune compromised that you would risk your life by not taking it, I would definitely get it! :)
As a health care professional, I can tell you that it is ALWAYS a good idea to get the flu shot for a person who is immunocompromised. Since the heart of the immune system lies in the gut, Crohnies are particulary susceptible. The flu shot is an inactive form of the virus, youcannot get influenza from the shot. :ybatty: When people get sick after getting the shot, it's because they were already getting sick, and the common cold mimics the flu sometimes.

Contracting the flu is very serious for people who easily get sick. There are other illnesses out there that we call "opportunistic" or "secondary" infections that normally you would not get, but when the flu weakens your immune system, you catch them. Frequently, it turns out to be pneumonia. The difficulty with fighting both the flu and the pneumonia weakens the body to the point where it succumbs and the person dies. :eek2: This is why often you hear that 30,000 people died from the flu each year. The elderly, the very young, and the immunocompromised are particularly at risk.
I agree with mccindy, research shows that the pros far outweigh the cons
Can I ask about your fear of needles? Is it the needle itself or is it more the anxiety of it hurting? Just curious. My son has had Crohn's for five years now and just isn't getting over the needle thing. He can't explain to me what it is about needles that sends him screaming... so I have no idea how to help him.

Also, I agree with mccindy on the flu shot. I think one poke is worth not only keeping you a little safer, but also others around you.

Has your son seen a counsellor about his fear of needles? My son [ almost 13 ] had a really massive fear of needles to the point that he was taken off azathioprine as he refused any blood tests.
He went for 3 years without any blood tests or flu jabs due to his fear. The only time they managed to get blood was when he had colonoscopies as he was knocked out! Again this could only be done by mask to knock him out first.
Then he became very ill around this time last year with a bad flare. He was losing weight so fast it was frightening. We were assigned to a counsellor who was amazing. She really listened to him about his fears and nothing was done without her say so. Josh had no choice in that he had to have blood work done as he was really ill, but this counsellor was with him the whole time explaining to the doctors that they had to listen to how Josh wanted things done. He was also given an anti anxiety pill which helped.

I think most of it had been because he felt out of control, but this counsellor managed to give him that back. We now go for regular blood tests with no problems at all, and he has his flu jab this year :) I hope you manage to get help for your son as I know how hard it is.
I'll make this one post brief. Flu shots hardly, if ever, contain the current mutations of flu strains going around by the time of production and injecting comes around. Go ahead, ask those who are sick if they had the flu shot--a minority studies show that you're actually more likely to get the flu because of the shots.

You can look at cdc.gov to find excipient tables to give an idea of lack of quality controls unique to the pharmaceutical industrial giants who could care less about anything other than profit; they inject products that wouldn't allowed in foods, and once directly in the blood stream, these "excipients" have bypassed your bodies detoxification pathways.

Lastly, unlike some childhood vaccines, flu shots still have mercury/aluminum/formeldehyde which is listed on the product insert--ask your doctor for the specific flu shot's documentation which lists the side effects and ingredients to be fully informed.
mnsun, flu shots don't carry the live virus (unlike the flu nasal spray), so there's no chance of getting the flu from these vaccines. I can't agree with you that its doesnt help protect, although it definitely doesn't guarantee that you will not catch the flu (are those people you mention sick due to having the flu shot, or are more susceptible to becoming ill?)

All which you could have found from the website you mentioned http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/qa/misconceptions.htm

and from Gizmodo

Single dose-shots of the flu vaccine and the flu vaccine nasal sprays do not contain any mercury compounds. The multi-dose flu shot does contain a preservative called thimerosal, which breaks down into 49% ethylmercury and used to prevent bacterial contamination of the vaccine container. Ethylmercury, as I’ve discussed before, is processed differently by the body than methylmercury, the neurotoxin that can build up in the body and is found in fish. (Keep in mind the difference a letter can make in chemistry: methanol is anti-freeze while ethanol is a Chardonnay.) Ethylmercury is made of larger molecules that cannot enter the brain andexits the body within a week.

There is no danger in receiving a vaccine with thimerosal – they’re given all over the world and it’s been extensively studied, even for cumulative effects on children over several years. And, keep in mind, if you’re just one of those paranoid types, you can easily request and get a flu shot without the preservative.

Formaldehyde is used in safely small amounts in several flu vaccines (Fluarix, FluLaval, Agriflu and Fluzone) to inactivate the virus so it cannot cause disease. It is not in other influenza vaccines (Afluria, FluMist and Fluvirin). Formaldehyde also occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables even is produced by the human body for a variety of functions, including making amino acids. The amounts of formaldehyde in these vaccines vary from 5 µg per dose (Fluarix) to 25 µg per dose (FluLaval) to 100 µg per dose (Fluzone). For reference, a pear contains about 39 to 60 mg/kg of formaldehyde (100 µg = 0.1 mg, so pears contains approximately 39,000 to 60,000 µg/kg) A typical pear weighs about 220g, or 0.22 kg. That means a single pear (0.22 kg) would contain 0.22 times the 39 to 60 mg/kg, or 8.6 to 13.2 mg (8600 to 13200 µg). (Meanwhile, a single dried shiitake mushroom contains 100-406 mg/kg of formaldehyde.) (Meanwhile, a single dried shiitake mushroom contains 100-406 mg/kg of formaldehyde.)

The claim of antifreeze being in vaccines comes from the use of octylphenol ethoxylate (Triton X-100) (in Fluzone) or octoxynol-10 (Triton X-100) (in Fluarix) used to inactivate those viruses or to purify other vaccines. Polyethylene glycol by itself is one component of antifreeze but is not antifreeze itself, just as water is a component of antifreeze. But these are not the same as polyethylene glycol and involve the use of Triton X-100 as a splitting agent, which has been shown to be safe. Learn more about specific components of flu vaccines here, but remember, again that ONE LETTER can make a huge difference in what you’re talking about.
I get the 'flu shot each year and have never had 'flu. :) Rarely even get a cold (though of course that's not related to the shot ;) ). And I've never had any kind of adverse reaction to the vaccine.
I was diagnosed with crohn's disease in October of this year. During a checkup today, my doctor recommended that I get a flu shot. I'm terrified of needles, and im not sure if I should get this shot or not. What are your guys views on the flu shot and why? Do you think it would be a smarter idea for me to get one?

The shot I get is so quick and painless. I sometimes get faint when having blood taken or other tests like that - I don't have a fear, but when it's actually being done I get all light-headed. If I have the shot when lying down it's much better, as it allows the blood to get to my brain more easily. I don't look at the needle. With the 'flu shot, it is over and done with before I have a chance to think about it.
I don't know if its only some places but here the flu shot is now just a nose spray?
I don't know if its only some places but here the flu shot is now just a nose spray?

You can't have the nasel spray flu jab as it contains a live virus, you still need to get the needle jab as this doesn't. Your doctor or GI consultant should know this.
I even had a letter from the hospital for my son advising not to have the nasel spray because of this.

Also, in the UK the nasel spray is only being offered to children under 3.
It still shouldn't be given to anyone with a suppressed immune system though due to it being a live virus.
You can't have the nasel spray flu jab as it contains a live virus, you still need to get the needle jab as this doesn't. Your doctor or GI consultant should know this.
I even had a letter from the hospital for my son advising not to have the nasel spray because of this.

Also, in the UK the nasel spray is only being offered to children under 3.

My GI nurse said the similar. She said to avoid people that revived the live virus for two weeks. I find that kinda hard when going to school.
I'll make this one post brief. Flu shots hardly, if ever, contain the current mutations of flu strains going around by the time of production and injecting comes around. Go ahead, ask those who are sick if they had the flu shot--a minority studies show that you're actually more likely to get the flu because of the shots.

You can look at cdc.gov to find excipient tables to give an idea of lack of quality controls unique to the pharmaceutical industrial giants who could care less about anything other than profit; they inject products that wouldn't allowed in foods, and once directly in the blood stream, these "excipients" have bypassed your bodies detoxification pathways.

Lastly, unlike some childhood vaccines, flu shots still have mercury/aluminum/formeldehyde which is listed on the product insert--ask your doctor for the specific flu shot's documentation which lists the side effects and ingredients to be fully informed.

With respect, most this is completely false. Extensive studying is done of flu strain shift to determine which strains are the most likely to evolve and spread over the upcoming season. The shot this year is a quadrivalent vaccine, which means is contains inactive strains of four different strains of influenza which have been determined to be the most likely strains to spread. That being said, there are always multiple viruses traveling around and these can infect anyone, espeically those with vulnerable immune systems.
It is blatantly impossible to contract the flu from the shot, as the virus is completely inactive and can only trigger the immune system to develop resistance to it.
The ingredients that are being purported to be included in the flu shot such as mercury, are not in there. This is a fearmongering falsehood propagated by those who are opposed to big pharmaceutical companies.
It's much more dangerous to spread such untruths and frighten people to keep them from getting a protective vaccine.
I don't get flu shots. I drink two 11.5 oz bottles of Sunny Delight and haven't gotten the upper respitory viruses that my kids have or even the flu. I have CRPS/RSD, so I'm supposed to be immune compromised as well.
If you enjoy organic mercury being injected into your body then get it. There is no need to get the flu shot. Ever.
Organic mercury instead of inorganic??? What???

If you had bothered reading the thread, you would see that single dose-shots of the flu vaccine and the flu vaccine nasal sprays do not contain any mercury compounds.

The multi-dose flu shot does contain a preservative called thimerosal, which breaks down into 49% ethylmercury and used to prevent bacterial contamination of the vaccine container. Ethylmercury, as I’ve discussed before, is processed differently by the body than methylmercury, the neurotoxin that can build up in the body and is found in fish. (Keep in mind the difference a letter can make in chemistry: methanol is anti-freeze while ethanol is a Chardonnay.) Ethylmercury is made of larger molecules that cannot enter the brain and exits the body within a week.

So please, if you are going to try and deter people from taking potentially life saving medicine, then make sure you have got your facts correct.
If you enjoy organic mercury being injected into your body then get it. There is no need to get the flu shot. Ever.

Rygon expressed well the outrage we are feeling over your use of the term "mercury".

My own take on it is your blatant statement of "there is no need". There is need. It's a preventative vaccine designed to stop people from contracting an ilness which leads to the death of at least 30,000 people, right here in the U.S., every year. As a Respiratory Therapist, I've cared for dozens of people myself who died or nearly died as a result of contracting influenza because they did not get the vaccine. Scaremongering by using false data is incredibly dangerous.
I've gotten mine and so has my husband. We both have Crohn's and are immunocompromised. Both my GP and my GI both recommended that I get it this year. Last year I was on medication that would have conflicted with the vaccine (well made it ineffective anyway) and had to rely on herd immunity and hand washing.

Other than a sore arm I've never had a reaction to the flu shot, so I'm glad to get protected. I had a nasty cold earlier this year that knocked me on my butt for several days. If I can avoid getting sick, I will do whatever it takes. I also got the pneumonia vaccine this year as well.
Flu shot here
I know a 5 year old who died from flu complications.

My kiddo got the flu at 2 and due to asthma I had watch him struggle to breathe .
I will take a flu shot any day with a sore arm to decrease that risk.
Getting a flu shot is a personal decision. I myself got one 11 years ago and that is when I got sick and have been chronically sick ever since. I have had 3 doctors agree that the flu shot kicked off all my health issues.

Let me Clarify this one thing people always seem to get confused about.

It is true, the flu shot will Not cause the flu! BUT, the flu shot can make a person sick in another way. When you get a flu vaccine, your body( immune system) does Not know the difference between the real FLU or the vaccine. It is going to attack. I mean it stands to reason, you inject yourself with a chemical, a foreign agent, well you body is going to naturally react to this. This is where some people have an issue when getting vaccines. In some people, their body will react badly to the shot. In other words their immune system can go into attack mode. When this happens your immune system gets weak and leaves the door open for anything else to come in or take hold. This is how people get sick after receiving a flu shot. It can be devastating for some. It really messed me up and a few other people I know.

Also, the flu vaccine does contain formaldehyde. This is a chemical in which can cause very bad reactions in people as well.

So in the end, it is completely up to you whether you get a shot or not.

My two doctors have told me that I should Never get another flu vaccine. The rheumatologist I saw said anyone with any type of autoimmune issue should avoid it. I wont get one because of what happened to me after I had the last one. I am still sick today because of it. It Did do something to me. No one in my family gets a flu shot either.

The flu is dangerous, no doubt about that. The flu vaccine can "sometimes" prevent one from getting the flu, but not always. It is hit or miss. The Flu vaccine only will cover a few strains of the virus. They try and cover the ones that are most likely to hit, but they are not always spot on. There are hundreds of different strains of the Flu virus and they are constantly mutating. This is why sometimes the Flu shot is not even beneficial due to the strains mutating so fast.
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You are correct in saying that one cannot directly get the flu from the Flu vaccine, but you can get sick from the shot. I did as did others I know.

Also, I is true that the flu virus is constantly mutating. It is like any other virus out there as well as bacteria. They evolve VERY fast. This is why a lot of people will still come down with the Flu even after getting a shot. This happened to my MIL a few times already. She stopped getting the Flu shot. She said every year she got one, she was sick with every single virus out there that whole year it seemed. The flu shot in her case just weakened the hell out of her immune system. She has not gotten a shot in the last 6 years and has been pretty healthy over all. The same for my dad. The flu shot is ok for some people, but for some the benefits do Not outweigh the risks.

One of my friends works in a health care setting and she is being pressured to get a Flu shot. She refuses to get one. She has seen first hand some of the side effects of getting a flu shot. She has seen people come in with Guillian- Barre syndrome as a direct result from the Flu vaccine. The flu shot is No way without risks. They really should tell people about the complications that can and Do happen from getting a shot. That is what makes me mad. They NEVER inform people of the risks. They only tell people that you may get a slight flu like reaction or a sore arm. That is all they ever say. They need to be more direct and honest with people. I wish I would have known what the Flu shot was capable of back when I got it, I may not have gotten it and I may not be as sick as I am today....

With respect, most this is completely false. Extensive studying is done of flu strain shift to determine which strains are the most likely to evolve and spread over the upcoming season. The shot this year is a quadrivalent vaccine, which means is contains inactive strains of four different strains of influenza which have been determined to be the most likely strains to spread. That being said, there are always multiple viruses traveling around and these can infect anyone, espeically those with vulnerable immune systems.
It is blatantly impossible to contract the flu from the shot, as the virus is completely inactive and can only trigger the immune system to develop resistance to it.
The ingredients that are being purported to be included in the flu shot such as mercury, are not in there. This is a fearmongering falsehood propagated by those who are opposed to big pharmaceutical companies.
It's much more dangerous to spread such untruths and frighten people to keep them from getting a protective vaccine.
Ihurt said:
The Flu vaccine only will cover a few strains of the virus. They try and cover the ones that are most likely to hit, but they are not always spot on. There are hundreds of different strains of the Flu virus and they are constantly mutating. This is why sometimes the Flu shot is not even beneficial due to the strains mutating so fast.

Quite a good write up on what you ahve just said

You are correct in saying that one cannot directly get the flu from the Flu vaccine, but you can get sick from the shot. I did as did others I know.

Also, I is true that the flu virus is constantly mutating. It is like any other virus out there as well as bacteria. They evolve VERY fast. This is why a lot of people will still come down with the Flu even after getting a shot. This happened to my MIL a few times already. She stopped getting the Flu shot. She said every year she got one, she was sick with every single virus out there that whole year it seemed. The flu shot in her case just weakened the hell out of her immune system. She has not gotten a shot in the last 6 years and has been pretty healthy over all. The same for my dad. The flu shot is ok for some people, but for some the benefits do Not outweigh the risks.

One of my friends works in a health care setting and she is being pressured to get a Flu shot. She refuses to get one. She has seen first hand some of the side effects of getting a flu shot. She has seen people come in with Guillian- Barre syndrome as a direct result from the Flu vaccine. The flu shot is No way without risks. They really should tell people about the complications that can and Do happen from getting a shot. That is what makes me mad. They NEVER inform people of the risks. They only tell people that you may get a slight flu like reaction or a sore arm. That is all they ever say. They need to be more direct and honest with people. I wish I would have known what the Flu shot was capable of back when I got it, I may not have gotten it and I may not be as sick as I am today....

Guillian-Barre is NOT caused by the flu shot. G-B is a condition that can attack the body after a virus has been contracted. Your friend is risking lives by refusing to get a shot. While she may not contract the flu, she can still be a carrier, and infect any patients she comes into contact with, many of whom may have weakened immune systems and will contract the flu and could possible die.
There are risks with any vaccination, but unless your doctor has directly advised you not to get one (as your doctor did), or you have an allergic reaction to one, you should still get them. Smallpox was at one time eradicated in our country due to vaccinations. Now, because of scaremongering and people refusing to get vaccinations, smallpox has cropped up again. People die from smallpox, they don't die from vaccines (except in very rare cases).

Influenza viruses go through what is called "drift" - the viruses change slightly in order to still be viable in the host, which is why there is a different strain of the flu each year that makes people sick, even if they had the previous year's strain. Scientists study the viruses every year to try and determine which ones have drifted enough to cause an outbreak - usually they get it right. As science is imperfect (as are humans), occasionally they miss a strain, and outbreaks are worse than usual. Usually the worst times for that are the years when a certain virus will go through a "shift", which means it changed enoug that almost no one will have any immunity to it, and almost everyone exposed to it will contract it. This was the case with H1N1 a few years ago, and the reason there was no outbreak is because the shift was caught by those scientists and they were able to develop the vaccine in time to stop it.

While formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of the vaccine, it is removed before the vaccine is packaged, so you don't get more than a trace amount, which can't hurt you.
Here is a link to the CDC's information about what is contained in the vaccine and how harmless it really is.
Actually the flu vaccine can cause Guillian barre syndrome and it does in some people. It is not a common side effect, but it happens.



I mean I would never fault anyone for Not getting a flu shot. I mean no one should be forced to inject their bodies with a potentially damaging chemical. I am sorry, but vaccines are not without risks.

The Flu can be very dangerous, and it does kill, that is true. I actually do not know many people who Do get a flu shot though. Everyone I personally know will Not get one. Almost all the people I know did however use to get them, but due to the adverse reactions they discontinued getting them. So I know it is not just me. I wash my hands ALL the time. I also try and avoid people who are sick as well. I know that getting the Flu would be very bad for me, but I also know what the Flu shot did to me and getting that shot is just not worth it. I mean that shot messed me up bad. My own doctor wont get one. She developed nasty Asthma and respiratory issues after having a flu shot. She told me she will never get another one.

All I can do is wash my hands like crazy! People who do get the Flu need to stay home and not go out and about infecting others. This is also a problem. When I even have a cold, I do not go around people, and when I do have to go out, I cover my mouth with the crook of my arm if I have to cough. I never touch my mouth or my face and then touch door knobs and such.. People have to learn how to prevent spreading of germs and viruses. This would help out a lot. Also if you work in the health care industry, when you are sick, you stay home.

Guillian-Barre is NOT caused by the flu shot. G-B is a condition that can attack the body after a virus has been contracted. Your friend is risking lives by refusing to get a shot. While she may not contract the flu, she can still be a carrier, and infect any patients she comes into contact with, many of whom may have weakened immune systems and will contract the flu and could possible die.
There are risks with any vaccination, but unless your doctor has directly advised you not to get one (as your doctor did), or you have an allergic reaction to one, you should still get them. Smallpox was at one time eradicated in our country due to vaccinations. Now, because of scaremongering and people refusing to get vaccinations, smallpox has cropped up again. People die from smallpox, they don't die from vaccines (except in very rare cases).

Influenza viruses go through what is called "drift" - the viruses change slightly in order to still be viable in the host, which is why there is a different strain of the flu each year that makes people sick, even if they had the previous year's strain. Scientists study the viruses every year to try and determine which ones have drifted enough to cause an outbreak - usually they get it right. As science is imperfect (as are humans), occasionally they miss a strain, and outbreaks are worse than usual. Usually the worst times for that are the years when a certain virus will go through a "shift", which means it changed enoug that almost no one will have any immunity to it, and almost everyone exposed to it will contract it. This was the case with H1N1 a few years ago, and the reason there was no outbreak is because the shift was caught by those scientists and they were able to develop the vaccine in time to stop it.

While formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of the vaccine, it is removed before the vaccine is packaged, so you don't get more than a trace amount, which can't hurt you.
Here is a link to the CDC's information about what is contained in the vaccine and how harmless it really is.