Gaining weight - advice?

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Jul 24, 2013
I'm on a diet that right now consists simply of meats, veggies, and fruits - all cooked, no butter or oil. I eat mostly soups to help with my digestion, and (with the advice of the acupuncturist) add just a bit of potato to the soups in order to maintain/gain weight. I also put in meats that are 85% lean, so there is some fat. I scale myself every now and then, and I am still underweight. It's weight that I really can't afford to lose. Do any of you guys have advice on gaining weight with such a limited diet?
If you're eating this way on the advice of a doctor, dietician, nutritionist or other professional, they should be answering your question. If these rules haven't been set for you by a professional, why are you on this diet?

Will you eat nuts or seeds? I realise they aren't strictly within your meat/veg/fruit categories, but they're the closest high calorie things I can think of. You'll be limited to nut butters and spreads if your digestion isn't good, as nuts and seeds are difficult to digest in other forms.

Potatoes aren't going to help much with weight gain. Avocados are high in calories for a fruit, but not high in calories compared to foods high in fat like nuts, seeds, oils, butter etc. Foods high in sugar would also help as they tend not to be too filling.

How underweight are you, if you don't mind me asking?
The diet is under the advice of an acupuncturist/naturopath - an SCD kind of diet with an Eastern approach, I suppose. I might just be impatient, as I'm just 10 pounds less then what I normally am (I am usually 130 lbs). My digestion and energy is a lot better since I've started, so I am sure that I will be able to add in foods soon (hopefully nut butters, I miss those the most!!). I emailed her yesterday, but she's on vacation and may not be able to answer right away. I already asked about avocados a while back, but she stated that since they're really greasy, they can cause some diarrhea. I will ask her again once my BMs are more consistent, but I just thought I would ask if anyone here had input. :)
Update: I got an email back, and was told to try at a slice of avocado for two days, then check my BMs after that to see if I react. Then try a quarter of a sweet potato, and do the same thing. Everything's trial and error! I figure I will go sometime after the holidays, when my body is more predictable - plus I want to avoid holiday crowds as much as possible :shifty:
Avocados are very easy to digest.

I would be careful with this naturopath - there's no reason anyone needs to limit their diet this much.
Thanks so much for your support and concern, I truly appreciate it. The thing is, I went to a nutritionist before, and my diet was already somewhat limited. I was still dealing with a lot of constipation and discomfort by the time I decided to see the acupuncturist. The plan currently is just to ease the digestion and bring my immune system back (fingers crossed on that one). She has been the one telling me how I need to eat more (especially protein) and to enter in a food each week. It's been me who has been restrictive - I have been struggling with eating for the last 11 years, that it has not been until last week that I have felt truly hungry, and was able to eat 5-6 small meals a day almost every day! So it's just now that I feel comfortable with getting a little aggressive (with myself more than anyone). Plus, my discomfort is gone, and my bowels are starting to have more shape to them (still a bit of a roller coaster, but it's not as dramatic).But I know I need to be careful with anyone who I see, because my experience is that either people are going to be too careful or not careful enough, and I have to be that balance.
Are you at least being followed by a Gi ?
Lack of hunger etc... Can be signs of other things ( other than crohns ) going on( Gastroparesis etc...)
Yup, I have been seeing my doctor for at least 7 years! I just saw him last week, and while he was concerned about my weight, everything else seemed great. He also commented on my appetite, as I was devouring food in his office for the first time lol. I also had labs done, so I should be getting results soon, but I don't expect much change at this point. I will see him again in 3 months, and we'll be talking about a colonoscopy - eesh!
Lack of hunger etc... Can be signs of other things ( other than crohns ) going on( Gastroparesis etc...)

I never thought of that, but this year I had a major flare up, and I noticed that the only times where I was hungry was after I ate some greens. I also survived eating mainly eggs and peanut butter, which probably meant I really needed a lot of protein in my body. The body is a strange but interesting thing.

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