GI Monitor - app for iPhone and soon Droid

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A review says the app is free to download and was created by an individual who was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis when he was 16.
I use an Android app called MyDay to monitor symptoms, bms, food, medications ect. It cost me a few dollars but I don't know what I would do without it, it's so much more convinient than toting a notepad around with me plus it's password protected so nobody can read it and wonder why the hell I monitor when I go to the toilet hahaha.
If you don't have an qualms about paying for applications on a Droid then I would highly recommend it :D
GI Monitor

Hi all. I developed GI Monitor and I use it daily. We do intend to launch GI Monitor for Android within a week and it wil be free, just like the iPhone, iPad and Blackberry. GI Monitor is also syncs across any device you use. Android users - you can watch the video at our site - WellApps - to see how the app works. Android will have the same exact functionality. When you use any version of GI Monitor, please contact us at the site to give us feedback. I take user feedback very seriously and it helps shape our Dev roadmap. A brief history of why I did this. Pretty simple, really. During my last flare at the beginning of 09, my doc was bombarding me with questions about my symptoms. I realized that I wasn't giving him the best possible answers and I built an iPhone app to track my symptoms. The rest is history. Now i show up to bis office with a simple printed report from the last date I saw him Hope it helps you as much as it's helped me.
Thanks for taking the time to develope the app. and thanks for dropping by to comment on it. I'm looking forward to the droid app. and will be watching the market for it. One of the things i'm interested in tracking is "lot" numbers for biologicals. I got asked for a lot number recently and although i still have it, i was at work. Thanks again! Looking forward to using it!
Oh, I wish I knew this before buying the MyDay app :p I'll also have my eye on the market for it, it looks like a great app :D
Brett - I think Shawne is talking about the tracking numbers for a specific group, or lot of medication that comes out - like a dye lot number for colors.....
Yup, or "batch". You hear the term occasionally when they talk about flu vaccines. If someone has an adverse reaction, the lot number could be used to recall meds. manufactured in the same batch. Kinda like a batch of cookies you may have baked. The lot number could become critical if something went wrong during manufacturing that wasn't caught.
Thanks, Pasobuff. We'll have that covered. :) You can see how the application works by watching the video at WellApps (our site). The video is of the iPhone app, but Android will work the same way. And all apps. sync data in your info. is always available...which is super helpful. Printed reports for physicians will prove very helpful in determining the best possible treatment course. During my last flare, I determined the precise dosage of Predisone at which my symptoms kicked in. From there, it was much easier for my doc and I to figured out the maintenance med that worked to keep my UC in remission. Was much less of a guessing game than it used to be (is it the Predisone or the 6PM or the diet changes?). Had it all tracked and logged. :) As close to an exact science as IBD have ever been for me (has been about 19 years now).
@ Shawne - got it. You can select from standard meds/biologicals - and you can also enter in your own medication - which would include a lot number. By the way - when you first sign up for this forum, do you get a lot of email notifications about the Hi-welcome thread? Couldn't get into any of those, but seems like that's just how it work?
Hrm .. not sure been a little while since i've been on here. Something for one of the moderators or admin. to answer.
Brett, is the dataset you would create on the website the same that would be created from the phone? It's all tied together right?
Hi Shawn - yep. All data logged syncs across all clients in real time. So if you had some pain at 3PM and logged it on the Android App, and then started a new med the next day and put it in online and then asked a question at the doc's and entered it on your iPad....each time your logged into any client, you'd see all the data.
Just letting Droid users know, the app. is out on the market now for us! I just grabbed it this morning. :) Just search for "GI Monitor"

BTW, Thanks a TON Brett for this incredible app.! I'm psyched about trying to get my GI doc on it!
Thanks, Shawn. As an example of how fast things move in the digital found out the app was available in the markertplace before I did! My team released it about 5 minutes ago. We are very excited. Please remember - and tell all of our fellow IBD patients - this app. will continue to evolve and help our cause if we all contribute feedback. I am dedicate to ensuring that this is always the best IBD symptom tracking service on the market, but I can't do that with you. So - "Like" GI Monitor on Facebook and post suggestions on our me personally - but please provide your feedback. If this app/service doesn't work well for us (the patients), it is useless. And please spread the word...there is power in numbers.

@Brett Do you have a preference as far as where you want feedback posted? I ran into something on the droid version where the date wasn't right on the daily log. I entered some things starting at 10:42am .. I didn't notice it, but apparently it thought it was the 22nd instead of the 23rd. After 12pm, it rolled the date to the 23rd. Looks like the clock may be flipped around or something.

Hope this makes sense...
@ Shawn - please use the Contact Us form on - it goes straight to support with me cc'd. Please let us know what phone and OS version you are using. We will get this fixed if its an issue.
This is the first time I've ever wanted something that runs "apps." This is so cool and convenient. I don't suppose they have a version for use on the plain ol' computer...

Edit - I should have checked before I said anything. :p They have an online version. Still, a mobile device would be so much more convenient and discreet.
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@diesanduhr - you are correct. We do have an online version. We are available online, iPhone, iPad, iTouch, Blackberry and Android...and your symptom data will sync in realtime across all platforms so you have it when you need it. :)
I'm installing it now and so excited :D
Thanks so much for developing this app Brett, I can't wait to have a play with it!
Thanks for the note, Nicci. Please be sure to use the "contact us" tab on our site - WellApps - to give us feedback. We are always striving to improve the service. I use it daily.
I've been using GI monitor since my diagnosis in 2009. Thank you very much Brett for developing this app and its quite a pleasure to meet you.
Awesome work Brett. What a great contribution you've made for IBD sufferers.

I've had GI Monitor for quite a while. It is excellent.

Do hang around and become a regular forum contributor. Lots of good advice here.
@misterquin and @GoJohnnyGo - thanks for the notes. I have enjoyed creating this service and watching it evolve with the help of feedback from folks like you. It will continue to get better and better, so keep the feedback coming. Quality of life will continue to improve for IBD sufferers and the data will lead to better treatment.
I'm new to the forum but not new to GI Monitor. I found it for my husband to use starting in summer of 2009. He wasn't remembering to log everything in to the diary that we had built which was very frustrating for me. So I gave him an ipod touch loaded with the app. If he forgot to log things, he didn't get to keep the ipod. He's pretty faithful about it now and it comes in very handy for dealing with all sorts of doctors. When he was just in the hospital this past month, he was giving tutorials to the residents about how useful it is. Most of them couldn't believe he actually knew the exact number of BMs per day and at what time they occurred. Thanks for a great app, Brett.

Thanks so much for the note. GI Monitor will only continue to improve with the help of all our users. We also stay in close contact with phsyicians and researchers to make sure all stakeholders are represented as the service evolves. The goals are simple - reduce periods of active disease and imrpove quality of life. Thanks again to you and all of our patients for their support. The most important thing you can all do is help spread the word about GI Monitor. Like us on Facebook - follow @wellapps on twitter - and let everyone know about this free service. The more patients that use it, the better the service will get for our needs.

Hi, Brett: GI Monitor is great! Re. suggestions -- I would greatly benefit from the option of using a 1-10 scale instead of a mild-moderate-severe rating (I know this can go in the notes section, but my docs prefer 1-10 so I thought I'd toss this idea out there!). Thanks for listening!
Pain - 1-10

@ Kelly

1-10 pain scale has been a subject of continued debate at WellApps - patients, researchers and physicians. We are actively considering an updated pain scale, but we want to have the right use data. Until then - I would ask you to remember the following:

1. When you print or send your report - pain shows up as a mean calculation from 1-10. So your doctor should have a fairly accurate number from the period in between appointments (based on entries of the 3 values).

2. We need to consider ease of use for patients. While 1-10 entry doesn't sound terribly complicated, it could discourage continued daily use. Tapping a single button without thinking about how your pain feels relative to the previous day could prove to be much more useful for patients and docs.

3. Pain is all about quality-of-life from a patient's perspective. Your doctor wants to make sure your pain is manageable. I like to think of my pain as follows:

1. None - no pain
2. Medium - pain, nut manageable
3. High - Need to take action to fix this. Has a significant impact on my daily life.

Please understand that I am not suggesting that a 1-10 scale for daily input is a bad idea. It may, in fact, be the right way to do. It is just not as clear cut a decision as one might think (and many docs agree). I would be interested in hearing opinions from this forum - bott patients and their docs. Also feel free to contact us through our site -

Rest assured that we are monitoring user behavior and trying to make decisions that help the patient/doc communication chain. Our goals are simple - reduced periods of active disease and improved quality of life.

"Know Yourself Well"

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