Has anyone even given up all sugar in general?
Sort of :ysmile:
I have given up most refined white sugar and foods that contain added sugar:
(i.e.) packaged cereals, chocolate, cakes, cookies, biscuits, doughnuts, pastries, yogurts, breads, bottled juices, sodas, tinned food, packaged microwave meals, and so on.
Quite amazing really since I was addicted to sugary foods for years. When I was a child, I had 4 - 6 teaspoons of white sugar on already sugared cereals and about 6 - 8 teaspoons in my tea. Of course my Mum did not know - I sneaked it in behind her back. And as a teenager I ate about 5 bars of chocolate a day - every day. Despite that, I was actually stick thin (maybe I was malnourished!) but I did run around a lot, so probably exercised it all off.
But after I started to drink homemade raw vegetable juices (particularly green juices) and started to do periodic juice cleanses, I just lost the taste or craving for sugar. Nowadays I find a bar of chocolate sickly sweet and I can hardly bear to eat it.
I do however eat fruit. Fruit is healthy because it contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Fruit sugar is completely different to the white refined sugar that covers a doughnut.
As a refined sugar substitute in cakes, I will use date paste, coconut nectar syrup, honey or coconut sugar. But I very rarely make cakes these days for myself - in fact it has been years since I last did this.
When I was first diagnosed with UC, I could barely eat many fruits (apart from ripe bananas) and I thought I was suffering from fructose malabsorption. But as time has gone on, I have been able to increase my fruit intake to several pieces a day now sometimes.
I don't eat much cooked fruit; as I find it too acidic. I stick to raw fruit as it is more alkalising and cleansing.
If you want to give up fruit, then maybe just try ripe bananas before you do, as they are recommended by:
You could also try recipes at:
It takes quite a while to break an addition to sugar - but if I can do it, then ANYONE can!