Fooled by Feeling Good?

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Jan 7, 2011
I’ve noticed reading a lot of people saying they were feeling good going into testing, but then discovered they weren’t truly doing as well as they felt. Even my GI, who I highly respect, said that symptoms may not always reflect what is going on inside. This really frightens me. How are you supposed to know you need to seek medical attention or switch up your meds if you are feeling well?

Currently, I am experiencing daily pain, though it comes and goes, on my right side a few inches away from my belly button (TI area?). At times it can be easily dismissible, but it is pretty much always there. I did just have a lower bowel series to investigate, and the radiologist said all seemed fine, though he couldn’t get a real good look at the colon. So, if inflammation can be really bad when people feel 100%, should I be worried?

Well, never really thought about it that way. It is kind of like the old saw about the tree in the forest, isn't it? This really isn't an answer but all you can do is the best you can do. If I feel good, I don't question it. I personally can't live that way. Not saying anyone else should follow my lead in this regard, it is just how I deal with it. You mention you are having pain. You have pain so you went to the doc to address that pain. Jill, I think you could drive yourself nuts second guessing everything. I see you have not been diagnosed long. The first few years are scary. Trust yourself first, you are smarter than you think.
Good luck,
Michele. :hug:
I used to 'ignore' my symptoms until they got really bad...and I had lost a lot of weight before going to the doc....never really looked as sick as I really was.....usually a straight trip from the doc to the hospital for a week or so.....
Jill, I think you could drive yourself nuts second guessing everything. I see you have not been diagnosed long. The first few years are scary.

Michelle, you are absolutely right and I do know this. My mind sure does tend to worry and question. And, I do hope in time I will learn to relax more. My diagnosis is still pretty new and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. Thanks for the support.
I've found just the opposite can happen also. I have that right-belly, next-to-the-bellybutton pain A LOT yet my blood work is fine (may be adhesions from having an ileostomy years ago too).

I don't have an answer for you. I wish I did.
Hiya Jill

That area where your pain is isn't the terminal ileum area, I have Crohn's in the TI, and the pain, when I get it, is much lower down, at the side of or above the pubic area.
It's really hard to know what to do, whether to go to the doc, or just ignore it.
I ignore it, but.......
Do not ignore projectile vomiting, explosive diarrhea, with or without blood, fever and excruciating pain, so bad you can't move an inch without throwing up.
I believe if you feel ok and fine, then the pain can be tolerated without seeking doc's intervention. As time goes on you will become familiar with what warrants a trip to A&E or the docs. But....
This doesn't mean ignoring taking your meds, if you can't tolerate the pain anymore then seek help and some adjustment to meds.
Hope all that makes sense, I'm so tired! Busy day, and if I'm talkin broken biscuits, sorry!
Hiya Jill

That area where your pain is isn't the terminal ileum area, I have Crohn's in the TI, and the pain, when I get it, is much lower down, at the side of or above the pubic area.

Do not ignore projectile vomiting, explosive diarrhea, with or without blood, fever and excruciating pain, so bad you can't move an inch without throwing up.

I believe if you feel ok and fine, then the pain can be tolerated without seeking doc's intervention. As time goes on you will become familiar with what warrants a trip to A&E or the docs.

Hmmm, I thought for sure that must have been where my TI was located and what was causing the pain. I am curious as to what it could be then? the pain is very point specific in that same area almost daily. But, like you said, it is quite tolerable most of the time, so I am going to do my best to let it go. However, I will be certain not to ignore vomiting, diarrhea, fever or excruciating pain. But, I am a bit of a worrier (can't you tell?), so I doubt if anything could hold me back from the ER if I had those symptoms!
Thanks, Joan! You are right, the TI is way too low. For some reason, I thought it was much higher. Obviously, I was wrong. But I think you may be right on that it may be the transverse colon. I have a GI appoinment in early March, and I am going to ask where exactly my affected areas are. Alls I can remember was the TI and rectum, but I think there were spots inbetween, as well. Thanks again for the photo - very helpful!
Really really dont understand this as my pain is also the side of my belly button and round that area and whilst in hospital and having the mri scan the results come back that they found the inflammation in the TI and said where i pointed where the pain is that is the exact location of the TI..... weird