For the Ladies with Crohn's....Sorry won't wanna know anyways.

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Feb 25, 2009
Hello. [Ladies] - I am indicating you lovely ladies as I do not feel this is something that the guys can necessarily relate to...soo.......

Lots of things have been going on with me lately.....I've had 2 abcess drainage surgeries, a seton placed, had infections, have fistulizing crohn's disease and so far those have all been perianal, on remicade, on imuran, antibiotics for infections (eureythema nodoseum) - spelt wrong I know....

ANyways...SOOOOO my most recent thing is now that I seem to have a fistula made connection with my assorted lady parts. I base this on the fact that I was supposed to start my "time" on Monday and instead I began having "whooshing" moments where you need to run for a bathroom because everythings going all at once...You can relate Im sure...sorry to be graphic here....[***************]

However there is A LOT of blood in the toilet after you are done....A LOT...and none coming from where it should for a i believe that a connection was made inside of me somewhere between my anal cavity and my lady bits...anyone else relate to this situation?? I am handling it very well right at this moment as mine never lasts more than 4 or 5 days anyways so I should be done by sunday for SURE...but if i havent stopped freeking bleedin by may hear more from ya, just looking to see if anyone else here has had that happen?? I have heard of similar things happening....but ya...never thought I'd rather the external ouchie fistulas over the internal...the internal's creepy cuz I cant see it or feel it. :( Any thoughts ladies?? And fellas if you read all that sorry. I tried to put it in a lighter way....
Omg sorry about whats happening Jamie ....I never had a fistula either but I would definitely get that checked out by your doctor.
I have never had a fistula either... but we had a teaching specialist come to our community and he was telling us of the situation you had, he had pictures but he said he wouldnt show it because since we are not professionals we may not have appreciated seeing pus come from the Vaginal area, I am squeamish so best I didnt see it but he says it is not common but does happen. Go see your Gi or gyno, you need to get it looked after.
I would definately let your doctor know what is going on. I became anemic from my aunt flow that wouldn't go away.
Hi Jamie,

I have had several rectovaginal fistulas, but I don't think I have ever had my period come out my butt (I think that's what you're sayin??). On the other hand, I often have stool, gas and pus coming out the other way, so I don't doubt that it can happen. I guess it would depend on the direction that your fistula is running. Often when I am inflamed in that area, it's hard to tell exactly WHERE anything is coming from. I would DEFINITELY get it checked by your GI. (My OBGYN really wants nothing to do with it. I don't think she has much experience in dealing with RVFs and is a little frightened by them.)

I know this isn't much help, but at least you're not alone:(

Good luck getting things sorted out and let me know if you have any other questions as things develop. I just had my second surgery for RVF repair, so unfortunately, I do have a bit of experience in the area.
I'd see the doc either way (yep, I read it, and a guy, and can only partially relate as being someone who has read a lot and have no eww factor left in me). I have read that that can happen in certain cases of Crohn's, at least as far as I've read for men. I'm sure it could probably happen for ladies as well. I've read that a fistula could form and attach, as far as men go, the rectum to the urinary tract, which can cause air out the penis and other not so nice problems. I know seeing the mass amount of blood coming from the anus can be a bit disconcerting, since I once actually had that happen before I was first diagnosed. Actually, that was the clencher that got it diagnosed in the first place. Scared the Hell out of me, being around 16 at the time and a guy.

So yeah, either way, whether it's just a lot of blood from the rectum, which has its own set of issues, or blood coming across to the rectum from the vaginal pathways, I'd definitely get with the doc and possibly schedule a colonoscopy and probably a vaginal exam as well.
Ahh Jamie, you poor thing..... Definitely get things checked out...You don't want a fistula with bladder involvement either. I'd see your gyno and GI....Personally I'd prefer a female gyno working on my lady parts...I've just had better experience with them.
thanks all. :) much love and input appreciated. :) I called the doc and basically he's never really heard of it going this way, he's heard of the stool and the like going the other way so who knows.... :p I am just gonna give it a couple of days and if that doesnt work I'll first off go get a blood infusion before I pass out. LOL...and secondly bump up my doc appt which is on dec 21st. O lordy.

Thanks guys. Im a pro at the perianal fistulas, but I guess its looking like im gonna have to learn about these ones now too. :p BOY this disease increases your thirst for knowledge. :p ;) Much appreciated all. xox
Reiki Level 1 -- Level 2 on Nov. 22nd Yay!!

Wait, you're doing Reiki? We just started getting into it. Funny coincidence.

Bought a book about it and looking into some Reiki shares around here to check out.
Aw, Jamie... I'm sorry! I'm lucky to have never had a fistula, but my son's dealt with them for the last 5 years so I've seen my share second-hand. When he was on Remicade they nearly healed, but never completely. I'd never even thought about a vaginal fistula until yesterday at Keith's surgeon follow-up appt. They had information about it on the wall and I thought "God, that would be horrid!" Now, I hear of someone that has one and I feel so badly for you. See that GI and ask him/her if an appointment with a Colon-Rectal Surgeon might be in order. I haven't met many doctors that know much about fistulas, so it doesn't surprise me that your GYN isn't comfortable treating yours.
Yes you can have a vaginal fistula! I had an abcess way back before I was diagnosed and thank God it didn't turn into a fistula - I had it drained and it kindly went away - One doctor told me after I was diagnosed that "no you can't get a vaginal fistual" In all the Crohns literature it clearly states that you can! Docs don't know it all...Have it checked out so it doesn't get worse girlfriend...
What did this end up being Jamie? I'm a little worried about vaginal fistulas right now too and I'd like to know what your Dr told you. I see mine on Tuesday. Hope you are well.