Follow up to discuss ileostomy reversal

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Jan 14, 2014
Hi gang,

So last year I posted about how I was due to have a resection performed due to having a second perforation happen with my intestine. During the procedure they removed close to 10 feet of small intestine and placed a temporary ileostomy. I spent 9 days in the hospital post surgery with the complication of very high ostomy output (almost 4 liters of fluid output the first couple days) and was put on opium tincture to help reduce output. Have a PICC line in my right arm to help with bouts of dehydration.

So the surgeons initial thought before the surgery was 4-6 months on the bag and then reversing, with his estimate remaining the same on discharge day as the surgery itself went well. I see the surgeon in a couple days to discuss the reversal, as the day I see him will be 5 months from the day of the surgery. From everyone elses experiences with scheduling the reversal procedure, what are the chances that:
1) After talking with the surgeon we go ahead with scheduling?
2) The surgeon decides he wants some kind of imaging done before scheduling? (CT scan, scoping, etc)
3) Deciding to wait longer (albeit I wouldn't be sure why they'd want to without some kind of diagnostic scanning)

I will say the first time I had an ileostomy it took almost 1 year to have it reversed, however there were other circumstances that delayed scheduling (mainly a surgeons office who wanted $1000 upfront before even scheduling, but have a different surgeon this time around) This time around with the bag has been a better experience than the first time, but I can tell you I am ready to get this scheduled and have a date that I can put in my calendar and look forward to.
No advice to give because I'm not there yet but I just wanted to say I know how you feel! I have a temporary jejunostomy right now after my surgery in November and I don't even have a date for a consultation with my surgeon yet - but he said he's keeping in mind that I have to go back to university in September so it should be done by then, and it'd be 4-6 months like yours. I just want a date, though, even if it changes! I feel like I can't plan anything in advance or go to any events this year because I don't know if I'll be in hospital then.
No advice to give because I'm not there yet but I just wanted to say I know how you feel! I have a temporary jejunostomy right now after my surgery in November and I don't even have a date for a consultation with my surgeon yet - but he said he's keeping in mind that I have to go back to university in September so it should be done by then, and it'd be 4-6 months like yours. I just want a date, though, even if it changes! I feel like I can't plan anything in advance or go to any events this year because I don't know if I'll be in hospital then.

Yeah I hear ya on the not being able to plan anything part. My friend asked me if i wanted to go to spring training with her in March, which i've always wanted to do, but seeing as i could be in the hospital or still recovering or whatnot it's difficult to plan. Hopefully we'll come up with a consensus this week and i can at least get a date marked down. I'm sure my employer (who has known about the need for a 2nd surgery since the 1st one) would like to know a date so they can work on covering me while i'm out.
When I had an ileostomy after emergency resection like you they said minimum three months for reversal. When I saw them three months later they said they say three months so people don't freak out, and its a possibility if people really aren't coping, but it's better to wait six. They were looking at blood results, weight etc to check healthy enough for the surgery. So given how long you've had the bag I should have thought you're close to getting a provisional date at least as long as recovering well. Good luck.
Well the surgeon did a quick check in office and all looks well. He wants to get to the 6 month point first, so we have a date set for early March (perfectly fine with me as I have a day to look forward to)

Can't wait to return to indoor plumbing :)