mindbending, soulshaking wicked poison...
Hi All,
Oh ya, I definitely get 'wired' from Pred.
I get edgey, mind races out of control and very tough to sleep.
Having said that, in no way do I interpret this as pleasant or euphoria...
nor would I feel good about using it as a murder defense?!?
Prednisone, for me, is in no way about feeling good about an-y-thing.
I was at the pharmacy renewing my Pred, (my GI from out of town had called it in),
and the tech was giving me some hassle about some silly detail.
She did not get my joke, but I said:
Don't worry, nobody is trying to abuse THIS stuff.
(street value = zero)
Heck, I'd dart across the street not to say 'hello' if I saw Prednisone first. corn-y!
For me it is a necessary evil. sigh
ps for me - after the Pred up, comes the dark Pred down -oh boy