GI Doctor not taking me seriously

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Sep 15, 2010
I'm sure you all have felt this way at some point..... I feel like my GP and GI don't take me seriously. For example my joint/muscle aches are making daily life slightly miserable, insomnia not helping either. My GP looked at my wrists yesterday and said "they look fine to me". Yes, they look fine but they don't FEEL fine! I'm not the pushiest person so I left the office feeling like I'm just going to have to deal with it, my optimism going in to the appt was quickly sqaushed. Anyone else have this type of experience? How have you gone about making yourself heard without pissing doctors off!?
I had that kind of experience - so i went and fixed myself. Doctors are people - what do you call the person who graduated last in his class in medical school?

Sometimes pissing the doctor off is not a bad decision. If you are not being heard, then re-evaluate what information you are giving the doctor. If you are certain that you stated your case clearly and are still being brushed off, you should find another doctor if possible. No one should be left feeling belitted and ignored.

Be assertive!! Be pushy!! BE HEARD!! You can do it!!!!
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I had the exact same issue. My hands, feet, and shoulders were hurting I was sent to a rheumatologist and he said that it wasn't joints and I didn't have any rh factor, so it's not his department. About six months later I was diagnosed with Reactive arthritis (ReA) in my back. Turns out it was his department (To be fair my hand and feet pain were a vitamin deficiency). But I didn't go back to him. His office was in the same building as my PT, I really hoped i could run into him and tell him.

Go to a new doctor. Get a second or third option. Remind them you have another condition which makes joint and muscle pain common.
I had 4 options on my eyes before I found some one who knew what they were talking about.

I also found not telling the new doctor what the last doctor said to be helpful, but I've been told that not what your should do. it does work.
Yes, it happens far too often! I was in the ER a few weekends ago and the dr came in and said, I usually see you at a different hospital, are you hospital jumpin? I was stunned!! I told him NO, I switched GI's and my new GI is at this hospital...thats why Im here....not because I want to be. I was in so much pain, and he said I suppose you want pain meds for your presumed condition....Ofcourse Moron...why else would I be here. So he drew labs and things looked fine, he gave me some meds and told me there was nothing obviously wrong with me.....he sent me on my way. I HATE it when drs think your full of it....or because your blood work looks good, everything must be fine. Im glad I have a new GI who isnt going to try and throw useless pills at me....but to get to her, I had to bark loudly and tell them what I wanted done!! And 15 years later and someone if finally listening to DONT be a pushover, sound your voice loud and clear...someone will get the message
happens all the time to me. I started going to a pain clinic because my GI's refuse to find the source of or treat the horrible pain from my crohns. my latest pushes me out of his office after I wait for him for 2 hours, and pay to be seen. People say 'be assertive' but its hard when you have any trust in doctors! I totally feel your pain. sucks
I feel the same, started flaring a while ago, phoned my GI, he did bloodwork, it came back normal. So he gives me mild headache tablets for my pain and pills to prevent cramping without even thinking of udjusting the meds that are supposed to treat the source. It's been 4 days since we spoke and I dont feel ANY better. I feel like running in there and smacking him on the head and screaming HELP ME FOR GODS SAKE!!!!

I hate Doctors.....
Yeah, I've has similar experiences too with doctors not taking me seriously. Just last month, I was drinking prep the night before I had my pill cam. But the prep made me really dehydrated, so I went to urgent care to get IV rehydration. The doctor there was such an idiot, he told me he didn't think I was dehydrated (!) but he would give me IV fluids anyway. He literally said he thought the dehydration was all in my head (!!). Then, he said I probably have IBS or maybe that's all in my head too (!!!). So I explained, very calmly and without being angry, that my symptoms don't match the diagnostic guidelines for IBS, and that I respond to prednisone so I likely do have something autoimmune - but as I was explaining this, he cut me off and said very dismissively, "Well, I don't know any of that stuff, I'm not a gastro doctor" and then he just walked away (!!!!). What a jerk!
I know how you feel, 4peace! I'm not dx'ed yet and it sure sucks when docs aren't seemingly taking you seriously. I hate the way a person can make you feel like it's all in your head OR actually make you worried to say anything for fear that people might think you're drug-seeking! My best advice is to find another doc until you are lucky enough to come across one who you can trust...number 11 was my lucky charm :) Even though I keep getting "normal" results, I know he's still thinking about me at the end of his day to determine what else can be done. Oh and like outlier said, I too don't tell new docs what the others have said...I went to a rhematologist and he said I had fibromyalgia just by pushing on my neck, so when I went for a 2nd opinion, I told the new doc after a long appointment of no answers and she immediately said "ohh yes, I think he's correct, that fits." Ehhh...
Hi 4Peace,

Welcome to this wonderful forum! Yes, I feel your pain. I've been going from one Dr to the next, for this, then that. Now, I request copies of all labs, keep a record of all medications i took/take, dates, Dr. visits - what's going on - what their resolution is, etc.. I have it all together in a report type of deal. Even have an index of documents on the front sheet - which has all my info every new office needs.. copies of the ins card, dr's cards, etc.. the whole shibang!! I've gotten so frustrated lately with the lack of attention you realize you didn't get when the next Dr asks you.. have you done this yet?.. and you say no.. I didn't know I needed that. Seems like the more organized you are and the more records you have of what's going on.. the more they stop and take a few extra minutes to go over things with you.

I hope things get better! Dont give up! And Best Wishes!!
xoxo ~GirlyGirl~
I have experienced the same thing with doctors minimizing and/or not believing my symptoms. It wasn't until I nearly died (severe flare + beginning stages of liver failure + extreme dehydration) that my doctors finally started to take me seriously. Prior to that they kept saying it was the flu, that it was other medication I was on or some other thing altogether.

I really do hope things get better for you and you are able to find a doctor that will listen to you. I would highly recommend trying to be as assertive as possible. Is there a Crohn's and Colitis foundation in your area? If so, it might be worth giving them a call and seeing if they can recommend a doctor to you.
I had this for 15 years! I was mental, neurotic, depressed and suicidal, I wasn't, I was ill with an IBD!
They wanted to cart me off with the men in white coats and had a lobotomy booked! lol
Then I SCREAMED and SCREAMED! They soon made a referral! And hey! Guess wot?
I have Crohns!
Yeah, go ahead, piss them off, get them by the balls, squeeze hard and DEMAND to be noticed! These peeps aren't Gods! They have a certificate to say they went to Uni for a hundred years and can give out prescriptions!
Not tarring them all with the same brush like!
But it craws me deep inside me throat when I read how insensitive and hostile some of them are.
This is our right as ill people! lol
hope you get the determination and assertiveness to take control

PS I have a wonderful new GP who saved my life back in January and phoned an ambulance, he's as rare as rocking horse ****! A true Angel!
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Thank you all for the encouragment. Some of your stories made my jaw drop! This disease is tricky because we don't necessarily "look" like we are sick or in pain. So of course many doctors just dismiss. Because of the pain/sleeping aid addiction in this country it seems as if drs are reluctant to hear you out, but no I am not a pill seeker, I just want to feel a tad normal- by any logical means necessary. Anyways, I'm going to get crackin on being heard! Have a great day all.
I was out at a social event a couple of months ago and a doctor had a horrible chest infection - he refused to take anything for it and was trying to let it heal naturally first when everyone there was suggesting every medication under the sun to him. To him medication was a last resort.

Sometimes they know more than they let on or can legally say, and treat themselves with different methods than their patients, and I think makes them a bit apathetic, righfully or wrongfully so, when someone is complaining about an issue.

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