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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 20, 2012
Hey guys... I want to start out by saying that I have a disease called Sjogren's. It's an auto immune disease just like Crohn's. I designed a website which basically helps people understand what it's like to have autoimmune diseases.

I currently have stories for Sjogren's and lupus. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their story. Here is the site:
Well first of all, you might want to change the spelling of Chrohns on your site ... ;-)

I will have a think about writing something though, The site has a very good point and I think it covers something that a lot of people with Crohns find happens a lot, I know I certainly have, and it can be very annoying when people's naivety towards auto immune diseases makes them feel people are "making it up"
Thank you for pointing out my error. No clue how I messed that up. Either way, you're absolutely right! For me, it makes dealing with this disease twice as hard. People just don't understand simply because we "look normal." It's ever so frustrating. I've run across tons of people already with the problem of their spouse not understanding. I'm not married, but I know that must be tough.
Hey guys... I want to start out by saying that I have a disease called Sjogren's. It's an auto immune disease just like Crohn's. I designed a website which basically helps people understand what it's like to have autoimmune diseases.

I currently have stories for Sjogren's and lupus. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their story. Here is the site:

Such a very amazing link!

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